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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. there needs to be some sort of reading of the rules up in here.
  2. I got nuttin but love for Mr Robot. Best show on TV right now. 1 and 3 are marginally better than season 2 but it’s all damn good.
  3. already too late. predicted that by 2030 every summer in the western hemisphere will be hotter than any on record Capitalists unite! Mankini sales opportunities will abound!
  4. The free market will surely take care of this situation. That and no regulations anywhere. #maga!
  5. What are these fast lanes on the internet? Is it like where the trucks go really fast so they don't clog the tubes?
  6. When Trump pulled out of the TPP, if you listened real hard, you could almost hear Xi Jinping banging the celebratory hooker. The cocaine and the perignon were flowing freely that night.
  7. The part about the private jets isn’t quite accurate. The rest is despicably true. only poor people w/jets get the tax break ;) but.. if you consider the estate tax.. what the repubs call the death tax.. then it's pretty accurate. there's a huge estate tax break which affects rich people the most so moving money around w/the tax code.. the details at some point become irrlevant except the fine print always fucks a lot of people.. but when everyone is getting fucked then why read the fine print.. It's actually not giving money to the private jet owners - it's clarifying a rule around jet management companies. It's still a shitty policy, but it's not actually changing anything, it just puts in to law what's kind of been happening ad hoc until now. Edit: to be sure, the law should definitely be changed, because it reduces the tax burden private jet owners have to pay, I'm simply saying that this policy already was in place.
  8. The part about the private jets isn’t quite accurate. The rest is despicably true.
  9. You shush - Mr. Robot is the best thing on TV. It's got this weird tenseness that comes through the screen so well.
  10. Had no idea there was a new season - excellent news though!
  11. Went to a vintage clothes show on the weekend, picked up a mint condition Paul Smith jacket for $75. Would have cost around $500 brand new.
  12. Yeah I don’t think the tape is all that big a deal either. It’s all the shit that leads up to the tape that’s much more interesting.
  13. https://mosaicscience.com/story/gay-cure-experiments This was quite an interesting read. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Hammers fans best prepare themselves for some god-awful football.
  15. He’s also had this beauty while in Japan. “The U.S. president said he could not understand why a country of samurai warriors did not shoot down the missiles, the sources said” https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/11/05/national/politics-diplomacy/trump-said-japan-shot-overflying-north-korea-missiles/#.WgAh62JyaEc Wait until he gets to Southeast Asia. Any bets on a “love you long time” tweet?
  16. That tweet storm was actually well put together. I still prefer blogs and long form writing. Just old I guess. Anyhow that’s big if true. A lot of conjecture on Abramson’s part but he crafts a believable narrative. Will be very interesting to see what comes out of Barbapapalous.
  17. Under-appreciate definitely a word. Come on, I’m not comparing them to Trump’s unintelligible garbage. I think writing in a blog would force him to make the links between the ideas flow in a more coherent manner. Also if his tweet #11 is true, there’s not much of a case. Hearsay is generally not valid evidence. Anyway it’s very interesting to me due to my current work, so will be following closely.
  18. Just my opinion based on interactions with federal prosecutors in my current line of work. I can’t read those Seth Abrams tweet storms, I can’t handle 20 thoughts only somewhat connected laid out like that.
  19. Seth is wrong when he says prosecutors charge everything they think they can prove. They usually have a strategy to get what they can convictions on for maximum sentencing and criminal asset recovery. Still wish this guy would write blog posts.
  20. Why would there be a word for that? They are two separate things. There's no word for all the goo within our bodies.... Innards or guts would suffice for our body goo imo. There is no equivalent for eggs. I mean, you could use innards and guts for that too, but it would be more poetic rather than comfortably colloquial. Yolk and whites are referred to together frequently enough to justify a new word encompassing that. FWP: I was going to go on a walk to listen to the first part of elseq (for the first time), but then realized I hadn't eaten since lunch. So I cooked, ate, looked at some old photographs and now it's 1:15am. If I follow through with this plan it will be 2:15 by the time I get back, and I'll probably want to watch something to unwind, in which case I probably won't get to sleep until at least 3:30am. Again. I wish I had beer. I mean surely the word "egg" encompasses that?
  21. Why would there be a word for that? They are two separate things. There's no word for all the goo within our bodies.... I bet there's a word in German for that. They do have some damn fine words. We should start a thread for this, I was thinking of a couple of these recently: 1. There should be a word for the sensation of total futility you feel after spending time getting a sheet or blanket perfectly arranged over a radiator, only to watch it begin to slowly slide off 2. Likewise for the experience of searching for a specific pornographic video you remember, without knowing the title, knowing that you will never, ever find it (more a feature of my younger days than now, I hasten to add) Wait, porn videos have titles? I mean besides "hot asian takes two" or "twink vs bears facial compilation"
  22. https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2017/oct/22/liverpool-tottenham-dejan-lovren-undefending
  23. So Trump will apparently not attempt to block the release of the JFK Assassination files. I wonder what news on the orange one is going to drop this week?
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