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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. Classy. Was talking with a neighbor who's selling his house the other day (he's got a Trump sticker on his pickup). He was telling me that he won't sell it to certain "minorities" (he danced around that word) because they always stuff multiple families in houses and drive down the property values. My wife then told a nice story about how she spent her life from birth to 4 in a small house with her extended family living there also after they emigrated from El Salvador, and how her aunt is now a millionaire and retired at 50. He quickly changed the subject.
  2. If that's not a Mitch Hedberg joke, it should be.
  3. Exactly this. Journalism (at least in the US) isn't true impartial journalism anymore, the focus is on ratings and making money instead of impartially reporting facts and uncovering stories. I don't see anything in the near future that will make this change. Everyone here loves watching their "team's" news and reveling in the spin presented to them of their team winning and the other team losing. What's the situation in the EU, is it as bad as it has become in the US?
  4. I did drink the whole 750 mL over five hours.
  5. At a friend's house for a socially-distant cookout, got to crack open this baby. It's so spectacular on a hot afternoon. I tried to share but my friends were not fans, which was surprising because one is German and one is Belgian.
  6. What you're talking about isn't science, it's the application of scientific discoveries (nuclear power vs. the nuclear bomb), or the appropriation of funds. The actual research itself (if done by the scientific method with no other motives) and the knowledge it uncovers doesn't care how you use it or who funded it. It's simply hard facts that we uncover.
  7. Maybe this has been Trump's plan to get Mexico to build the wall.
  8. There really should be no "interpretation" of science. It's just that we don't have a complete dataset and as such we have to extrapolate. That's where biases can skew extrapolations and it's why the peer-review process for publication is so important. This situation is moving so quickly that we don't have time for that process and thus you get everybody giving their opinion based on a small view of the whole picture.
  9. Their defense is that they weren't sure how credible the intel was, which I can understand. I wouldn't want half-baked intel this inflammatory on the president's desk unless I was sure it was legit. NYT seems to have dug into it a bit but they could've just published it to hurt big T. With something this serious, I would want to know whether or not it's credible before I form an opinion.
  10. If you're trying to convert a Trump supporter, this is useless. They'll just see it as another reason they like him, they can relate to him on an intellectual level.
  11. Yeah I'm familiar with kriek, especially because I love cherries. My wife loves Kasteel Rouge, but I think it's a little too sweet for my taste. Lindemann's does make a great kriek, I love their "Oude Kriek Cuvée René". I do love the oude gueze from Boon. I actually have a bottle of "Boon Oude Geuze Mariage Parfait" in my cellar that has been waiting for the right occasion. Lindemann's "Oude Gueuze Cuvée René" is my go-to and I think is perhaps the best quality to price ratio that I've found from the selections that are available around here. Have you tried Hanssens Artisanaal Oude Geuze? It's pretty hardcore, not for the faint of heart, but still decent and more on the sharp / sour / funky side. IIRC, Hanssens buys the leftovers from other lambic breweries like Lindemanns and lets it sit and makes other lambics and guezes out of it. Some of their other offerings are even more sour and funky, too much so to my taste. I tried the Oudbeitje and almost vomited, I couldn't finish it. Unfortunately, I bought two bottles, so one has been sitting in my cellar for 2 years. I'm hoping it mellows out, but it's got a loooonnngg way to go. It's funny to read some of the reviews of this lambic.
  12. The Faro is a lambic with brown sugar added I think, supposedly it was a more traditional style in the past, but it's definitely separate from a gueze. Just making a suggestion that people who like geuze will probably also like lambic and they should try this relatively rare type of lambic.
  13. Hell yes, couldn't agree more. Just before the lockdown I went to my local beer store and was pissed that they were out of Orval; I was hoping to stock up. Went back recently and they had some, but it is very fresh and I need to let it age for a bit in my basement to mature. It's so hard to resist cracking one open. Regarding geuze, I think it's my favorite style if I had to pick one. Similar in style, I recommend Lindemann's Faro lambic, if anyone has yet to try it.
  14. what's the deal with chuck todd? sorry, i've been uninformed as of late.
  15. Even the more traditional conservative behaviors I am starting to see as serving one's self more than others. Don't get me wrong, we need a balance of ideologies to have a healthy society, but let's start calling it what it is.
  16. Most people in NJ are still wearing masks everywhere. It's all the fuckwads from the spiking red states coming up here that I'm worried about. Regarding the broken logic of conservatives, I'm starting to see "conservatives" and "liberals", or republicans and democrats in a different way, where it all boils down to if you care for others more than yourself. Conservatives care for themselves more than others and liberals care for others more than themselves. Only a selfish mindset would cause someone to refuse to wear a mask. Their argument is always, "if I get it, I get it, big deal." But it's not about you, is it, asshole? It's about stopping the spread so that someone less healthy than you can keep living. It's probably an oversimplification, but I'm starting to see all conservative behavior as just motivated by selfishness.
  17. Yeah that's how far the bar has been lowered. I thought we bottomed out with puppet dummy W. Bush, but obviously the GOP are willing to drag this country into oblivion.
  18. That's the American way, go big or go home.
  19. Plus, because of the size and heterogeneity of the US, some regions will only be hitting their first wave at the same time others hit the second wave. The lagging states are re-opening because they see the states that are over the hump of the first wave reopening, but they themselves aren't even through their first wave yet. edit: re: calculating the overall European death rate, just multiply each death rate by each country's total population to give you the total deaths per country, add all those number together to get total deaths in Europe, then divide that number by millions of people in Europe to get the deaths per million.
  20. "Like a sausage or a snake, smooth and soft" sounds to me like an Underworld lyric.
  21. Haha nice, I remember that step! I like the rollercoaster, too, and a lot of the fairground sets that they've come out with. I also really like the "Mixer" and how it folds into the bed of its trailer.
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