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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. No gods of thunder and no backflips if I recall. That said, I’ve been entertained by several of the Transformers movies, because my expectations going in are nil. for mass consumption media, the marvel movies are very well done, and are, for the most part, entertaining. It’s like complaining that you shouldn’t enjoy chocolate because you already know what you’re going to get.
  2. You weren’t entertained? There were spaceships, lasers, aliens, backflips, fat gods of thunder, mountains and more. It was like everything that makes up IDM and more.
  3. Endgame: great escapism. Anyone who expects more from a superhero movie is an idiot.
  4. That free kick from Messi was something else though, fuck me.
  5. I just add them to my wishlist and hopefully get around to picking them all up someday - have a hefty collection of digitals from this, and always appreciate more more more.
  6. yeah.. saw the snow report. wtf. at least there's hockey.. i mean.. not from a canadian team at this time of year but usually there's hockey. I don’t like hockey much. I’m a lapsed Oilers fan.
  7. Lol @changing careers for access to Lawson. iggy - if I got a different job, it sure as fuck wouldn’t be in Ottawa. Or anywhere east of the lower mainland. It fucking snowed today here. It’s almost May, this shit is inhuman.
  8. back to Trumpleton...i mean the guy is 72 and clearly not in good health. Do we really want someone who could potentially keel over from a heart attack (stress from work can cause that, and he seems pretty stressed) as the POTUS?
  9. if you stream music you're contributing to tons of pollution (more pollution than any other listening format) https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2019/04/08/digital-music-pollution/ That article is not presenting findings accurately - the source the author links to discusses economic costs, but nothing on environmental cost. The environmental cost is from some forthcoming study, if you squint real hard at the bottom of the infographic, so who knows what methodology was used. I have my doubts that streaming is more environmentally unfriendly than physical media, simply due to the energy costs in moving physical media.
  10. No canal available for my commute. Also skating in a suit not my idea of a good time.
  11. Except for Vancouver and the Islands, it’s cold as fuck in the winter, there’s way too much snow, and Canadian service levels are abysmal. Roads in Ottawa remind me of roads in a third-world country. Also the Canadian dollar is shit ass weak right now. Seriously considering starting a new career (again) in Japan. And no, this is not first blush romance, I’ve visited Japan around 25 times. I’m aware of the downsides. The problem is of course I’ll be 45 this September, and I don’t really want to give up my career/pension. Who knows. Fuck it, I’m going to movement in a few weeks, so I won’t give a shit.
  12. Probably a more likely source for him.
  13. I’ve been in Japan for the past 21 days and tomorrow I have to fly back to Canada and the real world. :(
  14. The most accurate description of Zizek I’ve ever heard. As to Peterson prepping for a debate by reading something on the topic, I feel like that would be a complete break from his MO. Maybe he read the wiki page? I member. Live and loght. :^}
  15. Can we describe it with a video game title? Splatterhouse
  16. lol yeah Abramson might be good if someone were to rein him in and focus him. I understand that Mueller 'did not conclude that there was a crime but it does not exonerate him either' is something, not saying otherwise....but that's about obstruction. his conclusions re: Russia conspiracy were that there was nothing there. he did point to many pieces of evidence that showed some intent (public and private) but nothing substantial that arose. if they did try to conspire they failed or they hid it very well. bottom line is if Mueller says 'no collusion' (yes I know that term is legally irrelevant, as do all of you) then that's all that's going to matter to the broader American public. and you're not going to impeach the president on it, that's for goddamned sure. if there's something impeachable, it's the obstruction, but again, that's not a strong case...and most importantly it's not strong enough for the American people to demand it of their Representatives and Senators. . Aux: you should skim the Abramson twitter thread. He actually does illustrate why there might be more to the collusion piece than meets the eye. Regardless: the way Barr and the WH have handled the release of the Mueller report should lead people to have some suspicion that there’s more to it than meets the eye.
  17. @goDel: I mean newspaper articles that would require him to be focused/have an editor. @aux: you need to read this with government/civil servant lens. This is very strong language to use against the sitting president, especially when the system is stacked against Mueller prosecuting. And, as per the thread gODel linked, the issue is not around the obstruction, which as you point out, is largely public already. The issue is really around the collusion with Russia.
  18. I read through about half of that, quite good, though it really should be more focused. Does he not write articles somewhere?
  19. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Well done becoming part of the bourgeois! Only joking of course, for real congrats on getting a new pad. Everyone welcome to crash I assume?
  20. So much this. Attacking trump will only harden his supporters, and worse will make it look like the Dems don’t have a platform. I pray that Sanders makes it in as the candidate and brings in Warren as his running mate. AOC is great but she needs more experience in managing the political landscape.
  21. Aleksi Perala: Starlight 1. Perfect album for walking around Tokyo in daytime.
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