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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. How is it racist to state a fact? Koreans still dogs as well. I've tried dog a few times while I was living there. I'm not saying it's wrong or they are bad people for doing it, I'm simply saying they do it. To make that leap to justifying numerous western atrocities in various bordering regions in an incredible fallacy. Also, which Western atrocities are you referring to?
  2. Have you seen those Chinese wet markets? They’ll eat anything with four legs.
  3. I had like 4 tracks from 6 that I thought were great.
  4. Finished up Homecoming the other day. Decent, except the ending - the actions of one character are totally out of whack with the previous portrayal of the character.
  5. MS 6 on for the first time right now. Track one is banging right from the start. Fam isn't home so its up loud!
  6. I thought it was an AMA that was in the state of being drunk?
  7. That’s very good. You guys are definitely kicking our ass on that point. Our vaccination rollout has been pretty limp up here, with a combination of federal and provincial incompetence making it a giant shit show.
  8. Clearly making the most of their student loans. Who wants odds on COVID:REDUX after all these fucking idiots return to their campuses?
  9. Mmm super transparent justice system: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/spavor-kovrig-michaels-trial-spying-1.5955938
  10. They’re also big supporters of the Tatmadaw (Myanmar’s military), who have just violently overturned an election...
  11. LOL China isn’t socialist, and hasn’t been for a long time. Private health insurance is a massive industry in China for example. None of China’s “hand outs” are free. Many of the infrastructure projects that China builds are of poor quality, only having won any contracts as a result of underbidding and bribery.
  12. Pssst your ignorance is showing. Also the Chinese would love to overthrow governments, and you’re a fool if you don’t think that China has client states.
  13. China doesn't care about winnie the pooh per se, it's the juxtaposition of pooh against Xi. You don't get banned for posting winnie the pooh, you get banned for posting that specific image, which is seen as a criticism of Xi. The US might be shit, but honestly, it's a lot better than China.
  14. I'd love to go to Texas properly (only ever spent a day there cause American Airlines is terrible), but everyone was super nice. I'd go to one of those gun shows just to see the freaks, and then probably get shot.
  15. It's also written by some English person, but thought it fit in well with the context of your post.
  16. pretty much this. wattmers in 2003 must've been like "bro trust me there are definitely WMDs in iraq" Mmmm China, where you get to be detained for two years plus with no recourse to legal counsel, as part of China's international relations strategy. Or where you get to be herded on trains blindfolded and shackled, with the military for...protection obviously. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-53463242 Or where posting this image on Chinese social media may land you in hot water: And last but not least, where Crony Capitalism and wealth inequality is growing fast: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2019/04/01/income-inequality-is-growing-fast-in-china-and-making-it-look-more-like-the-us/ But we already have the "how does the world view China?" thread.
  17. No apologist angle, simply stating what I believe may be the more likely component to any potential hate crime. The guy's a murderer, will spend a long time in prison.
  18. Yes and there’s no contradiction in the thought either. I’d say it’s more likely a hate crime based on the gender, the fact that the women were Asian is circumstantial.
  19. Of course they should. Although I’m not sure law enforcement could have done much to prevent this particular tragedy if the timeline as I understand it is correct, which is, the suspect lost his mind, went out and bought a gun with no waiting period, and then, on the same day, went on to commit 8 murders within the span of 45 minutes... I’m not sure how you expect police to do much in situations like this when guns are so readily available in the states.
  20. He killed a bunch of Asians because they worked at the massage parlours that he frequented and knew? So how is that irrelevant? You’re going to tell me that a guy who knew these places (he’d frequented them before) probably had armed protection (criminals like to protect their business operations) chose them when he could have easily gone into the Chinatown or Koreatown and let loose on the streets? @ignatiussaid it: let the courts determine it on the basis of facts. Bringing it back to the original discussion - the police responded to the question based on the available facts. It was in response to a question about the suspect’s addiction, which had been previously revealed by the chief of police for that department (not Atlanta police department). Is it a heinous crime? Of course it is. The guy deserves the life sentences he is getting. Is it racially motivated? Nobody knows right now. Jumping to conclusions is the opposite of how a justice system is supposed to work, and the goal needs to be removing those types of presumptions for all cases. The real issue that needs to be raised is that this same standard (not jumping to conclusions) needs to be applied more rigorously with cases involving people of colour. As well no one up in here talking bout how easy it was for the suspect to legally obtain a gun the day of. That’s more of an issue in my eyes, cause I’m a cracker, I guess. I’ll happily eat my words if it is a hate crime (and to be honest I think race did play a part, probably through the suspect’s fetishization of Asian women), but this mob mentality of determining issues on circumstantial evidence, and demanding the police say what people want to hear instead of the facts as they know them, is dangerous territory.
  21. So you think in a pointed question about his addiction, where police had previously mentioned that, the responder should have backtracked on already publicly available information. So the other two murdered because they were there. Where were they exactly? In massage parlours. Let’s reframe it. If it were strictly racially motivated, why didn’t the suspect go to the nearest Asian grocer?
  22. The reporter. In the clip I posted at least. However it does appear that the chief of police (not this cop) may have said addiction in a previous press conference, where they discuss interviewing the suspect with the FBI, and the mayor of Atlanta (a black woman) also says it is too early to tell. Also, if it was purely racially motivated, then why were two non-Asians killed?
  23. This particular cop happens to be one of the Atlanta PD comms people, so it’s kind of his job. Again, the cop repeats twice that it’s the suspect who claims it, and then states and reiterates that the investigation is not done.
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