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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. If you really want to get nitpicky, the isotope they chose to make a dirty bomb with was a pretty poor choice.
  2. Mr. Robot s03. Still quality. Love the way they use music, both incidental and soundtrack. S03e01 was weird as fuck too, in that twin peaks good sort of weird but unsettling at the same time.
  3. obviously- did you have a childhood?? Lol I didn't want to be that blunt, but I remember playing that record a lot as a kid.
  4. Right so because he attacked a "peaceful" marcher, he should be charged with assault. He should not get beaten by 6 other "peaceful" marchers.
  5. Just watched it in IMAX. Fucking great. That's chen's review.
  6. Another FWS. My pay issue is most likely resolved! Should be getting $4k in back pay next week :)
  7. The entire state of California should lick sac. People drive like fucking idiots here. It's America in general. Though I have to say, to my shock I actually found the drivers in LA to be generally more 'with it' than in Texas. I guess you have to be, some of the on ramps were pretty short. A lot of Texas roads in the metroplexes are so forgiving design wise it makes people more complacent. I actually found the LA drivers to be not terrible. I agree about the on ramps. The freeways were not great, but better than outside Toronto. Drawn and quartered.
  8. Freeze rice all the time. Spiral: just turn the rest into stir fry. Throw in some veggies, a little meat, the rice and then a little soy sauce and fry that up. Keep in the fridge. Should provide lunch for a couple of days at work.
  9. Slow drivers in the passing lanes can lick sac. People who text and drive should lick sac and then jump in a fire. People who don't signal can just go back to licking sac. I must have gotten lucky then, cause I was regularly cruising at 160(km/h).
  10. damn, that was a nice break. So basically a 90+ in a 60 mph zone? I actually got a warning last time I was pulled over, and from a state trooper no less. They are usually an immediate ticket. I can only guess it was a weird quasi-courtesy pull over - the road I was on was 90% oil and gas trucks, ranging from really slow to really fast ones passing people recklessly, probably a lot of drivers on uppers too: it was quite nerve-racking to travel on. Yeah 93 in a 60 zone. He was just sitting in the median, I was in the passing lane. He just pointed his finger for me to pull over and I did it immediately fully expecting the worst. Truckers are fucking terrible. When they pass another semi doing like 1mph more than the one they're passing it's just like "fuuuuuui". Also, do you guys actually care about speed limits on the interstate? When I drove across the country last year, I was going pretty damn fast and never even got so much as looked at.
  11. Well he's not wrong with the problem. He is wrong with the solution though...
  12. Stop using Facebook pleb. Don't you know the govt is spying on you?
  13. LOL this is satire right?
  14. Got caught speeding - doing 150 (km/hr) in a 100 zone, thought I was fucking done for. Cop dropped it down to 110 on the ticket which means I only have a $40 fine and no points off the license.
  15. I would hesitate to confirm that. Have you ever been on /r/aphextwin? *shudders* Oh god, I hadn't even thought about that.... Now it's like Pandora's Box...I know about it...I'm tempted by it...
  16. Sure but money worship is far worse in places like China, South Korea, India, much of SE Asia etc etc. The conspicuous consumption there is particularly crass. Japanese love money as well, they tend to be a little more reserved in showing it off. And just to push the Brits' buttons-at least money affords social mobility in America and one doesn't have to worry about all the other shit that goes into classism like in the U.K. ;) Back on point: lol at queuing for McDonald's sauce.
  17. I mean losing to the scouse is never good, but then I just think to myself that Tom Cleverly, Bebe and Anderson have won more PL medals than Steven Gerrard. ;) I worked for a tick in the anthropology/archaeology department at my uni. Met some interesting people, had some interesting convos, and got some good reads in. Anyone who's "woke af" and takes intro soci and intro anthro will come to that conclusion re: place and space. Love of place is inherently different than the vitriolic nationalism that resulted in trump, thatcher, hitler et al. That's the type of nationalism I'm referring to. Which I would have though was obvious, but of course the web is a terrible medium for communication. And I'm not sure what you're getting at with your opening paragraph, so I'll leave it alone. Sorry all y'all for the off topic transgression. Won't happen again for at least mmmm a hot minute.
  18. I'd just like to point out that unless his father's fortune has been accrued through illegal/criminal means, what he's doing is tax evasion rather than money laundering.Because I'm a pedantic fuckwit.
  19. i'll quote this the next time Inglan are in a footy tournament ;) Go for it, I'm not English you over-dramatic tit. you support Inglan & your folks are Anglo-Saxons, you Manc loving cunt is that dramatic enough for you, or do wanna waive yer ban hammer like a Canadian Thor? by all means take the gimp high ground while throwing terms like nationalist round, not losing out too much either way am i ps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79QDhBtmDdk I'm not English though am I, and I really don't care that my folks were born there. I also don't really support any national side. I just hope for some good football (which England certainly doesn't produce). So I reiterate, fuck nationalism.
  20. i'll quote this the next time Inglan are in a footy tournament ;) Go for it, I'm not English you over-dramatic tit.
  21. Fog of war is a candid retelling of politics by one figure of importance over what, an hour and a half? This is more than 10 hours of as many aspects as you can cram in about a decades-long war, it's hard to compare. I didn't know much about McNamara before seeing Fog of War and was impressed by his honesty. I'll say that this documentary made me hate him. Almost 18 hours and they still only found like what, 15 minutes for Cambodia and Laos?
  22. Mostly the work of immigrants. Ding ding ding, we have a winner!
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