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Everything posted by Hoodie

  1. finished transmetropolitan last week. i love all the little details in that comic... i finished maus yesterday night. the last page made the tears flow.
  2. i'm not impressed with plague. it seems like a shitty attempt at witch house. i don't see why ethan is trying that when his own style is so original and good.
  3. if you're under 20, it's probably not a bad idea to wait until at least your mid 20s. They say the human brain isn't fully formed until age 25. Having your identity or ego obliterated/shattered into a million pieces before you've established your own identity is not recommended. not all psychedelics shatter your ego. even then, the dosage really matters. sub-treshhold doses of dmt are safe in terms of the ego, imo.
  4. drugs are for losers who can't handle reality.
  5. you mean the prime directive
  6. i think various aliens have detected us but we're too primitive and belligerent for them to want to make contact with us.
  7. it is just me or does the beginning of "discipline" sound a lot like the beginning of "vicarious"?
  8. dick cheney let 9/11 happen
  9. avatar would've been great if the navi looked like this dude. in fact, i would like to see a remake of avatar with the navi being made to look like this guy. it would quickly morph into some obscene surrealist horror when what's his face wakes up in the body of winged spore beast and proceeds to fall in love with another spore beast.
  10. i don't see how he got back to the ship as a zombie when he couldn't even navigate those tunnels as a rational human being. i guess he maybe got super smell and followed the trail the crew left when they exited.
  11. i don't want answers neatly wrapped in a box. i just want supposedly human characters to act like real humans would in a similar situation. but wait! maybe that's actually a CLUE to the real meaning of the film! maybe the "humans" are all androids and that's why they're gloriously retarded. maybe the entire setting of the movie is a lie crafted by david. maybe everything in the film takes place in a computer projection run by david as they're traveling to the planet, but he didn't have enough processing power to make AI that could pass for human (it was a trade-off for the pretty graphics), so all the "characters" are one-dimensional twats. david is the hero of the story (naturally). even dream-weyland says david is like a son to him. maybe it's an allegory for pinocchio. or maybe the movie was a combined failure of writers, directors and actors. idk, i think the computer simulation theory is the most plausible imo.
  12. maybe prometheus actually is a statement on sci-fi/horror movies and their cliche human incompetence, as without david they would've all died without discovering anything. david found the ship, found the alien, found the goo room, found the holograph recording, found the alien fetus, saved noomi's ass from mr big alien, and found the second ship. the humans pretty much did nothing except for die.
  13. Except that a "phallus" penetrates that one guy's mouth in Alien, so it's not like it hasn't been done before. And the alien's head was a giant dick, that too. edit: honestly, give me a movie and i'll show you how it's about sexuality/feminism/capitalism/communism/religion/the soul/whatever you want.
  14. maybe the engineers and the xenomorphs are fighting a war and the engineers made the humans while the xenomorphs made the aliens. the engineers were mass producing black goo (they derived from the xenomorph's superior dna) to transform humans into the ultimate army. edit: or maybe the xenomorphs are their females.
  15. from how his hands & neck blend into the armor, i assume they initially were going to make the engineers have exoskeletons. wonder why they changed their minds. also why are the engineers giant space men and not giant space babes? they could've amped up the maternal imagery if they made them look more feminine. then it would've been extra surprising when it started kicking ass.
  16. whenever aliens look like humans, i always assume that convergent evolution is implied (which is pretty smug, saying that the human form is the pinnacle of evolution, but w/e).
  17. hannibal lecter makes a cameo as a murderous replicant who eats other replicants. he was being shipped to an ultrareligious prison planet under the supervision of deckard before their ship fell into a wormhole and crashed onto the space jockey planet. when they meet up with shaw, there is tension with david, who thinks hannibal wants to eat him. this occurs through a series of witty scenes as the four survivors wander through the barren alien landscape, looking for the space jockey city. once they reach the city, they find out that the space jockeys want to wipe out humans because they think humans are genetically programmed to be violent killing machines and the jockeys are afraid of humans turning against their creators. after learning this, the humans and replicants go on the run in a dramatic chase scene with plenty of obstacles and close-calls. with a bit of bad luck, hannibal gets infected with black goo and turns into a cannibalistic alien-cyborg, becoming the only hope for the humanity's survival as the space jockeys' weakness is the alien lifeform, as seen in prometheus when their only weakness is the alien lifeform. however, david's new found emotions and "soul" (which are revealed in a touching scene in the desert where he has a heart-to-heart with shaw about her faith) make him unable to trust hannibal and he betrays the humans to the jockeys for their own good, acting like a judas figure (or maybe he's just a secret asshole). the jockeys transform david into another alien-cyborg and he fights hannibal on the top of the space ship that shaw and deckard have somehow commandeered in order to return to earth. all through out the movie, a romance has bloomed between shaw and deckard and we see the culmination of this as deckard must go outside the space ship to activate the relay that allows them to safely navigate the wormhole back to earth. deckard leaves the ship in an emotional moment with shaw, saying "i'll be back." cut to the outside of the ship, where hannibal has thrown david off the ship and deckard goes to comfort him as he dies where we learn hannibal has learned the true value of friendship through his time with deckard. suddenly, david climbs back to the top of the ship and deckard must fix the relay antenna before it is too late, while dodging attacks from the violent cyborg. as deckard runs away, hannibal uses his last bit of strength to fling himself off the ship with david. deckard fixes the relay and goes back into the ship, reuniting with shaw in a display of passion. as they set course for the wormhole, they find out they have a stowaway--the black goo has fused hannibal and david's corpses to make a super-uber-alien. this forces deckard to open the airlock to get rid of the super alien, however he is also pulled out of the ship and only shaw's grasp is holding him onto the ship. she shouts, "i'll never let go!" and deckard says, "i know." he lets go and hits the "close airlock" button conveniently placed near end of the airlock and it saves shaw. the movie ends with shaw in stasis and the pod showing that there are two occupants....... it appears her abortion didn't work as well as she thought, setting up the sequel prom3th3us.
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