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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. A bit of an aside, but I'd say more, organized religion used to achieve state goals is dumb (sadly it's been co-opted throughout history). Personal religion that facilitates a deeper spiritual understanding and connection with the world and community around a person is pretty cool though. Back on topic, Israeli air raids have destroyed the Al Jazeera offices in Gaza (more accurately - they destroyed the building where the Al Jazeera offices were housed). Trying to silence reporting on internal situations has always been a hallmark of authoritarian fascists, but the Israeli government is really taking it to the next level.
  2. Will Charlie Hebdo be brave and take this trampling of freedom of expression on?
  3. It's one of my go to mixes for whenever anyone asks for a techno mix. That and this 2013 Ben Klock mix from Boiler Room (which has just awful sound quality on Mixcloud, I'm sure I have it in better quality somewhere) are great stand alone mixes. The Rob Hall series (12 of them) is so good as well. But that Surgeon set is so good. I'm gutted I've never seen him DJ live yet. My most recent favourite is Amelie Lens, saw her at Movement 2019 and she just killed it. Can't find that set anywhere and I wish I could, cause she went through a lot of material, including Dark and Long (Dark Train mix) and she closed it out with 20 minutes or so of some of the gnarliest techno I've ever heard.
  4. I mean, given that the kind of music we are talking arguable started in Detroit, and took hold largely in Western Europe is this so surprising? There are many Japanese message boards and fans that conduct “the business” almost strictly in Japanese. Korea too. Yes access to more is great and wonderful, but I think the issue is that saying someone has been oppressed by Ableton Live (which was designed for four on the floor/sample based music) is kind of a stretch. I mean we could do Wendy Carlos well-tempered clavier, or a plethora of other electronic musicians that have made records that explore micro tuning. To me it’s like saying I feel oppressed that I can’t play traditional Japanese koto music on a 6 string. ps I’m not saying you called anyone names, it was just a bad exaggeration of my feelings.
  5. The website that I posted. Scala is a preexisting interface that allows for Logic to do micro tuning.
  6. colundi.net is down, but I'm relatively sure that Aleksi uses generative software. From an interview he gave: "I play with sine waves mostly and build my sounds from them; I love to play around with harmonics." This is supposedly the "colundi keyboard". As @TubularCorporationpointed out, every version of Logic is on that list. As well, Cakewalk, Cubase/Nuendo are two other major sequencing environments/DAWs that are included in there. Kontakt, Cycling74, all the Native Instruments synthesizing environments, they all get plugged in to DAWs and can be tuned however you want. Sure I guess it takes some time and effort to do it, but I also guess everything worthwhile does? At the end of the day, I don't think there is a serious issue here, and the article is garbage. If you want to "make it" in electronic music in the western world then you have to engage with westernized music culture. Given that techno/disco/house/IDM what have you arose in the "west" is that really surprising? Like I don't understand this argument at all. If I wanted to make it in Cumbia, I would have to engage with those traditions and cultures (I realize cumbia may not be the best example, given its origins in actual colonization). If this POV makes me a racist colonialist, I guess I'm a racist colonialist.
  7. https://abstractaprils.bandcamp.com/album/odyssey Released yesterday, a piece of beautiful art. Possibly one of the best ambient records of the year.
  8. Weird how the person on the ground under the Israeli soldier's boot it says "Lebanon" in Korean. Point still holds, just an odd choice by the cartoonist.
  9. Norman Finkelstein is awesome. I was fortunate enough to go see him speak live at university, crowd wasn't anywhere near as raucous as this one, but it was still a very informative and interesting discussion.
  10. Apparently the guy put the jerry cans in his big ass penis replacement and then lit up in the vehicle.
  11. Some modern Russian weaponry as well but not much and not too modern.
  12. chenGOD


    Pfft a ~2% drop in crypto is nothing.
  13. I used the farnsworth react because I think it encapsulates the range of emotions best: cry, laugh, shake head, wtf?!, pfart n poop.
  14. If the Biden admin reinstates the treaty with Iran, that allows more oil to flow from Iran (sanctions get removed). This means in turn more competition for the Saudis, who would have to seek customers elsewhere. It remains to be seen how OPEC would react to that (Iran will want to keep production high to recoup losses from the stupid sanctions of Trump), as typically OPEC uses production targets to ensure oil price stability. So it may actually be that through promoting peace in the Middle East that the Biden administration divides and conquers...as well as transitioning to a more environmentally friendly energy supply. The rest of the world has no problem importing oil from the middle east (except Iran in the last 4 years because of Trump's idiotic foreign policy) or Russia. China, European Union, Japan, South Korea (although South Korea reliance on Middle Eastern oil has decreased somewhat, those countries still make up the vast majority of oil exports to South Korea).
  15. I just want to point out that Canada has been the largest single source of US oil imports since about 1998. Mexico's share has also steadily increased. Imports of oil overall to the US have declined in general, and in 2015 I think, the US became a net exporter of oil. The US is largely energy self-sufficient, and their foreign policy will be increasingly less focused on crude oil. Now, if you want to say that US foreign policy in the Middle East has been a clusterfuck, by all means. That's pretty obvious (all countries that are capable of it have had pretty fucked up foreign policy in the Middle East). But in the last 20 years the dead there have been less about oil and more about other things for the US (the "war on terror" primary among them - which is a proxy for sustaining the military-industrial complex which employs a lot of people in the US).
  16. Some Korean traditional poetry in song format: Traditional court music from the Joseon dynasty (last dynasty of Korea): Korean ska:
  17. Can't see that first video there @Thu Zaw, but maybe you just overlooked YMO by accident ? One more from Sakamoto-san: And some global music with a strong Japanese component (it was composed and produced by Japanese, performed by the composer with vocals from an English woman, and released on Tzadik: Some more palatable pop from Japan:
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