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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. NBC is saying around 400,000 votes in AZ, Biden up by about 80,000. They're not calling it because the main county where the ballots are coming from was basically 55/45 for Trump in 2016.
  2. Hey now, Ohio does kind of suck, but it's really not their fault. 99.9% of the people there were born and raised there and will die there because the mentality is that things are too shitty since the steel industry left that you just go to school and work at the factory where your dad worked. Seriously this is what 75% of my dad and his bothers did, ended up working at the factory where their dad worked. When I had to leave because there were no jobs for a person with a PhD in ChemE, a lot of my family couldn't process why I was leaving.
  3. Most important lesson I've learned, don't try to apply logic when analyzing their behavior. I'm celebrating Michigan going to Biden with a Founders:
  4. I'm from Ohio, and there's not much else lol. Cedar Point is awesome, btw. Nelson Ledges park in eastern Ohio is nice
  5. Could this possibly be the first time a president wins the election without winning Florida & Ohio, and needing PA?
  6. I've been listening to GYBE and especially silver mt. zion all day; it gives a nice mix of hope & despair.
  7. If you look at the way Maine is split up, I think they try to do it based on population. Most of the residents in Maine live on the southern coast, and that section is worth 1 electoral college vote, whereas the rest is worth 2.
  8. I would say this is much more true for Republicans than Democrats. Only guessing but I'll bet that in 2016 there were many more people who didn't necessarily like Trump but voted for him just cuz he was the Republican candidate (or for guns and/or religion), where a lot of the Democrats who didn't like Hillary either didn't vote or wrote somebody in. It's an unfortunate side effect of having one party who is generally more educated, enlightened, and engaged vs. uneducated & easily persuaded.
  9. I also saw that the majority of the mail-in ballots in NV are from the only two counties that are for Biden (the counties with large cities).
  10. This is a rollercoaster of emotions for me, tbh. I gotta stop checking in every 5 minutes.
  11. Not feeling too good about the potential outcomes. Betting on getting all those four states through recounts and challenges is a tough get.
  12. Personally, for my own sanity I'm going to ignore all the noise and not check in until at least tomorrow morning.
  13. He has creativeness and a certain kind of intelligence, but they're ALWAYS directed at enhancing his own "brand". IMO it's not that he doesn't have those things, he just doesn't have the capacity or will to focus his energy on anything other than himself which I think is why Republicans (I declare them the party of selfishness) identify with him so much.
  14. I think if Trump wins you'll see exactly what happened for the month after George Floyd, lots of mostly peaceful protests and some violence instigated by general hooligans on both sides. I think if Trump loses, what we'll see depends on how badly he loses. If there's no doubt he lost, I am hoping there will only be isolated pockets of violence, probably in battleground states, that will die down quickly. If it's close and Trump loses, holy shit, I think there will be an endless cacophony of shit in the media and in the streets. If Trump does lose, I am expecting some sort of shenanigans at Biden's inauguration when Trump has to literally and figuratively hand over power.
  15. I was just reading up on who is allowed to vote in the US... Resident aliens, felons, and people who are mentally incapacitated are not allowed to vote. I'd love for someone to make an official argument that believing all the Q shit and Trump's lies and BS qualifies as a form of mental incapacitation.
  16. https://www.thedailybeast.com/biden-camp-cancels-austin-texas-event-after-pro-trump-ambush-on-campaign-bus?fbclid=IwAR1zNSIyLjSBnT4p-shYtKvm6PKNHwmJZUBHOiMkoDkZl8N6LKxFMbe8fUs
  17. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/captive-black-leopard-mauls-man-florida-zoo/
  18. For some reason I can't click into the GGW room on the other link posted at the top of this page.
  19. Seems like you can't find it without "cheating" a bit.
  20. I think we're just as stupid as we've always been, but the internet has facilitated easy assembly of stupids, weaponizing our collective stupidity.
  21. Exactly, and unlike cancer and many other diseases and disorders, we know how to 100% prevent catching this one so why not do your part.
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