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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. You must be joking, but anyways: I don't get it Sounds familiar, though slower than it should be. Cannot place it. Yes, slowed down. Go to 5:34 of the funky drummer track. spot the break.
  2. Or maybe you're skewed towards fungible. Just a thought experiment.
  3. you've only been a member since 2012, just saying. No reason to act all territorial lol, indeed I remember when all this were fields... Can someone please photoshop that crop circle into an aphex logo.
  4. Man I'm so behind - I only have the first 60... Waiting for some other kind user to slap them together into a tasty zip :) Amazing - and by the way Rich, thanks, my newborn has a large selection of great tracks to fill her head with :)
  5. Ah ok, I'll just use video downloader...prefer to have an offline copy just in case right. Thanks though!
  6. is this shizz up on torrents yet? good lord.
  7. Are you getting paid in your internship? If not, fuck it in the ass. If you are getting paid for the internship, I suggest this site as a valuable tool: http://www.atrixnet.com/bs-generator.html
  8. One of my external HDDs is dead... There wasn't snything super important on there I dont think..but some of the music...can't remember what the fuck it was...
  9. Where is the like button when one needs it. Damn it, I need to express my general satisfaction with the state of things in a convenient way that lets others know how I feel!
  10. Hmmm only one macgyver out of 5 for you I'm afraid.
  11. Yeah no kanye balls up in here! On another somewhat related first-world success, I would like to hand out for socialized medicine.
  12. Yes everyone is healthy, no csection required. Though how the fuck women go through that without an epidural is beyond me. My wife had contractions for 23 hours before the final stage of labour (the pushing part) after about 10 hours she was shaking so bad from exhaustion the doctor told her she was getting an epidural no ifs ands or buts. The pain looked fucking mental. So really it's my wife's achievement. I just stood around like an idiot for the most part. Usagi: we're still deciding out of a short list.
  13. That's because we just got married last month, and I didn't make a big deal about it. Also not my first kid, but my first biological one. Edit: oh and thanks guys!
  14. ?????? Wife is having contractions, which is the problem (not the upcoming baby) - they don't look like fun at all. We'll be off to the hospital in a few hours.
  15. Probably gonna have a wee chen running around within 24 hours.
  16. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    I really enjoyed about 90% of my readings for uni. The other 10% were just so-so. In fact I'm currently re-reading my micro-economics textbook.
  17. So because you're his son, he thinks you're gay? Have you tried asking him how big his closet is? j/k j/k j/k
  18. arguing with my brother about why Ayn Rand is both morally and intellectually vapid, as well as why true free markets can never exist. He's truly bought into the libertarian bullshit about "big government".
  19. You need go no further, as this statement is 100% complete.
  20. From that link - The very first sentence: I've just highlighted a couple of words that I think hold great significance. Then the first sentence of the last paragraph: So there is nothing really definitive about that particular article. Since I'm fortunate enough to be attending grad school, I thought I might as well take advantage of the library facilities. I grabbed the first two very recent studies that came up from your LMGTFY link, they both come from peer-reviewed journals. I'm not a neuroscientist, but fortunately one of my friends is, with a specialty in pharmacology (he got into the field cause he was curious about what effects, if any, all the drugs we took from between 15-20 - and we took a lot - had on his brain). I'll attach the two articles here, and get back to this thread with his comments on them. I think the major problems with them is that the sample size is quite small (n of 20 and 59, respectively) and that neither of the studies are particularly longitudinal. They also don't seem to control for other drug abuse, although one of them does provide regression analysis for drinking and smoking tobacco. I will just point out that, even though anecdotes aren't data, this very post references two people who took a large quantity of drugs (my friend and myself), and he has PhD and teaches at a university, and I will soon have an MA and currently work at a think tank (not very spectacular I know, but I think it does put the claim that smoking marijuana makes you stupid to the test). Edit: if you're being facetious, well done. I have to say I was a bit surprised, given your posting history, but hey you never know, people change. Marijuana Study 1.full.pdf Marijuana Study 2.full.pdf
  21. Just to clarify for the non-British herb smokers - many smokers in the UK roll spliffs, a mixture of loose-leaf tobacco and marijuana. Why the fuck they do this, I have no idea. So when he says "pure" joints, he means no tobacco, not some ultra-powered strain. i always use light tobacco in my joint, it just burns better and the weed is mostly so strong here if you rolled a pure one you'd probably get knocked out unless with friends, i just roll a stickie for myself, i'm beyond that point where i needed 2 get fried like hell Um we have decent weed in BC btw, never rolled with tobacco once in my life until I visited the UK. Just never saw the point. It doesn't help it burn better - if anything, it creates a more uneven burn. Bongs/Vapes for home, one-hitters for outside, much better solution than rolling joints with tobacco.
  22. Just to clarify for the non-British herb smokers - many smokers in the UK roll spliffs, a mixture of loose-leaf tobacco and marijuana. Why the fuck they do this, I have no idea. So when he says "pure" joints, he means no tobacco, not some ultra-powered strain. The pre-rolleds I bought at shops on Amsterdam were also mixed with tobacco. What a fucking waste of perfectly good marijuana. If I wanted to smoke tobacco, I'd have a cigarette.
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