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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Jesus, he's going to vietnam, not baltimore. He'll be fine.
  2. need downloads stat! i'm fiending somethign fierce
  3. Ah yeah your wonderful government incentivizing a two-tiered health system. Wait - don't you work in the public sector? They should be paying your health insurance.
  4. I was here a little over a year ago. if you're feeling stuck in your job, make some changes, like asking to be transferred to another team, another region, whatever. maybe even a career change could be needed, if the problem is bad enough. change and risk-taking is essential when you're stuck in a rut or the rut will deepen. Wearing black with cut-off Dickie's shorts. I own 3 gray shirts. I just got benefits with the new job, which is great because my back is really fucked up from 1) Working in live sound for 10 years and 2) Getting hit by a car a few years ago. fair enough. I will probably be eating my (joke) words when I get wiped out by a bus someday, I don't have health insurance. Wtf doesn't Australia have socialized health care?
  5. Looks like work productivity is about to fall even further ;)
  6. Man so good. Perfect soundtrack for a subway ride.
  7. If they don't love you for who you are, they don't deserve you babycakes.
  8. chenGOD


    Huh, how does that work? Investors keep throwing money at it to keep it alive? many startups do that for years Not just startups... Amazon runs at a loss as well. Yeah - it's the stupidest business model ever - except for the people who run the startups/businesses who keep managing to sucker investors into funding them. I didn't know google play worked on iOS - looks ideal. Fuck iTunes match.
  9. She seems reasonably intelligent. She was able to differentiate between "you're" and "your" for example. Her defense of not paying income tax was well written, if not logical. She's just certifiable. It's assuredly a legal filing, courts receive these kinds of filing all the time. It's called pro se or "advocating on one's own behalf".
  10. chenGOD


    That will be Apple's streaming market.
  11. Yeah I used it a lot when I was living on my own as a student - it was either university internet or tim's. lol at the timbernet.
  12. chenGOD


    Tech valuations are ridiculous though (it's also a stupid comparison, because it compares a global enterprise to one market). I'd be more interested in seeing spotify's revenue and operating costs for 2014. After all they had huge revenue gains in 2013, and still ran at a loss. They need to jack up their subscriber numbers like crazy, especially if artists are complaining about not receiving enough in royalties. Meanwhile the publishers are still laughing all the way to the bank. Here's a great read on spotify (which I have never tried, it wasn't available in Canada until very recently, afaik - anyways, I'm old, so i prefer to buy albums, though I do stream from mixcloud, soundcloud, and bandcamp). http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/11/24/revenue-streams
  13. I mean a study of the fans. Studying the girl groups themselves, not much in it. aye, the whole circus caboodle insania,,,, it runs on from int-forum mania & all sorts, we're a strange species @ times Yeah reading about fans of one group beating up fans of another group. Mental. Reminds me of "The Soccer Tribe" from Desmond Morris.
  14. I mean a study of the fans. Studying the girl groups themselves, not much in it. i know nothing of the fans but Daaaaaamn those chicks are hot. All plastic, good makeup, and lighting I'm afraid my dear yek - the reality would leave you somewhat disappointed.
  15. I've been fascinated by fans of the korean girls group "Girls Generation". There's a serious anthropological study to be done there. Amazing shit.
  16. trolling time. Actually, never mind - 1,000 likes, and he's already had one page shut down. lol
  17. Wow, are you on android? I mean I thought it was bad on the iPhone.
  18. Engineer the shit out of whatever it is you'll be engineering.
  19. New documents show the Rwanda pullout in 1994 genocide was driven by the U.S. , not Belgium. http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB511/
  20. Yes it does. It is pervasive across America. It's difficult to prove because of the culture of corruption. There is little incentive for any working there to expose the corruption. Nobody is inventing arguments, these are well founded fears, just google Arizona police corruption to get a taste.
  21. Police corruption is widely acknowledged as being an almost universal problem - it is not limited to the United States. It's obviously very difficult to examine police corruption because of the "Blue Wall of Silence". For a more thorough examination of the problem read pp. 596-600 here: http://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7125&context=jclc It makes clear sense to raise the corruption issue - these are public servants. You can google arizona corruption and take a look for yourself at the extent to which corruption is pervasive in Arizona police departments. Define serious? How much corruption has to exist before it's considered "serious"? This officer essentially acted as judge and sentencer, and it's extremely fortunate that the individual lived. And yet he was cleared of any wrongdoing very quickly. You can hear the other cops going "jesus christ" in the video, and they're not in a place of worship, so it's a reasonable assumption that they're blaspheming out of shock. There is no doubt that the individual committed several crimes - however the police officer's responsibility is to bring the suspect in for trial. Not to act as judge and executioner (imagine if he'd died good lord we would have an even bigger shit show on our hands). you're getting into tldr mode without any good reason, let's keep it simple.you alluded that the cop got cleared because there's corruption, can you prove me that this particular cop got cleared because of police corruption or not? of course not and because it's a super publicized and scrutinized event it's also very unlikely. the cops' duty is also to protect the people around, if there's a maniac with gun roaming around and they haven't been able to stop him with non lethal means they can use lethal ones. No because of th culture of corruption. It didn't look like they tried non-lethal means at all though.
  22. There were no people around him, except police officers. Yes I'm well aware of how gravity works thank you. Your argument is that because he fired a gun into the air, there is a possibility that someone could have died from the bullet returning to ground. My argument is that no one did, and that while police have the right to defend themselves if threatened. They were not being threatened in this situation. My second statement about mentally ill people not being found responsible for their actions is very much relevant to your statement "He is responsible for the fact that he crossed the line into becoming a threat." My third statement is rhetorical. Should I rewrite it as a question? "Do you believe that not responding the police entitles the police to run you over?" This is to question your statement of "He is not responding to officers." As to your budget proposal you write: "I also believe that they need about 50% of their budget under the current system, but I would like to have a police force that has highly educated and trained folks that get paid well, and not undereducated, undertrained, and poorly vetted folks." From which I can conclude that you think the current system does not induce good quality people to enter the police force. You propose reducing their budget by 50%, but you would like to see a system that has highly educated, highly trained officers who get paid well. So you actually want to pay them more, but also give them more training and require more education to become an officer? Then why propose the 50% budget reduction in the first place? What I want to see is cops that react, and don't operate under precog like conditions. Look at the statements made by the police department in question in this article: http://www.ibtimes.com/arizona-officer-rams-car-armed-suspect-mario-valencia-dash-cam-footage-shows-video-1882700(emphasis mine) So is the logic here that when police think something bad is going to happen they can do anything they want to prevent what they think is going to happen, from happening?
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