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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Police corruption is widely acknowledged as being an almost universal problem - it is not limited to the United States. It's obviously very difficult to examine police corruption because of the "Blue Wall of Silence". For a more thorough examination of the problem read pp. 596-600 here: http://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7125&context=jclc It makes clear sense to raise the corruption issue - these are public servants. You can google arizona corruption and take a look for yourself at the extent to which corruption is pervasive in Arizona police departments. Define serious? How much corruption has to exist before it's considered "serious"? This officer essentially acted as judge and sentencer, and it's extremely fortunate that the individual lived. And yet he was cleared of any wrongdoing very quickly. You can hear the other cops going "jesus christ" in the video, and they're not in a place of worship, so it's a reasonable assumption that they're blaspheming out of shock. There is no doubt that the individual committed several crimes - however the police officer's responsibility is to bring the suspect in for trial. Not to act as judge and executioner (imagine if he'd died good lord we would have an even bigger shit show on our hands).
  2. gifs don't seem to work on the latest "update" to tapatalk.
  3. Ahahahahh yeah there's no corruption in police departments. you can pull that argument about any issue any time which makes it kinda meaningless. When it's about a public body whose mandate is to serve and protect the people, it kind of makes it less meaningless. Corruption in the apple markets doesn't quite have the same impact. Know what I mean Verne?
  4. He fires the gun into the air. The air. Maybe some birds are at risk? The guy is clearly mentally ill. The police had done what looks like a good job of clearing the streets. There was no one for him to pose a danger to, except for police - and I would hazard a guess there's something in the job description about danger for police. Weren't you advocating for defunding the police? Who's gonna pay for the broken wall, damage to the other vehicle, damage for the police vehicle etc etc. This act is reprehensible. Still at least no one died. Yay I guess. You know that bullets fired into the air come down eventually? It doesn't matter if he is ill. That makes no difference to the fact that he is a person wielding a deadly weapon and discharging it within city limits where there are people. He is only about 100 yards from a very busy street. He is near lots of buildings. I highly doubt they are all empty. He is not responding to officers. He turned towards officers and brandished his weapon. He is responsible for the fact that he crossed the line into becoming a threat. They dealt with that threat and saved others from getting injured. I'm sure the police will cover the broken items. Generally the people who cause damage are responsible for it. I think you're being too quick to call something "reprehensible". It's definitely not reprehensible. A little crazy maybe. Yes, I was not totally serious about defunding the police. I only think that they need to momentarily be defunded so that they can reevaluate their purpose. I also believe that they need about 50% of their budget under the current system, but I would like to have a police force that has highly educated and trained folks that get paid well, and not undereducated, undertrained, and poorly vetted folks. Shit, do they? Gravity, how does that work. Do you know that people who are mentally ill are very often found not accountable for their actions due to their illness? This must be some new form of "compassionate libertarianism". I didn't know that not responding to the police allowed them to run you over. I'll keep that in mind next time I visit the US. You believe the police need 50% of their budget, but would like to see them be well-trained, well-educated and well paid. So you want them to do more with less. Ah austerity. Wonderful stuff. I mean, it's pure fantasy, but wonderful stuff nonetheless.
  5. He fires the gun into the air. The air. Maybe some birds are at risk? The guy is clearly mentally ill. The police had done what looks like a good job of clearing the streets. There was no one for him to pose a danger to, except for police - and I would hazard a guess there's something in the job description about danger for police. Weren't you advocating for defunding the police? Who's gonna pay for the broken wall, damage to the other vehicle, damage for the police vehicle etc etc. This act is reprehensible. Still at least no one died. Yay I guess.
  6. Ahahahahh yeah there's no corruption in police departments.
  7. Except he wasn't in "shoot to kill" phase, he was walking down the street. Thanks for playing eugene.
  8. Open carry is legal in Arizona - cops say he fired a shot, video doesn't back that up, rather it shows him pointing the gun to his own head. Now obviously the guy is a criminal (there is video of him stealing the gun etc.) but that does not absolve the police of the responsibility to follow the law.
  9. If, like me, you're wondering what flakka is (I know, I'm old), a very interesting website here: http://dosemakespoison.blogspot.ca/2015/04/on-flakka-gravel-and-alpha-pvp.html
  10. Wow what the fuck. The cop should be charged with aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a motor vehicle, reckless driving, and destruction of private property. That is beyond fucked up. Edit: ah I see from this article that "the officer has been identified as Michael Rapiejko. Warren said Rapiejko was put on a standard administrative leave because the incident was considered use of force. The Pima county attorney’s office cleared Rapiejko of any wrongdoing and he is back on duty, Warren said." FLOL.
  11. two fwps at the same time. 1.Got my fellowship (a success, but bear with me). Signed the contract. Two days later get notice of being shortlisted for government job. What do? 2. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? The think tank I'm working for launched this website last year in June: http://theasiafactor.ca/ Last week, the East-West Center launches this web site: http://japan.asiamattersforamerica.org/ FLOL
  12. I'll do it for free. Wait, what kind of wine are we talking about? If it's this - I'll pass.
  13. I'm usually of the same mindset. I just did it for a laugh, I also "retuned" it to 432hz, but of course that didn't really change much. I think the point was that it sounds great in a lot of different ways - a testament to how good the track really is.
