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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. I'll say one thing Americans have over the Brits - social mobility is much easier, because it revolves almost exclusively around money. Still though, both British and American Empires were driven by pursuit of wealth. Also Chinese conspicuous consumption is much more aggravating that that in the US.
  2. You could tell he's been waiting to say "He's fired" for a long time.
  3. What the fuck did they do to Tapatalk? That shit is totally unusable on the last update. Also neither cats nor dogs should be domesticated, but if one must have an animal in the house, the cat is clearly the correct option.
  4. Man there's a lot of triggad nibbas up in this bitch. How hard is it to ignore this? I had no idea until I saw this thread. I still don't know anything more about either of these phones except they have facial recognition.
  5. nomeansno is one of the best punk bands to come out of Vancouver ever. You should go get their whole back catalogue right now.
  6. Did someone say nomeansno? https://youtu.be/SSezVb2tQug
  7. South Korea already employs autonomous machine gun turrets. Jus sayin...
  8. Conflict and drama do not equal more money than stability though. Overall war is very expensive, I get that, but aren't there a fair amount of stakeholders in so called defense companies that would stand to gain millions through another conflict? I`m not articulating this very well. No, I knew exactly what you meant, but war should not enrich the few to the detriment of the many. The military-industrial complex would do well, but the net loss to the GDP of the nations involved far outweighs those gains.
  9. Well, the interests of a nation can change, as you know. Let's just say I have it on authority I trust implicitly that the bank accounts of Chinese nationals who are doing business with NK are being frozen; additionally, North Koreans who bank with the Bank of China are also suddenly finding themselves with difficulty in accessing their funds. Although rumours are that NK is moving ballistic missiles around at night trying to avoid detection, so maybe it is actually time to hold on to your respective genitals.
  10. Conflict and drama do not equal more money than stability though.
  11. Edgar Varese was a hell of a composer, but a bit of an amateur when it came to eyebrows. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cg92CSqWMAQw7Av.jpg
  12. China won't let NK get out of control. Have it on pretty good authority that sanctions are actually being enforced at present.
  13. no man it ran on heritage and freedum and now theres this and a war on christmas and sharia law in mall found courts I leled at "sharia law in mall food courts".
  14. Come on...we all know BoC fans are incapable of rational discussion.
  15. All I get is a 404, which is a little suspicious. But if you're still getting it, it must be a regional block. Link should be fixed now. Greenwald is becoming increasingly more frustrating - his basic premise in this article is that if one supports the claim that Russia interfered in the last election, one must by default be shilling for a new cold war. Obviously, his is not a tenable position to take. One can in fact believe that Russia interfered in the US election (after all, the US/China/any other nation that has the capability is doing the same, or at least attempting to) and yet not subscribe to the theory that another cold war is the way to go. Still, it panders very well to the "global elitist" conspiracy folk.
  16. It says clearly right on the DVD cover. "Interview with the Vampire". It has always been thus. Jesus fucking wept. T H A N K S H A N K S H A N K S
  17. Yeah, Yangon is really not fit for people to live there.
  18. Fucking Myanmar in the delta. http://www.holiday-weather.com/yangon/averages/ and the humidity http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/weather/maps/city?WMO=48097&CONT=asie&LAND=BM&ART=RLF&LEVEL=150
  19. This has the possibility of becoming a very interesting window. Neymar and Sanchez to PSG looking likely, which could set off a chain reaction for LWish type players...
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