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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69

  1. I'm getting some nice weird sounds out of this. It's almost a complete cacophony at the moment though, because I'm trying to exploit all of the automation, and also figuring out what I *can't* do with it, such as automate the arpeggio speed, and a few other parameters. I did end up settling into a nice industrial tech beat today though, which may turn into something interesting. I love how certain tracks can be excluded from the tape track and master track, and that the tape track can be further sent to the effects tracks. I'm sure that'd have to open it up to the possibility of some interesting feedback happening..


    At first, almost every time I play with it, my tracks just sound like early 00s Nautilis or something.. which is not by any means a bad thing, but it's just funny how I fall into that pretty much every time. It gets weird quickly though when applying odd-length tape / performance / master chord tracks though.


    I've also encountered some bugs that are difficult to replicate. The most annoying one is that sometimes the buttons will double trigger, which means sometimes when trying to copy a trig, it instead just turns it off and on again super quickly, as well as some other things. It's often hard to tell what's happening because I don't see the LED under my finger.


    I believe you can automate the arpeggiator speed. Or at least in the latest firmware it's possible. I've done it a bit already because it sounds rad (and the octatrack cannot do it so I'm making up for lost time).


    Pretty cool how the microtiming in conjunction with quantization and longer step-lengths let you get into a better resolution than just the 16 steps. I almost LIKE the fact that it limits you to 16 steps because it forces you to get out of your comfort zone and think about adding variation in a different way. Step components, especially sparks, become super powerful in this regard.

  2. Ok! Ill buy the octatrack but can someone just tell me if i do is there a chance i could release a record on a known label? Just be straight up with me... Is there a chance?!


    Of course there is, It's not the tool it's the musician. I'm going to say one thing though, it's not going to be the deciding difference and it might even hinder you from making what you want to make.


    I am a HEAVY octatrack user, but I feel like the more I tend to get down in the weeds with the OT, the less prolific I am.

  3. Re : OP-Z integration within a studio. Finally tried to control the MS20 with it and it works great.


    The only problem is that I can only use the kick track to send MIDI to the MS20 but it's a specific issue with that particular synth.


    I can't wait to jam with that setup. I'll just put kick samples on the sample track and voilà!!


    My favorite sequencer for the MS-20 is the analog four

  4. Ended up picking up one of these stupid little fuckers. I love it so far. It's basically an elektron box that is super portable that has super limited synth engines but it doesn't really matter because you can add so much variety through sequencing. Parameter locks + step components/spark + sequence length settings + microtiming on polyphony (to make faux-longer than 16-step patterns), + master track sequencing/transposing + tape track sequencing + punch effects. Oh also you can make a tape-stop fx by using the tape track and messing with the little rubber pitch-bend pad. What else.... yeah there are just so many possibilities with this thing. I find it a little daunting to make your own chromatic sample sounds. Hope they add an engine for that. Hoping the midi add-on comes soon too, I don't want to mess with getting a USB hub but I will if I have to. Pattern chains and mute-groups add to the performance capabilities to this thing + the built in microphone and ability to use a headset microphone. Also hoping they add some way to sample into it... who knows, super stoked to see what updates we get from TE.

  5. I'm looking at that GR-1 but it feels like a jumping the shark moment when I could get a new laptop , run some granular synths/samplers and get a controller for that cash .


    But , it does look neat. And I am lazy . And would probably never program a granular synth in max. And if I had a laptop would just end up procrastinating instead


    I find myself more and more not really liking the "granular" paradigm. More and more I'd rather just use samplers to do faux-granular stuff. I'd rather spend the money on a used octatrack MK1 and just be able to put on some timestretch(or not) and put on some combinations of LFOs, parameter locks, and slide trigs that modulate retrigger times, start times, lengths. I can't really get that super dense cloud of sound grains sound but I can get pretty close and get all the sounds I really want + some good filtering and some good reverbs. And if you really want that cloud of grains sound you can throw in an axoloti and do it yourself for way cheaper than $1000 for not much effort. That GR-1 looks kind of meh to me, it's powered by a raspberry pi and the build quality doesn't look that great to me. The screen is neat but besides that I just, it doesn't seem that nice otherwise.

  6. this is one of my favorite albums a few years back and I just rediscovered it.... I think it's one of univers zero's lesser known albums but I find it very good. Also the cover art of the album is incredible



    I also like their album Ceux du dehors


    I've decided that virt's fx4 is one of the best electronic albums ever made. I know some don't take chiptune seriously as an electronic genre but virt has more technical finesse w/ a tracker than most of your so called "IDM heroes", better melodic structure and solo lines than squarepusher. prove me wrong


    Normally with you on your opinions but that one hurts my ears.



    It's a bit chaotic... Maybe check out his soundtrack for shovel knight (also made for the same NES sound chip).


  8. im on the cirklon list

    at least you can sell it for slightly more than you pay for it

    i already have a yamaha qy 300 which is more than enough for sequencing and costs £40 

    cirklon's worth it if you get the cvgate output with it

    thats if you have enough gear to sequence

    if you havent got many synths whats the point?


    That's sort of what I'm thinking. I'm not actually at the point where I need one. I have a number of gripes with the octatrack(current main sequencer) but not sure if it's enough to justify the cost of the cirklon. I would probably be sequencing at max 5/6 devices at any one point in time so I don't really need it. I also have CV sequencing covered for now, I don't have too much gear that uses CV. If I got one, it would be more about the features and flexibility of the sequencing itself and less about the bandwidth of sequencing a million different pieces of gear.


    EDIT: I'm worried I'll regret it soon after if I don't buy it. Or down the line when I have space for more gear, but I suppose by that point there might be other options :)



    EDIT2: Has anyone looked at the Novation SL mk3? That looks like an amazing sequencer for the price.

  9. I've decided that virt's fx4 is one of the best electronic albums ever made. I know some don't take chiptune seriously as an electronic genre but virt has more technical finesse w/ a tracker than most of your so called "IDM heroes", better melodic structure and solo lines than squarepusher. prove me wrong


  10. Hmm I really liked 100% electronica, definitely will check out his new album. I didn't like 200% electronica as much, just never got into it.


    EDIT: oh wait that was just 100% electronica with a espirit release on it.


    EDIT2: just finished a good long listen of this. Excellent album

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