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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. NGL that Dale Cornish person seems like an insufferable twat, but Uwe should have taken your advice. Never go into Twitter battle unless you’re fully unemployed.
  2. It’s too late, he’s already been cancelled on Xitter. https://x.com/dalecornish/status/1765789943706660984?s=46&t=lzb--cRIkaiKMari_HPNtg
  3. and repeatedly. corporate jagoff bootlicker.
  4. A bit more context comes from his "irregular newsletter":
  5. I really like this opening track. I wish that the "culture wars" were limited to edgelord shit but look at mainstream politics and media. It's all a virulent cesspool of who can be the most offended on either side of the aisle, to garner votes from the actual vulnerable populations they're supposed to be representing (LGBTQ2S+, poor white folk, Black Americans, Asian-Americans etc.), or exploiting that shit for monetary gain.
  6. See, #19 should have been on there but of course it was never on the CD versions.
  7. Sounds well lush.
  8. https://x.com/bleep/status/1765690269066830152?s=46&t=lzb--cRIkaiKMari_HPNtg Hopefully a repress complete with stone in focus.
  9. That cobblestone work is gnarly as fuck.
  10. "My thoughts on vaccines for what it's worth is that I'm not against them in principle but you should look at them on a case by case basis, see what's in them, do your research and decide if it's right for you or your loved ones" lol edit: I get the whole "blackrock is funding chinese and us military programs at the same time" quote was not Richard, just in case there's any confusion.
  11. What? Massages may cause short-term pain at first if you're not used to them but after getting used to them, muscle soreness post-massage should go away. This is because much like exercise, massage will stimulate muscles - if you're not used to it, try a lighter massage at first before you go full-on deep tissue massage. Just like you don't jump head first into running a 10k or power lifting, you'll want to ease into both massage and stretching. Stretching and massage together is a great combination to keep you limber. Also if you work a desk job, try and stand up and move around for at least a couple of minutes every 30 minutes or so. Sit-stand desks are actually really good if you can get a decent one. @J3FF3R00 most important for us geezers - good posture when sitting and standing - keep the spine nice and tall. Stretch out your hip flexors regularly - it's the best fucking stretch in the world. There are a bunch of different ones you can do you tube that shit - for me the 90-90s are killer but feel so good. I know you're going "chen what the fuck it's my neck and shoulders you stupid git" but trust - good posture, open hips, relieves so much stress in our upper body.
  12. I want the one that pounds directly against your ear drum like being at a nasenbluten show without all the fucking riff-raff.
  13. AH yes - I didn't understand the gravity of the situation. Still though...lilac velour is never a good choice for work.
  14. I’m considering buying an alarm clock so I can just turn the fucking phone off.
  15. I was in fact, unable to go Probably because you paired it with those velour chinos. Put it on sleep mode or sleep focus whatever you have.
  16. From the notes: ”3 - Glass UFO (2011) This track was hidden away on the DVD-ROM disc of the physical release of my "OvalDNA" album, which has been out of print for a while now. In fact, I hid an entire album's worth of rare tracks on that data disc, so l at least wanted to bring this one back for this EP series - maybe the perfect opportunity to youtube the quirky music video Amberley Productions did for Glass UFO back then. I still can't quite get my head around that drum pattern, though, but I will someday.”
  17. Vol.5 of Now/Never/Whenever dropped today. Some lovely bits on there. We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various
  18. my human brain looked at that title and noped the fuck out.
  19. Very different shows and both excellent - but looking forward to the re-watch of Better Call Saul. Just gave myself a teaser and watched episode 1 last night. So good. Just jump in. Totally worth it.
  20. Just finished re-watching Breaking Bad. Such an incredible show in every way. Onto Better Call Saul now. Great fun, a bit silly at times in Season 2 and 3, but Gary Oldman innit.
  21. I second the Butthole Surfers -Locust Abortion Technician is great, but really their first four records on Touch & Go are all immaculate, as well the EP Cream Corn from the Socket Davis. Pink Floyd - Ummagumma is the obvious choice here. Negativland - a wide an expansive catalog, my favs are Helter Stupid, Over the Edge Vol 2 (Pastor Dick), Vol 6 (The Willsaphone Stupid Show), Vol 8( Sex Dirt), and Dispepsi If you really want to lose your mind, Nurse With Wound/The Hafler Trio - self-titled. Please listen with a trip guide. For the come down maybe some lovely chill - lots has been suggested already (but I would definitely second Orb - Live 93), I'd add The Higher Intelligence Agency - Colourform, Celer (mostly just lush pads) - I Love You So Much I Can't Even Title This (may make you cry it's too beautiful) or It Would Have, But It Wasn't (also may make you cry), virtually anything from Deepchord but The Coldest Season would be my choice here. I feel the opposite from our dear friend Salv - serious drone music is way too introspective and intense. Listening to Eliane Radigue's Adnos I-III for example would be devastating for the psyche. But honestly - trips should be a discovery, every person has their own path to visit. Physical media wherever possible!
  22. Beyond Tucker not understanding basic economic concepts, he also doesn't understand that the sanctions are aimed at the Russian oligarchs and elite facilitating the war: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0650 Tucker admitting that good shit came out of Socialism is fucking mental. Also why the fuck is he standing next to a CHristmas tree in February?
  23. I mean I get why it's historically problematic, but I do so love how fucking triggered the MAGAts are.
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