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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. this is a joke right umm...no?! it's totally obvious. not really my problem, if you people never heard of this. "lol" as hard as you can. where i come from being clueless is not that cool. just wait until the series is over and the producers talk about their inspirations for westworld. dimwits. Those themes you mention are so broad as to encompass many many stories, that's not particularly exciting. Yes, he was drawn to a Christian interpretation of gnosticism after some delivery girl had the jesus fish as a pin or something along those lines. I was a little bit disappointed in The Divine Invasion, but VALIS is a great read.
  2. I'm guessing she was kidnapped by Wyatt, and will show up later when Ed Harris and Teddy catch up with him. I also think the two timelines thing is nonsense, there's only one. McPoyle and his douche-bag friend talked about Arnold killing himself a long time before they arrived, and so two time-lines wouldn't really make sense given Ford and Ed Harris' ages (though given the unknowns about when this stuff is happening, medical science, lifespans, etc, that doesn't completely rule it out I guess). I think the analysis scenes are happening linearly as well, but might not be happening IRL - Ford and Bernard (who I definitely don't think is an android clone of Arnold, lol, I'm pretty sure other people who would've worked there might find it a bit weird to work alongside an android clone of their former Boss who just killed himself) might just be interviewing them in VR (or alternatively in a backup copy of their bodies, no reason they couldn't have a remote desktop link between two host bodies so to speak - Ed Harris pointed out they're cheaper than the old models, would make sense to keep a few backups, when they activate the link the other host just appears to lose consciousness, like Dolores did at the orgy). As to Dolores being one of the first robots and not having nuts and bolts inside of her, easily explained by lots of upgrades, it's Dolores v. 6.4, presumably one of the most popular hosts so they would want to keep her around to keep the guests happy. Was very interesting to see Maeve talk with that lab tech at the end, she's been super confused and freaking out for the most part so far, but was totally collected there, presumably her bicameral over-mind has let her in on a lot more of what's going on. The secret 4G-dongle thingie was cool too, presumably that's got something to do with some kind of industrial espionage or something (attempts at a hostile takeover perhaps), will be nice to see some of the wider political goings on in the world (which they've only hinted at obliquely so far). I hope they give us at least one glimpse of the outside world before the end of the season. Agreed with most of that, if the upgrade from Dolores 1.0 to whatever model she is now must have involved transferring the consciousness - it appears as if the bodies are completely organic-like with the brains being wetware. Not impossible of course, nor even improbable, but if she's that old, then surely the reveries Ford introduced are going to fuck with her RAM.
  3. But it's also confusing because I recall Barnard (I think) saying that Dolores is one of the oldest hosts. And Nolan does like to mess with timelines. I'm still leaning toward a single time period though - but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  4. I know, but MiB's comments imply that the first hosts had machinery in their innards - Dolores doesn't (we've seen her bleed).
  5. I'm on the fence about that - but I'm inclined to believe not, due to Dolores being virtually the same (flesh and blood) when with William as with the MiB. But MiB has said that when he cut open previous hosts, they were full of millions of bits and pieces (paraphrasing).
  6. Dude would have to be pretty messed up to put a recreation of his wife in a loop where she constantly sees her family die, after which she gets raped.
  7. Second episode was a decent introduction to Ezekiel. Goddamn though, Carol is stupider than hell. Just let her die Morgan, you're wasting scarce resources on her.
  8. Meanwhile, in North Dakota: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/25/north-dakota-oil-pipeline-protest-arrests-journalists-filmmakers Edit: This is an interesting twist to the whole Malheur shitshow.
  9. Yeah but there's lots to delve into - I mean they've barely scratched the surface of the MiB in terms of backstory. I dunno, I guess I like having some mystery - like with The Hobbit (the book), you knew what the end game was from the start, but the story along the way was compelling. Well with this, you're not quite sure what the end game is - and it's up to the show runners to make the story compelling enough to get you to watch to the end game. So far for me, they've done that. They need some Avril 14th on that player piano though. Or maybe some Nanou2, or Aisatsana or...
  10. What "pseudo enigmatic mysterious bullshit thing"?anthony hopkins, bernard, ed harris, the investor woman... they're all up to something... but what is it??? so mysterious... Isn't that usually referred to as "a plot"?
  11. What "pseudo enigmatic mysterious bullshit thing"? You just have refined taste (in good company). Fixt. :bonerschwing:
  12. Deadwood was great, but dealt with a different set of issues re: human morality. I mean there was nothing in Deadwood along the lines of Bernard offering to make Dolores' pain go away (reflection on modern psychiatric care), or on a bigger picture, what constitutes being "human". There's nothing overly complex about the way technology is portrayed in Westworld, at least not yet. I think the bicameralism stuff that will happen later in the season will be intense though.
  13. Gotta meet that halloween demand for trump masks. Those pictures illustrate the absurdity of the world pretty well.
  14. what is wrong with you i like val kilmer AND elizabeth shue without a perm To be fair, that movie was standard late night fodder for a long time - I think I've watched it more than 5 times due to it just being on while I was winding down an evening of being a fine upstanding gentleman about town.
  15. Yeah I agree - although I'd be willing to give them a little longer. Hopefully they don't try and throw too many "quests" into the show.
  16. Ok - thought you might have meant something else which I had missed but yes, it seems like that combination of factors is the most obvious trigger. I'm excited for the possibilities in this show, but also mindful that it could end up a clusterfuck like Lost.....
  17. The "Love Theme" track is straight up Ghost in the Shell - they should just put it on the soundtrack now. Been loving this album and Severant since learning about this guy - been playing these two even more than the new Orb, which is saying something, cause I'm loving that one as well.
  18. There might still be some of that Jaynes angle left - the last episode is titled "The Bicameral Mind". What dormant piece of code are you referring to? The code that Arnold tried to implement, or did I miss something else?
  19. Episode three got into weirdness - in both the tech and the storyline. What to make of this Arnold? Did Ford have him offed? Or is he suggesting that he was murdered, perhaps by a host? What is the deal with this Wyatt saga introduced by Ford? Will Bernard continue poking in places he shouldn't? Will he get glasses that actually fit his face? Still liking it though. Continues to be fun.
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