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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. If you read the article all the way through, you’ll see they still provide solid evidence for continuing with vaccinations. This was written before COVID, so it’s not propaganda to convince you to take a vaccine for the globalists or something. To save time: And:
  2. We’ll be chasing our tails endlessly if people refuse to vaccinate, for sure. As to the point about selective evolutionary pressures: this may be true, but it doesn’t negate the usefulness of vaccines. This article explains it quite well so even dummies like me can understand it: https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-vaccines-can-drive-pathogens-to-evolve-20180510/
  3. Fortunately, they look like they’re on the path to select themselves out of the gene pool. Cinnamon rolls and no airbags.
  4. Bacteria and viruses are quite different animals. So not sure why you’re bringing up MRSA from the massively censored MSM https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/30/mutations-could-make-current-covid-vaccines-ineffective-soon-survey.html Here’s the actual survey: https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/two-thirds-epidemiologists-warn-mutations-could-render-current-covid-vaccines And from that survey - “The overwhelming majority —88 percent— said that persistent low vaccine coverage in many countries would make it more likely for vaccine resistant mutations to appear. ” You understand why we can’t leave you out of the tracking chip vaccine roll-out comrade?
  5. This is gold. Be right back, I’m gonna go wave some arugula at some cowboys.
  6. I'm sorry your wife and kids had to go through that. Good job on confronting the guy.
  7. Immunity granted but your velour trousers phase voided all possibility of mod powers. You’re probably too smart for this place.
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/28/nyregion/rudy-giuliani-trump-ukraine-warrant.html warrants served on Rudy G, apartment and office searched. Kind of exciting.
  9. Please film close up and post result itt
  10. Print out of all of WATMM.
  11. https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1588193-20210428.htm The key bits, since it's a short article: She has a viable future as a Republican strategist if she ever comes out of retirement....
  12. Someone needs to sell that image as an NFT.
  13. https://libraryofbabel.info Enjoy the light
  14. Guys stop it you’re gonna get in trouble!
  15. The guy has a lot of ummmm interesting untelectal content. https://archive.org/details/@nite_hawk
  16. Someone should call child services on Tucker’s parents, they clearly are abusing the toddler, he exhibits clear signs of brain damage.
  17. It’s great, highly accurate, and shows how banal the immorality of the drug trade is.
  18. Just started watching The Serpent on Netflix. It was out on BBC in January. Only one episode in so far, but looks dark and fucking dingy and the main dude looks awful in a good way.
  19. Throughout the lifetime of those regions? Prior to those events the biggest famine in the industrial era was in 1891-92, which primarily impacted areas around the Volga, and then spread to the Urals (includes a tiny bit of Kazakhstan) and the Black Sea (which includes some of southeastern Ukraine). The famine had some impact in the Ukraine and Kazakhstan, but it is certainly not indicative of constant famine. In fact, prior to that famine, Russia was a large exporter of grains and cereals, much of which came from Kazakhstan. So no, there was not a record of suffering famine historically in those regions. The famine of 1921-22 was caused by a number of factors, including Bolshevik requisition policies which took grain from the peasants for nothing in return. This unsurprisingly caused discontent in the peasants who mostly sold their grain on the black market. I'll note that in both the famine of 1891-92 and the 1921-22 famine, the Americans provided food aid. The 1932-33 famine was largely caused because of Stalin's combined industrialization and collectivization efforts. Industrialization as part of the first five-year plan pulled many agricultural workers to the city, and collectivization (which again, for totally unknown reasons like not wanting to give up the product of your labour for nothing in return, was not popular), which among other things enforced a change in crop production, especially in the Ukraine. With respect to the Soviet economy, you said: So, while the Soviet economy may have had better growth than capitalist powers in that short period of time (most of it is in the post WW2, which is clear if you look at the original statistics which can be found here under the historical statistics), in the longer run picture it is clear that Soviet growth could not exceed that of the US or Western Europe, as outlined in this paper: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/staff/mharrison/public/pp2011postprint.pdf China does not have fair elections at any level. They don't have direct elections at the top three levels and at the local level, there is no party differential allowed. There is further evidence (PDF) that these local elections actually strengthen control by the central party, until the local election may contest centralized powe, in which case the central body will undermine local elections. There is also further evidence that for all the CCP talk of women's emancipation and quality, there is still a large barrier to participation of women in politics in China at the leadership levels. The last election in the US actually removed that reality TV show host through a peaceful (mostly) transfer of power (compared to say Myanmar, a client state of China). You keep saying stuff that is reasonably simple to prove as inaccurate or wrong. So yeah, I'm going to leave this thread now. I'm sure you will reply. I will still be moving Marxist related stuff to this thread from other threads.
  20. In the end, the vast majority of societies use mixed economies as the basis of their political economy, so you're entirely right that calling one "capitalism" or "communism" is pretty silly. The ultimate answer is how well society is able to enforce regulation, trust in public institutions, and how well democratic transfer of power can work. There's a good example of a commune in California that still exists, they definitely use capitalism well. It's unappealing because working on communes is hard work. Farming is super labour intensive, even with modern technology.
  21. 7 ~Important~ Things to Know About the Anal Bleaching Trend
  22. A kind of good news story in Brazil for a small community: https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2021/4/26/amid-brazils-covid-chaos-socialist-marica-forges-different-path They actually used oil revenue sensibly! paywalled.
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