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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. yo, where dem jap watmms at? is it an a? a b? or new altogeths? oooh...
  2. yeah especially the first 10 minutes are among my fav. and those are really all but atonal, you gotta concentrate on those subdued female choirs humming somewhere in da bg, it's harmonically laid out yo. apart from that the groove fucks with a running start.
  3. makes me super curious on which version they'll elaborate this year... if any rly: didn't sean say they're stitting on 6 hours worth of live set stuff or something? also is it just me or is his visualizer tune sprinkled in these here n there? i mean this one:
  4. switching from venlafaxine to b rn. was taking the v for the better of 3 years and was actually quite content with its effects, but after some long intimacy hiatus i noticed my libido had become practically nonexistant. dunno. had a few days like on amphetamines but coming down quick and hard rn. statelessness. anyone experiences when shit's gonna stabilize if ever. also, how are you?
  5. Absolutely! Those differently tuned, 'cough-like' snares, right?
  6. london b 20.00++ gives me dial vibes. proper fuck.
  7. and here i am thinking the clanky part +addendum in london a might be the best iterarion of the lot. these are all so damn good in their own right. bergen features that sleazy slow hop stuff towards the end that's in london b, too somewhere in the first 3rd. and yup, being baked helps. pls.
  8. Athens' extended outro is well appreciated tho. Ears, they're washable. This fucks.
  9. yeah, amazing set. falls somewhere right in the middle of 14's full frontal dance assault and 16's psychedelia imo. not gonna rank these (yet...), but yeah, somehow the later versions (bergen/turin) seem a tad more restrained, which actually helps in terms of dynamics. like, i think, around helsinki they start turning "pads" completely off when that clanky part comes in around the 40 min mark, just to let them resurface slowly, great dramatic effect. and yo, don't even get me started on the b side, that final droney hip hop part is quite something, innit? the sound of determination.
  10. yeah, ian rly went the gaussian extra mile.
  11. fucking finally!
  12. Yo, what's your user name? What char(s) do you play? Man Rashit is so blatantly p2w... and mere days before evo lol.
  13. cheers mate! done by yours truly. B)
  14. hush, those beans don't blur themselves!
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