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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. I think the last international flight I was able to smoke on was in the early 2000s. It was on JAL. So I would have been almost 30 then.
  2. I remember when you used to be able to smoke on planes. I would hunker down with a fresh pack of Lucky Strikes, get two bottles of gin and two beers and have at er.
  3. Metal Beat "5" (upload 93, right after "make a baby") and "Cmarth (longer)"? Those are both alternates from rdj album Doesn't mean they wouldn't fit nicely on a HAB3 - considering the HABs were basically precursors to RDJ.
  4. Hey Deer.... Try and stick to berries for your fruits. They have the lowest glycemic load. I find they make the tastiest shakes too. Example: 100g raspberries only has 4g of sugar (+2g starches and 6g of fiber!), compared to a medium sized apple which has 26g of sugar! Most berries (even strawberries believe it or not) are similarly low in sugar). Maybe you already knew that but I figured I'd offer that in case you didn't... But I get what you mean about contradicting articles. Now all the sudden they're saying dietary cholesterol (like from eggs/meat etc) has very little effect on body cholesterol levels. Oh and now new studies are showing natural trans fats aren't unhealthy... etc Or in other words - eat natural foods in moderation. Stay away from junk food/industrial food (like the mass produced bread at Safeway what have you), and don't stress about calories. This shit ain't hard.
  5. Metal Beat "5" (upload 93, right after "make a baby") and "Cmarth (longer)"?
  6. Windows 7: why the fuck you no save to last location?
  7. Some great reading here: http://ifuckedanncoulterintheasshard.blogspot.ca/?zx=4260d7658afc762d and http://backinanncoultersasssaddleagain.blogspot.ca/
  8. For gods sake, whatever you do, don't mention WATMM. That shit does not go down well in job interviews...
  9. at home? or did you get over that irrational fear?
  10. Finally got around to linking my mixcloud accounts on my phone and laptop. 6GB of wireless data/month, might as well use it, amirite?
  11. what you did. i see it. Great episode - so much surrealism. Can't wait to see the next one - which I'm guessing will be Mike-centric. What a fantastic universe they're creating here.
  12. Good lord that page: Today I Learned, is essentially people just people posting random wikipedia links. What kind of fucking knowledge is that? Trivial Pursuit/pub quiz enthusiasts must love it I guess?
  13. Was expecting much more from this. Though Cumberband was better as Sherlock Holmes. The movie didn't know what story it wanted to focus on - was it Turing's persecution for his predilection for sucking penis? was it his efforts during the war? was it his boyhood friend who led him down the evil path of gay? Film was too short to explore all of these properly. Agreed on the banal dialogue. 6 enigmas out of 10.
  14. No Yes it was. Can't remember where I read it but he said that the MFM tracks were all linked to one of the Mr. Men and supposed to describe their personalities. source : http://boilerroom.tv/mindphuqed-by-rich-digging-deep-into-the-aphex-twin-archives/ So in other words, yes.
  15. I rent a 1 bedroom ground floor suite for $1300 a month, not in the heart of the city. 160 quid a month fuck, i'd be loving life.
  16. ? It should automatically update all graphs? Mine certainly does. I don't need to reselect data and remake the graphs? Something to do with macros maybe? Probably - I'm working with existing charts, so whoever made them in the first place probably fucked up. The bars or wedges in the pie charts change, and X-axis labels change correctly, but some of the data point labels don't change. (edit; and they don't pay me enough to figure out what's wrong with the data ranges, so fuck it). I want this shit to be fucking self-learning. When the hell will the singularity get here.
  17. Well now's your time to discover some great music! µ-Ziq's catalogue is full of goodness. Start at the beginning and work your way forward :)
  18. Ah that's shitty. Well glad she's alive and accounted for. Edit: my FWP - Excel is such a shit program. If I change values in the cell, please reflect those changes in the data labels on the graph. for fucks sake microsoft.
  19. just got a message that she's alive. No idea what happened though. geez embarrassing sex with the sad drunk?
  20. Shit man, people with Ph.D's spend year and years of their lives to better understand things. Someone who tells you they understand a topic completely in minutes is either in the top .0001% of the intellectually elite, or is lying.
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