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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Ate two bags of microwave popcorn last night. Not the brightest move. Felt arterially heavy all day today.
  2. Looking forward to this very much - one of the best SF shows out there.
  3. 100% the best Thor! I enjoyed the LotR films, especially the ultra extended director's cut. But I understand how they wouldn't be for everyone. I suppose it really depends on what you define as fantasy. If you're excluding SF (a reasonable stance), then pickings are slim. Seasons 1-5 of GOT were really pretty fucking good though. Carnival Row had a lot of potential, but my god did they lose the plot..literally. I think it's really hard to build a convincing magical world on screen as opposed to on the page because our imagination is capable of creating so much more, and what we create in our imagination is of course, so personally developed to our own tastes.
  4. You may have said that before,but I didn't know. That's freaking cool. We are so lucky to have had someone like him creating and influencing art.
  5. Yeah I saw that, pretty good news. Vincent D'Onofrio did a good job with Kingpin, even if the writers sold his character a little short in terms of development.
  6. Been sucked into the second-tier MCU series - Punisher, Daredevil, and now Jessica Jones. Enjoyable, low-thought capacity viewing (I watch a lot while I'm working lol). I might give Luke Cage and Iron Fist a miss. Is Defenders worth watching? Watched the first 5 minutes and noped out.
  7. Don’t worry about not knowing German. All Germans speak English. What the actual fuck. Who let Larry David start writing the script?
  8. This is blatantly untrue: https://www.thelancet.com/article/S2213-2600(20)30527-0/fulltext
  9. You can insure cash easily enough, if you can find an insurance company willing to insure against theft. I think most home insurance policies have some already built in limit for cash, I'm sure for a business like a church there's some insurance company. If I was a betting man, I'd say that Joel Osteen owns the insurance company that insured his church, and he convinces his followers to get insurance through that company.
  10. I provided you with non-MSM links, not that that matters, as the CBC and Global source their reporting. Here in Ontario, critical care resources were definitely strained and overwhelmed https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/sciencebrief/critical-care-capacity-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/ Here is your premier admitting that the healthcare system is strained because of the nursing shortage: In Canada, even before the COVID19 outbreak, ICU beds were at 90% capacity(PDF) In Canada, we had 3,170 ICU beds. Since the start of the pandemic, approximately 16,975 people have been admitted to ICU as a result of COVID-induced hospitalization. So ignoring the 90% occupancy rate before COVID, the pandemic has definitely overwhelmed our hospital and critical care infrastructure. In Quebec, yes it may be true you left old people to drop like flies in nursing homes and long-term care facilities at the start, but hospitals are running out of room, as illustrated by the articles above. So we have a lack of hospitals, a global pandemic of a virus with high communicability, and poor measures at the onset to address the problem, and you can't add those three up to see that hospitals will obviously be strained?
  11. The article I linked to about herd immunity was from like a month or two ago, not long at all. And hardly the only one. Link to the lancet research article? This one shows that while vaccinated individuals with the delta variant still transmit, they likely have a faster viral load decline, and thus vaccination combined with quarantine is a useful approach in slowing the spread. As well, vaccination reduces the risk of severe infections: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00648-4/fulltext#seccestitle70 Quebec was definitely worried about running out of critical care beds. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/hospitals-capacity-issues-struggle-covid-1.5868570 https://globalnews.ca/news/8198604/quebec-alberta-covid-patients-help/ And we know that ICU beds are limited resources in Canada. You've said you're ok with the vaccine, and I've explained to you the mandate of the two ministries most responsible for protecting Canadians, so why do you continue to argue against it? Wouldn't you rather not have to deal with severe COVID infections, or the chance of dealing with them, sooner rather than later?
  12. The problem is that because of the severity and transmission of COVID, people infected who aren't vaccinated take up significant resources in the hospitals and other healthcare facilities that could be put to better use. We know that the vaccines don't prevent transmission 100%, but they reduce it significantly, and we also know that the vaccines reduce severity of symptoms. Vaccine hesitancy has a significant impact on the general health and safety of the Canadian public, and since resources (doctors, nurses, paramedics) are already understaffed, it makes much more sense to mandate vaccination to increase protection of the public. Since protecting the health and safety of Canadians is the mandate of the Minister of Public Safety and Minister of Health, and because of the aforementioned strain on medical resources, those ministers are going to choose the option that is most viable to protect Canadians. Will we ever achieve herd immunity? Who knows - but vaccine hesitancy will definitely delay any chance we have at returning to a new normal. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/what-is-herd-immunity-and-how-can-we-achieve-it-with-covid-19
  13. i disagree, given the duration and it being a debate I mean, he didn’t get infected because of the social distancing and proper ventilation and airflow, so I’d say the risk was mitigated. i'm not sure what you mean by this. i can say that biden submitted himself to the debate's mandated testing, while trump coincidentally got himself out of it by being late. but i'm not sure what you're getting at. I mean Biden would have received the same expensive treatment that Trump got when Trump got COVID-19. i agree, and i am not guessing. there are now multiple indicators that make it look as though trump did it deliberately. I guess I should have asked for this first to avoid any confusion on my part. Can you link to some? The numerous counts of actual treason, money laundering for foreign entities, using the office of the president for personal gain while in office and of course involvement in the attempted coup I’d say rank higher. The link you provided doesn’t say anything like that (and yes it can be a crime), but again the key here is knowingly. Theoretically, if anyone were to attempt to prosecute him for it, they’d probably go with wilful blindness as opposed to actual knowledge, but again, it would be difficult to prove, precisely because of the mitigation measures in place already. It would be an interesting trial though, could the organizers of the event be charged as accessories? Reckless endangerment? Not in the court of public opinion for sure, but in a court of law, it would take a hell of an argument to prove the pattern of criminality. We need an actual lawyer. LOL Alzado where are you??? Does it work like beetlejuice, if I say his name three times will he appear? LOL Alzado, LOL Alzado, LOL Alzado! Edit: for the record, I think trump is a despicable waste of oxygen, but I think that whatever DA office is going after him should concentrate on the more serious and/or easier to prove charges.
  14. Yes i stand corrected, the requirements have gone up to 3 years for paramedics. Do you think you could pass the nurse licensing exam administered by the Quebec Order of Nurses (of course Quebec has to have their own standards body lol)? For the rest of Canada becoming an RN is a 4 year program at university. No one cares except that you're holding out as an authority because of your training. Despite said training, you can't seem to comprehend that the "information" you're providing is misleading.
  15. It sounds interesting - but the pieces are maddeningly short.
  16. Maskless at a distance well past the recommended minimum for social distancing, with proper ventilation. Risk of infection was minimal, and we can assume that Biden would have received the same treatment that Trump got. When compared to the other crimes Trump has been accused of (the deliberate part will be very hard to prove in court by the way, and since you need to have the mental component for a crime to be committed...), this is not a big deal, and there are much more serious things to go after Trump. Like I said, is it douchey and something to be not cool with, absolutely, but it is not a big deal compared to the numerous other crimes Trump is accused of.
  17. If you look at the position of the podiums on stage for the first debate, they are clearly more than 6 feet apart. So is it assholish of Trump? Sure, but is it important news, not really.
  18. Most paramedic programs are 1 or 2 years (depending on province, in Ontario they are 2 years, in Quebec they are between 1 and 3). In order to become a registered nurse, the program is 4 years. A practical nurse on the other hand is indeed a 2 year program, but the responsibilities and differences between the two is quite large, as well as the salaries. This isn't calling you stupid by the way, just clarifying a few things.
  19. celestials and saracens Ahem: points to signature.
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