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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yea, both of those posts illustrate what happens when the environment is ignored in pursuit of economic gain. The difference that China is like that everywhere, all year round, and it has been like that for a long time. The wildfires in California and the PNW are becoming annual, but they are limited in geography by comparison, and the government makes efforts to repair the damage (whereas in China it is left to people and the community).
  2. China is capitalist is not idealism, it describes their means of production. They lifted millions of people out of starvation level poverty by servicing capitalist nations and becoming more capitalist themselves. Their current economic concerns are increasing domestic consumption, as iterated by Xi in the last plenary of the CCP. All this tells me is you know nothing of Chinese history. This tells me you have a tenuous grasp of the English language, since those two clauses mean the same thing.
  3. China is a capitalist economy. The only thing the US fears about it is that their corporations won’t be the ones doing all the heavy lifting. The rest of your blather about “being led by a communist party” is just that, blather. Frankly, your apologist attitude to a brutal authoritarian regime that routinely jails journalists who dare to question their abuses (be they human rights, environmental, or otherwise) is sickening.
  4. Mmmm democracy hard at work in Hong Kong: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3127563/sweeping-changes-hong-kongs-electoral-system-approved
  5. Sure - I guess the difference of course is that there is internal pressure and reporting in the US that may be effective in reversing that. You'd think so but...
  6. As auxien, I use the burger ambiguously. The connotation implied is left to be interpreted by the recipient of the burger. Also why do we have a farnsworth and a big brain emoji? Isn't that redundant?
  7. If they're not carrying a fully loaded semi-automatic weapon by the time they're 3, can you even do be really calling them masculine?
  8. Where does the US round up members of an ethnic minority en masse in attempts to “re-educate” them and force sterilization on them? Which country has show trials with a >99% conviction rate (hint: it’s not the one you live in)? China literally can’t bomb countries/regions that are suffering terrorist attacks, and that description of US foreign policy is as asinine as I’ve come to expect from you. China doesn’t have aircraft carriers in sufficient quantity to project force globally. If they did they would attempt to do so: we can see evidence of this in the Chinese actions around the Spratly’s in the South Pacific. Building artificial islands and installing air bases on them so they can remind SE Asian client states who’s the boss. The US surveillance state is bush league compared to the Chinese one, and the big difference of course is that American news outlets are able to report on it without fear of retribution from the state. Chinese journalists...not so much.
  9. Blumenthal is a regular contributor to RT and Sputnik, and has his tongue so far up Putin’s ass he can taste what Putin is eating only seconds after Putin himself. From the moderator of the Marxism mailing list: https://newpol.org/max-blumenthal-and-streisand-effect/?print=pdf
  10. When I was working as a research assistant for a professor, one of his projects was a sort of micro-journal, like academic short-form writing (not really a blog, because there lots and lots of contributors). I used Twitter, Facebook, and an e-mail list to promote the work, and we did see some expansion in readership, which was pretty good for an Asian Studies focused project. I’ll note that “engagements” on socials need to be both sustained and if not attention grabbing, at least somewhat compelling to the target audience.
  11. Bill Murray would be the only person I trust to deliver such news.
  12. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/28/philippines-deploys-air-force-as-fear-over-chinese-ships-mounts Damn the imperialist US fighting the benevolent Chinese...oh wait.
  13. Not at all interesting. From your first link: And on the size of the distant water fishing fleets... So even if you take official numbers, the Chinese fleet is roughly 8-9 times larger than the US fleet. As well, the US will actually prosecute their own fishermen who get caught fishing in protected waters or overfishing stocks.
  14. Still a basic bitch, fallout 4 (goty edition) and fifa 20. Sony had a bunch of free games I guess I’ll get but fuck knows when I’ll find the time to play them.
  15. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    https://global247news.com/2021/03/26/tears-flow-for-brits-as-they-head-home-to-avoid-being-deported-as-illegals-in-spain/ FLOL. cunts, the lot of them.
  16. chenGOD

    afx nft

    miss u babby.
  17. I'm sorry, I hate spotify as a business model, but this idea shows a fundamental lack of understanding on how net worth is calculated in the instance of these billionaires. Ek doesn't have $5.3 billion kicking around in his bank account. In order to realise any of that money, he would have to sell stock. In order to realise a billion dollars, Ek would have to sell around 3.8M shares at the current price, or slightly over 10% of all the shares he owns. When the founder sells off 10% of all the shares he owns to give away (as opposed to funding something else like with Bezos) , that raises serious questions, which would likely (not certainly, but likely) cause the other institutional investors to start selling off their shares, causing a crash in the price. Which of course, would mean Ek's net worth would be a fraction of what it is. So it's simply not possible to give away that type of money. None of that is to excuse the spotify model, or the fact that this idea of measuring wealth is completely fucked up, it's simply saying that while the idea of stock market billionaires giving away their wealth sounds appealing, it's really a simple attempt at solving a bigger problem (partially that Ek's spotify model is fucked, and is a perfect example of what is wrong with the stock market as it has evolved), which is that while capital investment is necessary to provide services, the profit ratios are completely skewed. I'm not advocating for doing away with capitalism (someone has to build the code, buy the servers, pay for people to maintain them, etc etc). What I do hope for is that more and more artists move to a bandcamp model, which makes it easy for artists. This article from NPR is a good illustration of the differences between the two: https://www.npr.org/2020/08/19/903547253/a-tale-of-two-ecosystems-on-bandcamp-spotify-and-the-wide-open-future
  18. chenGOD

    afx nft

    What if hired JP to clean his room on camera and sold that as an NFT?
  19. A picture and a text file. Both of them have been posted in this thread already.
  20. chenGOD

    afx nft

    Thanks for putting in the work...I thought the same, but wanted someone else to try first.
  21. Freeze them? when thawing, do so at room temp and then reheat in the oven for 5 minutes at 350.
  22. chenGOD

    afx nft

    I tried that website and you need a log and pass
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