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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. dafuq... the upper right corner is the cover of "into the pandemonium" from celtic frost, never noticed before XP... um yeah. i like this photograph by fabrice fouillet (main credit should probably go to the architect tho):
  2. Nice one this is excellent, got all nostalgic for Japan. And the picture quality! Lushness in overdrive. yes, this actually really wonderful, thanks for sharing!
  3. Same here. Just listened to LP5 the other day (u know, as a break from the sessions) and goddammn I love that album to bits. Imho it remains the best the 'chre have ever done in channeling the raw feels through their sound. Unbelievable that it turns 20 later this year and itll probably go unnoticed *cough boc cough* yeah LP5 was my introduction to ae, too (and still at the top in my estimation). fuck man, now that you mention it... 20 years. wow.
  4. it's a good one. it follows six of eight well. it follows xflood tho... well. edit: yeah great track, quite a meticulous one.
  5. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    I don't even know what that means. "give-ins" isnt really the correct choice of words. a better one would be "taken as read" but he explained it in another comment so doesnt rly matter 2 much now givens.
  6. we shall see about that! ^meaning: best of NTSes and best track overall. GÖ!
  7. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    the sequence of pendulu casual to freulaeux is one of the most intense musical journeys i know, be it from ae's discography or in general. special mention goes to spaces how which is pure magic. so many other hits tho... 13x0 step got its own thread from yours truly. mesh is so good it's unereaL. acdwn2 an obvious banger. surprised curvcaten and chimer don't get mentioned more often. in a perfect world those two could spawn whole new genres.
  8. yeah i'm afraid i drew similar conclusions... BUT: then again there is c16 deep tread on elseq despite being featured on every iteration of AE_LIVE before, so all hope is not lost!
  9. frane and column do feature beats as clear as day imo. and shrimp still has quite an obvious pulse going on despite the lack of actual percussion (might be me filling the blanks in my head tho since i heard the onesix version a gazillion times). anyway even a lack of beat still doesn't make an ambient track but apparently everyone got his / her own definition of the term so i'm hereby stopping to bother.
  10. +1 on that. lots of elseq is so tight it's almost suffocating, weirdly claustrophobic despite loads of reverb, tho i feel that kinda helps it define a very distinct vibe, appreciate it. but the dynamics on NTS certainly are refreshing.
  11. You could do if you wanted, you'd be entirely wrong, but you could. k i'm lost.
  12. Conversely to my ears I would say NTS4 is that ambient (in the traditional sense of the word) but then what isn't. might as well call xylin room ambient. dunno. whatevs. i remember them talking about the term in context of the onesix set and how they didn't actually go for it but they'd understand why ppl would call it that so there. semantics.
  13. hey check it out this autechrian thing of holding a note for an hour with lots of reverb really seems to catch on already: this one is even *drum roll* TWO HOURS!! next level!!
  14. not really but if you make you own playlist with all the ambient tracks of nts 1-4 you get pretty drony/ambient record yeah but only because one of them makes up 50% of the whole thing XP
  15. except mirrage and all end it's not really that ambient tho is it? at least in the traditional sense of the word...
  16. ... to match vletrmx... reduces basinski to a pygmy... definitive experience... ppl i am happy for u but u out of ur minds yo. ___ looking over this playlist of all NTSes is almost a bit daunting. hard to grasp the mountains and seas of goodness down there. think it'll be hard not to intepret em as seperate entities tho, if only for the way they were released with those weekly gaps. i also can't decide how it compares to elseq at all yet. i only know the high points are some of the highest of their career and yeah i expressed a similar notion earlier like in the review above (which is deece but also making it even more obvious that NTS was ready much earlier than the broadcasts) that in retrospect all of their recent work feels like it lead up to this. we need a best of NTS4 poll and then a poll to poll all NTS polls!
  17. no doubt!! y'know what? fuck me! they obviously sat on loads of shit your common watmmer would crap their pants over (onesix, probably still loads from back in the day) but they decided to loop dat fucking end of bladelores and make it the grand finale instead because they loved the idea and they did it. that being said: 2 is the one, still.
  18. sure go ahead, easy one :) actually i'd like to take that back. column and shrimp are quite head-to-head.
  19. you mean looking back in 2020 when they release a 16 hour set only played once in joyrex basement. ear witnesses will tell it's a single 16 hour loop of just the hi hat from eidetic casein. k i'll stop now.
  20. aaand it's over. around half way through there was a crucial point when some serious fatigue set in but if you push through it'll soon make way for a pleasant stupor and you're eventually rewarded with some serious swellin. pretty fucking decent experience overall (still lazy tho :P).
  21. lol yeah having pretty much the exact same experience as i type. 44 min the swell is real.
  22. 35 min, somehow starting to hear cantus in memoriam benjamin britten in there... i am glad i am high right now. sure go ahead, easy one :)
  23. lol ... yeah it's opening up quite nicely on headphones right now, at least there are permanent subtle shifts in intensity and the drones / bass vary quite a little. it's actually hard not to improvise yourself some phantom melodies to your inner hear while listening, to the point it becomes hard to tell which is which. 13 min in... edit: the shrimp is a monster. might end up liking 4 more overall than 3.
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