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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.
  2. I still don’t get why you keep asking about Billiards in Canada?
  3. Yep. My sense of satisfaction at reading this news was pretty fucking yuge.
  4. So uhhhh Manafort lied to Mueller. Repeatedly. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/26/paul-manafort-plea-deal-russia-investigation-mueller-lies Guess he’s going to be spending a long time in federal prison.
  5. That idea that boomers ruined America is neither new nor particularly controversial. The policies that got put in place to pacify them as a voting bloc have generally been fucking short-term gainers, at the expense of the future. Things like deregulation of the financial markets and banks, ever-expanding tax cuts while trying to grow Medicare/Medicaid etc. etc. Written by a boomer: http://time.com/5280446/baby-boomer-generation-america-steve-brill/ I don’t know about all that “social solidarity” bit, cause America really wasn’t built around that, but the economics and policies are squarely at the foot of the boomers.
  6. Apparently the guy has 69 “69” tattoos on his body. I’ve never heard of him until this, I know I’m getting old and out of touch but this guy is pretty legit terrible as a rapper and human.
  7. Sorry - was just kind of one of many shitty websites reporting on this thing.
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/tekashi-6ix9ine-transferred-from-federal-jail-for-security-reasons-report
  9. lol this turned into a debacle. I'm on the road for work and so when i gave the guy a different address (the hotel) to send it to instead of my home address, he fucked it up and Google won't fucking ship me another replacement until they get the replacement they sent out back from Fedex. FedEx is obviously in no rush to get this back to Google so I've been waiting and waiting, and customer support is jerking me around just saying 'we can't do anything else til that gets back, we'll contact you when it does. eventually. maybe monday. soon.' so i'm just pissed at google and seriously considering just selling the replacement on ebay and taking my losses but the fucking camera on this Pixel is goddamned killer and i don't wanna give that up. /whining You should sue. It works for Trump, it can work for you! MAAA! (Making auxien awesome again/Making auxien android again)
  10. That's how a 4 year old responds when you ask them if they know who ate the last chocolate chip cookie while they are wiping the crumbs from their mouth. "Not me. What's a chocolate chip cookie? Maybe me." Sorry to all the 4 year olds out there to have to foist this comparison on you.
  11. What’s with the Billiards in Canada one?
  12. [old_man_yells_at_clouds.jpg]
  13. Finally got around to parts two and three. Part two: fucking banger. Makes me want to drop acid and flail around like a madman. Part three: clearly that phase of a trip where you’re all “introspective and deep”. But a lovely piece of art.
  14. I think she took a wee, and since genitalia are a topic that is verboten in America, people were horrified. That must explain the need for counseling.
  15. I’m more interested in the related news link: Teacher relieves herself in classroom Why does an elementary school have school psychologists on hand?
  16. Did anyone care in the first place? Totally deserved tribute IMO
  17. I prefer lol.net thank you kindly.
  18. Spilled beer on my laptop last night. Really hope it can be fixed, can’t be arsed buying another one now.
  19. Sorry, the irony of this was too much for me not to post: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46150847
  20. Seriously, I could watch anything involving Mike endlessly. I don't do engineering work but I work in surveying so I'm familiar enough with construction to find that subplot technically fascinating. Seriously, I could watch anything involving Mike endlessly. I don't do engineering work but I work in surveying so I'm familiar enough with construction to find that subplot technically fascinating. I thought I remember him saying at some point they were to do a concrete pour, would that even cure properly underground? Yes.
  21. If anyone is in New York City, they can check out the BGM in context as curated by Ryuichi Sakamoto at Kokage/Kajitsu (be prepared to spend a little, lol), with his efforts detailed in this article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/23/dining/restaurant-music-playlists-ryuichi-sakamoto.html Or you can just cook up some instant ramen, and listen to the playlist here: http://www.factmag.com/2018/07/24/ryuichi-sakamoto-makes-a-stand-against-terrible-restaurant-music/
  22. they can matter in various ways to influence the state senate (propose new legislation etc) and the state constitutions but generally they are limited in their power. They really spend most of their time balancing state budgets which is why fiscal conservatives tend to do well even in blue states. Mass has repub governors often. stop any anti-trump shit that bubbles up from the house Yeah I was surprised that this is only the 3rd time in 50 years NY has had a Dem. senator. Can the senate really stop anything that comes from the house? Is there no legislative procedure in the US that can get around this? My knowledge of how shit works in government there is limited to that schoolhouse rock video on how a bill becomes law and PJ O'Rourke's description of the political process in "Parliament of Whores".
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