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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. ugh, this reminds me of a shitty experience I had waiting at a bank atm, people are fucking strange This thing is fucked on both sides. I'd never heard about these "first amendment audits" before - seems like a new thing for the "sovereign citizen" movement. Waste of time and energy. OTOH - the idiots telling him he can't film their license plate lol. The racist was a big ol douche, and the two old dudes butting glasses was some great comedy. Top work from the sovcitizen - he should get this nominated for some comedy film.
  2. Locals go hunting with real rifles as well. But when they are not hunting, the gun and the ammunition must be stored at the local police station. Men all know how to use at least basic rifles because of the conscription. Every South Korean man serves in the military, it used to be almost 3 years but I believe is down to 2. The first month (not sure on the exact length) is basic training - so learning how to shoot, live in the wilderness etc. Also I totally didn't catch the Moonie link, but not surprising to learn of it. I can't even begin to tell you the number of arguments i had with jesus freaks on the subway in Seoul. Christianity is only big there because they believe that since America (the big powerful nation that "saved" them from the North Koreans) is Christian nation, they must be Christian too. And yes the South Koreans who moved to the US up until the turn of the millennium did tend to the conservative side very strongly. Bunch of fucking nutjobs.
  3. They are losing their minds in that thread lol
  4. Probably no access to the passports until now. But yeah it’s a small curiosity, just the user name is great. Josef Pwag.
  5. Truth is way stranger than fiction. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-kim-passports-exclusive/exclusive-north-korean-leaders-used-brazilian-passports-to-apply-for-western-visas-sources-idUSKCN1GB2AY
  6. that was fucking hilarious one eye-raising interview and a major figure just resigns, literally in less than a day - any other time in history and it'd be media frenzy...today on Feb. 28th, 2018 is not necessarily the front page story also Trump literally rambled on about the most anti-2nd amendment proposal ever - this will take a 10.0 floor routine for those Trump supporter mental gymnasts So it is trump who’s gonna take their guns and not the evil libruls. I appreciate this irony.
  7. Oh yeah we had a pizzagate thread. Fuuuu. In scarier news: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/02/trump-i-may-punish-the-entire-world-for-north-koreas-sins.html
  8. Keep in mind it’s easy to be friendly and personable when you can buy your way out of virtually any trouble.
  9. How do you catch someone about to do something?Well I mean when he was literally telling people "I'm going to become a school shooter" so that's sort of the case here. That's obviously not always an option in these situations, but it sure was this time.Is it illegal to say these kinds of things? Btw I fully agree on making it harder to get these types of weapons. I don't know. Yes you do. Here's Canada's - http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-264.1.html The US is a bit trickier, but in general death threats are punishable by federal law as long as they're credible, IE the person threatening has the capacity to do so. I think they're referred to as "true threats", IE there is a reasonable degree of likelihood that the person threatening could carry out that threat. I'm not a lawyerologist though, I just think it's pretty clear cut that Cruz should have been arrested as soon as he said he was going to be a professional school shooter as there was an obvious likelihood and capacity that he would do as promised. edit edit: Chen I know you know this so I feel like I'm being setup to be wrong here. What'd I do? =( Look very carefully at 264.1 (1) (a) and (b) There has to be a threat to a specific person or property (or an ascertained group of people), not just a vague assertion that the person is going to do something. The context of the threat also has to be considered. As in does the person intend for the threat to be taken seriously. For example: http://canlii.ca/t/1fshr Very specific group of people, and the threat was meant to intimidate or be taken seriously. What I'm getting at is that you can't arrest people for saying vague shit like "I'm going to become a school shooter". So at this point (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43071710) he could not have been arrested (at least in Canada). However, at this point, (https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/21/us/school-shooter-gun-threats-first-host-family-told-police-invs/index.html) he possibly could have been arrested. I'm just trying to point out that people often say things like "oh that guy was on a watch list, how did he commit a terrorist act?" or, "the police had been warned, how could they let him get away with it". But simply being on a watch list isn't illegal. Likewise simply being warned isn't necessarily enough to arrest someone. Also police don't have the resources to watch a specific person 24/7 for days and months on end. Nor should they - unless we want to start living in a police state. Update: Having read more news reports on this - it appears authorities were tipped multiple times, so definitely at the very least an investigation should have occurred (and it looks like he was a serious threat). So I apologize for coming off as vague, but I was going off the phrase "I going to become a school shooter", and not all the other background. Also, it appears that there was not just one deputy, but four of them, waiting outside the school with pistols drawn while the guy walked around shooting and killing. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/24/17048720/florida-shooting-law-enforcement-gun Also it looks like a lot of companies are severing ties with the NRA: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/24/17048500/nra-florida-shooting-companies-boycott And finally, it appears the NRA is advocating for some sort of religious law to supersede the US constitution:
  10. How do you catch someone about to do something?Well I mean when he was literally telling people "I'm going to become a school shooter" so that's sort of the case here. That's obviously not always an option in these situations, but it sure was this time. Is it illegal to say these kinds of things? Btw I fully agree on making it harder to get these types of weapons.
  11. I know that's the premise of what you've been saying in this thread for the last 30+ pages, yes. We've discussed this before, in case you've forgotten ;) ...You're sadly mistaken, of course: memories are just terrible. Demonstrably horrid. He even posted a link to a study that demonstrates how faulty human memeory is.
  12. How do you catch someone about to do something?
  13. Yeah the roads in Ottawa in the winter are worse than some of the third world countries I’ve been in. Potholes the size of my goddamn sofa.
  14. $300 for the tire,$25 for the labour, $20 for the tax. Ah forgot it was minestrone - yeah not easy to freeze
  15. Why didn't you just freeze some? My FWP is replacing that flat tyre cost $350. :(
  16. TBF all politicians get speaking notes for public appearances. Usually they are for difficult situations or where they might get grilled by the press or house/senate committee. It does seem a little odd that Tump needs speaking notes for basic human emotions...
  17. I save up my dank memes reading time so I can have huge 5 hour long blocs of reading it. Wondrous state of mind after the 3rd hour.
  18. I don’t need a high-end player. Something like what you’re describing sounds good.
  19. Need to buy a standalone MP3 player with no broadcast capabilities (no Wi-Fi/Bluetooth). Can't take my phone into work area so no streaming anymore. Needs some cash though - for now it's an iPod nano the missus got for free a couple of years ago. Quite shite.
  20. Sad news this one. Far too young. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCiUtRnG-bg
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