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Everything posted by Hoodie

  1. yeah, you should do online dating
  2. cool is bunk is 100% a vhs head song. escape from southside has a lot of influence as well. i haven't gotten into the second half of the release as much, but i will update y'all to my theories.
  3. i really like meat bingo. i can see the similarities with vhs head, but i think it's more possible that they're just influenced by each other. vhs head is darker and more chaotic, imo.
  4. Well, colour me interested - what song(s) were they purported having stole from? I personally don't buy into any of the media hype/"interviews" with these artists because unless you actually meet them for yourselves, I reserve judgement as much as possible. Personally I could care less about CC as people (they seem like a couple of weirdos), but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying their music. it's a couple of B-sides, like insectica. they took the chiptune track and had alice sing over it. iirc they eventually gave credit to the chiptune artists (unlike timbaland, which i was righteously pissed off at), so i don't think it's as big of a deal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Castles_(band)#Copyright_disputes you guys are overreacting imo.
  5. new album is good. it's not as good as (II), which is one of my favorite albums, but it's still intense. the songs are a bit too short.
  6. my lips are dry but i don't like this flavor of chapstick
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_salad my aunt made it with potatoes, carrots, peas, pickles, eggs, and smoked salmon. delicious
  8. billions of people on this planet and yet i still feel lonely.
  9. free real estate *shrug*
  10. now think about ur dad i wanna meet that dad
  11. Should be legal to share educational stuff. Heck in the Class page someone uploaded the PDF version of the book lol. well, i just say cause many colleges actively search for students posting class material on the internet. they get really serious about that shit. how would they even know who he is, fo real
  12. most of these don't affect people in developed nations so very little will be done about them.
  13. i really love the moon but it's so difficult to get good pics when all you have is an iphone camera. this is the only one that ever came out satisfactory.
  14. i got a tablet because i've been wanting to learn how to draw. i've started out by practicing how to use photoshop brushes and color mixing by tracing over pictures. i think this one came out pretty well:
  15. i like miller high life. erm wait, wrong thread.
  16. tracklist out: ‎(III) 01 Plague 02 Kerosene 03 Wrath of God 04 Affection 05 Pale Flesh 06 Sad Eyes 07 Insulin 08 Transgender 09 Violent Youth 10 Telepath 11 Mercenary 12 Child I Will Hurt You
  17. that kinda disappoints me. he said he was done with the series :/
  18. i don't think you're an asshole. i get moody when i'm doing chores and i don't like it when people stand there watching me do something i hate because it's like if you have the time to stand around and talk to me why aren't you doing these chores.
  19. i can't remember the last time i woke up and felt ok about being awake.
  20. that japanese treatment sounds similar to cognitive behavioral therapy, which is pretty much the best long-term treatment for depression. i strongly disagree about blaming the patient, though. that's a great way to get people to stop listening to you. i wonder if this "aggressive" treatment has anything to do with how high the suicide rate is in japan.
  21. i've felt crap like this in response to depression in people who are close to me (and i'm very ashamed to have done that) and it has made me realize that, in the end, this sort of attitude just makes it worse for them. you're trying to rationalize their behavior and emotions but it's impossible to rationalize something that comes from an irrational place. remember, depression is a disease. it's on the same level of things like schizophrenia, body dysmorphia,or anxiety. it's not something that you can just use logic to get out of--however, just because it's illogical doesn't mean that the feelings it brings on aren't real. think about a time you were really depressed. like, maybe your girlfriend cheated and broke up with you or you got fired because you fucked up at work. then imagine feeling that way every day with no discernible reason. your dad didn't make a conscious decision to be depressed and you can't treat him like he did. it's not his fault at all. i'm sure he doesn't want to feel that way.
  22. nope, it was kind ass bud, everyone else smoking it was a-oh-kay high off their tits, but i was freaking out in the corner. i smoked a lot for about 6 years (as in, the longest i went without weed for 6 years was maybe two weeks) but the more i smoked the more it got to the point where it would just make me go inward, which then made me freak the fuck out. now i can't really touch the stuff. someone posted in the anxiety thread a study about how using weed a lot as a teen can lead to massive anxiety in one's late 20s and welp, hello late 20s, hello anxiety. also the reason i smoked so much was self-medication and i'm frankly much better off now (on brain drugs and in therapy) than i was then. the study didn't say that smoking weed as a teen leads to anxiety in your 20s. the study found that people who used marijuana as teenagers tend to have anxiety in their late twenties. while what you said could be the reason for the correlation, another interpretation is that teens who already have anxiety use weed to cope with it.
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