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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. Wow that's a great argument. Nobody around me is dying of hunger or cancer or war either, so I guess those problems are overblown, too.
  2. I'm actually watching it on Univision, dubbed in Spanish. And I don't understand Spanish. It's quite a bit more entertaining.
  3. It's too dark outside to see anything right now, but the window's back there.
  4. Is the burger reaction like a "here, have a burger", or more like the old-school "I'm not even going to fix that burger"?
  5. Seems that they are going to turn in the ballots, not destroy them; their aim was to make it easier for (primarily) Republicans to cast their vote.
  6. My mail in ballot came in the mail a few days ago. Going to fill it out and drop it off at the drop box by my local town hall.
  7. My first thought was pink eye from an expertly-placed cumshot by big T a few nights earlier.
  8. I believe it's a lot of this, and in the past with Republicans it used to be dominated by gun rights, anti-abortion, and evangelical people who would vote the Republican ticket no matter what. However, Trump was able to mobilize a lot of the racist / populist and all around nasty people who would've just voted for anything against the Dems but didn't have a racist enough candidate to mobilize them to get out and participate in the political process.
  9. Check out Jonsi & Alex's "Riceboy Sleeps" if you haven't already.
  10. I think a lot of the perceived dementia talk comes from how he appears when using the tools he has developed to cope with his stammer. I struggle with that myself and thus am very acutely aware of what he's doing and can recognize it from a mile away. The relaxed and constant facial expressions, the muttering softly to start a sentence, spending a few extra moments searching for the easiest way to speak a sentence... It would be very hard for him to freestyle what he's feeling into words in any moment. It's actually extremely frustrating and stressful to not be able to express yourself that way sometimes, so I give him lots of credit for that.
  11. I don't see it as Trump bullying, this is the only mode he has. Biden's really not that bad. Sure he's not very articulate but that's probably due to his stammer. I don't necessarily want a verbose, dude-you-wanna-have-a-beer-with guy in office if he's gonna accelerate the drone strike program and kill lots of innocent people, for example.
  12. This is hard to watch. Such childish bickering. Is this what the Republicans have sunk us into forever?
  13. This should be the platform Biden should run on. He should tell everyone to NOT cut their dicks off. Conservatives would go all FUUUU and cut their dicks off, thus cleaning up the future gene pool a little bit.
  14. Why do you think that is? It's because the media knows they can get clicks on that headline. Many more clicks than a headline like "Keep Calm, Everyone, It May Take a Few Weeks to Count All of the Votes". It's all about the $$$, even at the expense of our civilization.
  15. There's your problem. I keep going back to my theory that the base motivation for most Republicans/conservatives is selfishness and the base motivation for most Democrats/liberals is selflessness. When one side is selfish as hell and the other side says hey guys why aren't you respecting the system, this will keep on happening.
  16. And then having a 1990s CD burning software named after him
  17. Damn, looks good. It's really interesting, in the past year I've found that I've really started to dislike stouts and like IPAs, whereas I used to hate IPAs and like stouts in the past. Weather is cooling off here, and I'm looking forward to drinking some more of my cold weather favorites, e.g., Belgian strong dark ales.
  18. There are plenty of R shitbags in Congress who have been empowered by him, and I'm afraid that if orange blob loses they'll try to usher in someone similar in the next election cycle while shouting and pitching fits for four years lest we forget about them or try to marginalize them. I have a feeling that most of these crazies we're seeing at Trump rallies are people who never used to vote because there weren't candidates racist / stupid / populist enough to suit them. Trump was able to mobilize these people into voting and I think that's a big reason of why he won. I am hoping that if we get even a moderate blue wave and things die down a little, these people will crawl back into their homes and bemoan the system from afar without actively participating, leaving the voting pool to the mostly responsible people on both sides. However, that will partially depend on what sort of media connections and groups they've made in the past four years and how long that continues in the future.
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