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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Ok - didn't mean anything by it. Just trying to avoid work on a friday. US-IRAN could be a spicy match.
  2. The US side didn't look particularly convincing in qualifying. They may struggle to get out of the group.
  3. BTW - Cycles 8 came out today. Pretty ambient track 1. https://aleksiperala.bandcamp.com/album/cycles-8
  4. Thanks for that - I just find it fascinating that Putin's actions have essentially done the opposite of what Russia would have considered successful foreign policy. Increased appetite for joining NATO from countries that were pretty leery before, increased defense spending from Germany, increased economic pressure through sanctions etc. All these things going wrong, and the Russians can't rid themselves of Putin and his ilk.
  5. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/finnish-president-says-nato-referendum-no-longer-necessary/ Any Finns in here care to corroborate?
  6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/03/31/russia-demands-wikipedia-take-down-information-about-ukraine-war/?sh=57c15c2366f2 There’s an alanis morisette line in there somewhere…
  7. Sorry my fellow Canadians looks like we're next on Putin's shitlist: https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5qn74/home-linked-to-international-neo-nazi-propagandist-raided-by-police-sources
  8. BTW - some cunt on reddit put together this nifty little draw simulator: https://stattosoftware.com/wc2022/
  9. I can't listen to the first one, cause PIAS blocked it in Canada, but I assume you're taking the piss comparing it to that Cafe del Mar pap.
  10. What did Putin have to say on the matter?
  11. I’d be there in a heartbeat. Fucking UK passport would finally come in handy again.
  12. Watched the highlights of the Wales-Czech match @cwmbrancity, your youth set up looked tidy going forward but a little sloppy in defence, not surprising really, young players need to learn a bit more discipline. Still, you have to feel good about the future of Welsh football. You just need to increase the amount of sister-in-law shaggers in the side and you'll be gold. Let's hope that Canada can put on another good performance in our final group match, if we win I think we are in Pot 3, which may offer a slight advantage in the draw over being in Pot 4.
  13. Everyone knows azov is full of nazis. Apparently you are the only one who can't recognize that the Azov battalion and neo-Nazis in Ukraine make up an insignificant percentage of both Ukrainian military forces and the Ukrainian population. The russian propaganda angle comes form saying that the Azov battalion has done all these horrific thing, and using that as a justification for furthering the war. Some of the material you have posted has already been clearly debunked, some of it is from before the war, and some of it the accuracy can not be determined one way or the other. Either way, you have fallen for the "fog of war", and spreading the disinformation and misinformation only further spreads that. So moving forward - any material that is not directly relevant to the current Russian invasion of Ukraine will be removed. Material that happened before this violation of Ukrainian sovereignty will be included in that.
  14. The article was written by people who put their actual names to the thing they're writing. Your video was produced by....?
  15. Yeah, hoping against hope that it’s not just a ruse to reorganize and refresh supply lines.
  16. I don't think it's cups, but I think I know where Aleksi got most of the inspiration for his pictograms in the bottom right of the album covers
  17. This is the way to make your voice heard as much as possible.
  18. The cpusa position contains the same internal logical fallacies as your position, so hardly a surprise that your views align (including blaming the US for everything - with accusations of installing Poroshenko (a notoriously pro-Russia inidividual) in 2014). In order to stop the war that Russia started, "Again, the U.S. must change course."
  19. That was a different Ukraine government. All sides ignored the minks agreements, which were flawed from the get go both in theory and in practice. Putin used "the defense of the people of donetsk and luhansk" as cover, much the same as they tried to use the even flimsier "de-nazification" cover for this particular invasion. Zelensky won the 2019 election with 73% of the vote, and while his popularity did decrease (significantly), the citizens of Ukraine have clearly expressed their preference through supporting him during the war: https://www.newstatesman.com/chart-of-the-day/2022/03/how-president-zelenskys-approval-ratings-have-surged https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/596806-russian-invasion-transforms-zelensky So if you want to side with the citizens, you would not surrender. Why do you think they will simply lose? Would you have said the same (i.e. surrender) to the NVA during the Vietnamese War?
  20. I like to call it bourgeoisie communism.
  21. this may be the dumbest thing you've ever written on here, and that's saying a lot considering some of the things you've written, which will not be brought up again by me. Essentially, at this point, I'm going to ask you to ease up on presenting "an alternative viewpoint" from the "lamestream media". I think we have been very reasonable in allowing you to present alternative points of view, but the above shit is just pure garbage. The biggest existential threat that isn't climate change is Russia moving aggressively through military force to expand its borders. You'll notice that NATO didn't have to invade anyone to bring people into the fold. I think I've stood up for not censoring you with an honest effort. But if you continue along this vein, you will be suspended for the duration of the war.
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