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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. What would you have proposed the "west" do with this intelligence? There were issues raised by the EU and US over Nord Stream 2 long before this illegal invasion: https://www.dw.com/en/us-sees-gas-exports-to-germany-by-2022/a-45516432 (that's from 2018). EU also purchases gas and oil from the middle east. What the illegal invasion has done is speed up German plans to increase the use of renewables for energy sources: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-present-renewable-energy-expansion-measures-2022-04-05/ (in the works since last year). Zelenskyy, during negotiations, said in February (so a month before the US team visited Ukraine) that "effective negotiations cannot happen while invading forces from Russia continue their assault". He reiterated that it is "harder to negotiate with Russia in the face of their [Russian] war crimes" in early April. And of course, the most-recent quote is that Ukraine won't cede any territory for peace with Russia. The US is selling weapons to Germany because of NATO compatibility and interoperability. Yes the Russian invasion created some urgency, but this is hardly the ad-hoc, opportunistic approach that you seem to be insinuating. This is systemic planning that has undoubtedly been undertaken over a number of years. The US is selling weapons to Ukraine because Zelenskyy has been calling for an increase in aid in the form of lethal weapons since virtually Day 1 of the illegal invasion.
  2. So Russia invaded the Ukraine to aide the US in this ad-hoc experiment? That's awfully generous of Vlad.
  3. Yeah that's a good point. High expectations of science! I've always wanted a superpower!
  4. Oh yeah definitely happy about that, but I meant in terms of reducing the risk of catching it.
  5. Well, Uncle Rona finally came to town. 1 day of feeling like absolute dogshit, 4 days of the runs and low energy, and finally almost back to normal. No brain fog or anything like that - I suppose my last booster had been about 4 months ago, so it was probably waning a bit in effectiveness, and I had got a bit lax wearing masks (given it was summer and all). I figure in another 4 days I should be ok to go out (wearing masks of course!) again.
  6. "except" bro, sorry this is insane.
  7. Dems in hoods? Am I in the metaverse? Also twerking senators is pretty dope I guess? What's like the founding father equivalent?
  8. Yeah but make it at least to 3:25 or so.
  9. 14 minutes of pure meme material, you sons of bitches.
  10. Everyone who thinks crypto as an investment is a good idea should read this interview (or listen to it if you prefer): https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-25/sam-bankman-fried-described-yield-farming-and-left-matt-levine-stunned One takeaway from this whole conversation is that DeFi might be more similar to Bitcoin than a lot of people thought, deriving its value from collective agreement that the ‘thing’ (in this case the box, or yield-farming protocol) is worth something rather than deriving value from a fundamental usefulness.
  11. I just started "For All Mankind". Heard good things, so hope I'm not too disappointed.
  12. S1 good, very good even. S2. Good. S3 wtf. S4 good so far. But I am a confirmed idiot.
  13. God has no problems killing babies, indeed with genocide. God's prophet Samuel tells Saul to kill 'em all. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1-Samuel-15-3/ And the explanation for it is even worse: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Deuteronomy-20-17/ and of course, the infamous flood in Genesis - https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Genesis-7-4/ So yeah I dunno why conservatives are all bent out of shape about it.
  14. Sigh…I’m not big on physical media, but these would be very nice to have. A terrible time to have a “liquidity crisis”.
  15. Peter Thiel is a true piece of shit. Like Musk is a comical bad guy, but Thiel is both smart enough and has the resources to actually do the bad shit.
  16. Erdogan is such a self-serving bastard.
  17. Didn't see anything on this yet, but a lovely new(ish) work from Kelly Lee Owens. Definitely different from her previous outings, but full of lush. https://kellyleeowens.bandcamp.com/album/lp-8
  18. Rough day for Musk: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-16/musk-tesla-spacex-are-sued-for-alleged-dogecoin-pyramid-scheme https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/16/23170228/spacex-elon-musk-internal-open-letter-behavior
  19. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220615/p2g/00m/0in/043000c Kishida to be 1st Japan leader to attend NATO summit
  20. Speaking of dark shit, S3 of The Boys is fucking twisted. Excellent viewing.
  21. I watched it - first half I had high hopes, but man they rushed through the second half, and the season finale was a hot mess - should have been two episodes. It wasn't bad per se, you know what I mean, but it could have been executed a lot better.
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