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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. It's not just those three bonds though, Evergrande is defaulting on all of its debt, which is in the hundreds of billions. The problem as I understand it is that a lot of other Chinese developers (scum of the earth - developers in general that is, not specifically Chinese ones) are also way over-leveraged, and won't be able to repay that debt because of some changes the Chinese government made in the ability of those companies to take on new debt. I agree that the whole global financial collapse sounds overblown - it may be a mini-crisis, but not the end of the world. The US Federal Reserve puts out a stability report and the latest one advises caution: https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/files/financial-stability-report-20211108.pdf
  2. You’re just going to miss out Lactavent, Onclements, and Wasted Sunday like that?
  3. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kyrsten-sinema-multilevel-marketing-donations-labor-unions-1253712/
  4. https://adoptioncouncil.org/publications/a-guide-to-adoption-subsidies-and-assistance-for-adoptive-parents/ That said, I agree they're drinking a shit ton of milk, and they definitely are not an average working class family. But they're in Texas, so of course they're going to blame Joe.
  5. I mean, they have a big family - so yeah, obviously they buy a lot. But they also probably get some subsidies for adopting those kids. Inflation will stick for a while as the lag from the pandemic will be around, and energy prices will continue to rise (especially gas), which means downstream goods and services will have a higher associated base cost.
  6. So much this. Qatar 2022 is a fucking travesty. In this day and age, not really. At the top level, it's not Bobby Brixton from down the road anymore. It's a global commodity, and it has been for some time.
  7. I live in Canada, so all the teams I support are outside my country lol. But outside of United, I really only like Dortmund and Ajax - they both play incredible football, and Haaland is a beast to watch!
  8. Wa Wu We 005 from Sebastien Mullaert - beautiful, emotive techno, especially B2. Just gorgeous.
  9. I just want to say that this is a lovely piece of music.
  10. chenGOD


    I wouldn't go quite that far, but it was definitely very Hans Zimmery, and very over the top at a lot of points. But I think the whole movie (just saw it tonight) was really trying to hit you over the head. It wasn't subtle at all, and the score matched it. The bagpipe theme was hilarious though. All that said, I enjoyed the fuck out of it. They did a good job translating a book that is essentially about intergalactic politics to the big screen. It was a pretty fast 2 hours and 35 minutes!
  11. Will give it a shot. Prolly tough I imagine due to oscillators going wonky.
  12. Added to the collection ? Also, this from Brian Eno (a b-side to Neroli) is pretty soothing:
  13. But did he do it in a french accent? (also, what a fucking bellend)
  14. Is the remaster significantly different from the original? Like will my old ass ears be able to tell a difference on my shitty bookshelf speakers? Fantastic album though.
  15. Yeah they're really going after the "grown-up 90's pillheads with money now" demographic on this lol. The e-mail just screams it. Anyway I'm going to continue to live in blissful hope that Drift 2 is in the works.
  16. iphone and don't feel like i should have to go to that level of use to avoid ads. Which is why I don't use facebook for much at all and tracking is blocked across apps.
  17. https://underworldlive.com/news/2021/10/22/dark-long-drift-2-dark-train-free-download/ A) sign up and download this. B) Does the headline mean Drift 2 is in the making? I fucking hope so!
  18. His post-match press conference was top Mourinho trash talking his own team.
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