  14. I loved tetsou inoue. I must go back and revisit! Could someone suggest a primer on his stuff or point of ideal entry? Ambiant Otaku World Receiver Inland DATacide (collaborative effort with Uwe Schmidt) - basically all these releases are amazing 2350 Broadway (collaboration with Pete Namlook) - again, everything here is great. Shades of Orion (different collaboration with Pete Namlook) - again, everything here is great. Lots to start with there. Those are all mostly beatless ambient, which, as JE mentioned, is probably the best part of his output, and some truly amazing ambient it is.
  15. Article on it: http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2015/02/severe_winter_conditions_set_off_manhole_explosions.php Seems like a fairly straightforward issue - infrastructure needs upgrading.
  16. chenGOD


    Laudable - but two things: ziftrcoin? what kind of name is that. And if theses digital currencies are going to take off, they have to stop referring to them as cryptocurrencies. Think about what the name "crypto" generates in terms of imagery for average people who have no idea what the fuck bit coin is. Having said that, still signing up - promise of free coins? lel Side note, was in a cafe the other day, sign on the door said "bitcoin accepted here", so I asked the server if anyone had ever paid in bitcoin - blank look was the initial response. So i asked the manager - not a single person, and they've been accepting bitcoin for over a year. Vancouver might not be new yawk city, but it's hardly a provincial backwater like mos eisley.
  17. Ordered pizza last night, because it was my first time ordering from the place they upgraded me to a large for free and gave me a 20% off coupon for next time.
  18. Clicked a related article link on facebook, feel a little dirty.
  19. Yeah I just found out about that album last week - so beautiful. "Hello Dawn Horizon" is my fav on it. Another sublime album I've been on lately is Blossom ends from Abstract April. https://abstractaprils.bandcamp.com/track/gravity and Mountains - mmm good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_uHG1SJfvc
  20. Carrying on from the discussion in the cops murder unarmed civilian thread: In a flat tax percentage rate doesn't matter - it inherently favours higher earners. He also will make investment earnings tax free - guess where the rich make most of their money. Estate tax, gonzo. How many mansions do you have kicking around? Corporations also feature heavily in Paul's budget - I guess you could incorporate yourself, corporations certainly come out better in his budget. Cut the department of education completely - blerg who needs education anyways. You can just look up everything on the internet amirite? Assuming you have a place to live, where you can put your desk, with your laptop on it. In other words, hope you're not poor and are thinking of trying to get a house - cause bye bye department of housing and urban development. Yeah, fuck you poor people, you don't deserve a house. Maybe you meant cuts to the defense program - yeah I could get behind those - you guys in the US spend an awful lot on the military (and frankly, don't get a great return). Too bad Paul is already pandering to the GOP faithful and pledging to increase spending. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/rand-paul-abandons-his-pentagon-plan http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/rand-pauls-delicate-balancing-act/2015/04/05/6e38af6c-d946-11e4-8103-fa84725dbf9d_story.html So you'll still pay income tax under Paul, the divide between rich and poor will grow, you'll get fewer services for the income tax you do pay, and your health care will cost more. Great deal all around I'd say. Just out of curiosity - three questions. What's wrong with a central government, who do you fund that considers themselves royalty, and why shouldn't you pay income taxes?
  21. I'd hazard a guess at ICBYD/Ventolin era. Sounds great sped up by 33%.
  22. Lol to compare what Kennedy did (a discreet, private message, that outlined some options that might help Soviet-American relations) to what Tom Cotton and his group of motley fools did (an open letter that basically tells the world America can't be trusted in international deals) is really clutching. If you really want America's status to decline in the world, by all means elect people like Cotton, who thinks military action in Iran would last a few days, or would like to muzzle the press even more than the Obama administration (who don't score well on that point). This guy actually makes Cruz look intelligent.
  23. More boners will clear that right up. That and a good bleeding.
  24. We're not discussing obama here. If you'd like to start a thread about that, please do so. We are discussing why Ted Cruz can be portrayed as an idiot without it really being considered slander. i believe i can point out that according to your logic, anyone who believes in 'sky ghost' also must therefore be an idiot. and i did. it's really all i cared to say in response to everything you posted. i guess you don't want to go on record whether you hold everyone to that same standard equally or whatever and that's to be expected and im ok with that. That's not the only reason Cruz is an idiot. Belief in the sky ghost is only one sign, but I certainly would take Obama to task on it if he bleated about his Christianity as much as Cruz does. Now how about you offer up some reasons why he's not an idiot beyond the fact that he went to Harvard and Princeton.
  25. We're not discussing obama here. If you'd like to start a thread about that, please do so. We are discussing why Ted Cruz can be portrayed as an idiot without it really being considered slander.
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