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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Industry loves illegal immigrants - no union worries ever, no payroll tax, no need to provide any benefits, and if a pesky fucker happens to die on your land/in your factory - no one is going to say jack.
  2. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Well what I actually meant was it’s probably not so simple as 12.8M - 9.3M = 4M difference because voter preference will change. But I’m sure some of the stuff you said applies too.
  3. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    I'd wager it's probably not quite so cut and dry, but I'm just a simple colonial.
  4. Yeah you're probably right - sheltered from anything that might harm them (except their own parents). Yes from what I've read in some cases faculty were in on it.
  5. you can say that again also, she's currently cooling her heels at the los angeles fbi building Lol wtf - how do her daughters think they got in.
  6. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-47533666 The struggle, the struggle.
  7. Come to Canada for all your medical and recreational marijuana needs.
  8. Yeah it's about as disheartening as they can get. Not just edgelord shit and sloppy bits but upvoted slick quotes of holocaust deniers, hardcore wehrbaroos, etc. I read the comments to that bro dancing to idioteque as a palette cleanser. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk "global warming is a conspiracy to tax us and keep us poor" And here’s the thing about that. If gov’t really wanted to keep people poor, they wouldn’t need a comspiracy.
  9. Damn, the comments section on that YouTube that josh posted.
  10. https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/avrg80/young_alex_jones/ fav comment: 'guess we know who's turning the frogs gay.' lol I watched most of the recent (2nd) Rogan podcast with Alex Jones, mostly for lulz but he had some good points. Recanted his Sandy Hook views. He is still pretty far out there, though, was really worried about humanoids lol: 'Bladerunner is a preparation for what's coming.' Aren’t you an educator?
  11. High Fives to Bob Dob for shower peeing - every morning for me.
  12. https://youtu.be/hpeHkJAIl1o p.s. pretty much all her videos are a train-wreck at varying degrees of stupidity. her motto/slogan is "Oooeww Rock on" Huh so that’s what the redneck wife in Ozark is like in real life.
  13. It was a good kids show, and the theme song was a nice jazz cut. Definitely no rodgering tho. Also no rizlas on the rogers. diatoms - you ever worry you're very susceptible to gaslighting?
  14. Rogers for cripes’ sake. He’s not rodgering little children.
  15. Jeez hadnt seen that. I was trying to have some kind of defense for the madness... no need to explain where that got me. F-ing retards :/ Well, I appreciate your efforts to take an alternative look at things, it is rare that people do so in this knee-jerk, reactionary climate that has been created by the White House and the media. It’s always good to re-examine our initial judgments. In this case though, I believe there really isn’t much of an alternative view to be taken.
  16. Yeah I’m a let you finish, but they are actually fucking idiots. Is not something grown ups do in political debate.
  17. having been forced to listen to the music my whole life I will say 100% of pop country is horrid garbage. That said I like some of stuff by Johnny Cash and various older artists who don't play with a band, but rather just their guitar and voice. It seems that when country artists play with a band it's boring AF but I can dig an artist if it's just a voice and guitar. Willie Nelson played with a band plenty, and he wrote some great country music. A lot of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and young is bordering on country, and I could listen to that any day of the week. I will agree that all this country-pop-hop is fucking bullshit though. How is Cohen going to save his own ass? His sentence has already been set. If he lies in front of Congress, he's going to jail for longer. Republican questioning has been just turgid dogshit material.
  18. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    I didn’t mind that trilogy (Pattern Recognition, Spook County, and Zero History) but that’s cause I’m a sucker for Gibson. Also I thought it was a really interesting look at the modern world with just slight technology differences and how big power can move society. Apparently his new book is a prequel/sequel to The Peripheral where hilllary won the 2016 election. Looking forward to it. Usagi, you might give “The Shape of Water” a try. It’s by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus.
  19. When the fuck is the next season of Mr. Robot airing. Me needs it.
  20. Fantastic fantastic series, loved watching it when it came out. And love watching episodes now.
  21. i think his material is more suited to The Wire. Not SugarApe?
  22. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    yes I have pretty much every Gibson book except for the last one, yes I've read Snow Crash and Cryptonomicon and am not inclined to read Anathem or anything later than that, and also yes that I generally meant non-SF (though SF is also welcome). what I'm really looking for is contemporary writing that captures the "now", the zeitgeist, to use such a wanky word. I want to read stuff that, through the mirror of fiction, expounds on the world we're living in right now, especially people's inner lives and their thoughts and feelings. that's what I'm looking for, and I have no idea where to start. who out there is writing good stories about the present social, psychological, political and technological state of the world, in fiction? who are the new names who will be remembered the way, say, Fitzgerald was remembered for capturing his time? I will read Pynchon/Gravity's Rainbow but that's from 1973 still. Ah gotcha. Will say that both Gibson’s The Peripheral and Stephenson’s Seveneve and Reamde are all worth the time. As for the type of stuff you’re looking for, try r/books
  23. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    Cloud Atlas was good. Usagi, you haven’t read any William Gibson? Neal Stephenson? Both contemporary writers that are pretty enjoyable. Maybe you meant just fiction, and not SF, and I misunderstood, in which case ignore me. Currently reading Italo Calvino “The Baron in the Trees”. Hasn’t quite grabbed me the way “Invisible Cities” and “If on a winter’s night a traveller” did. Recently finish McMafia, which is miles better than the fictional TV series. Next up is a re-read of “ flow my tears”...such a great book.
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