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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by manmower

  1. ~10% of all the tracks he's uploaded have comment tags such as this gem: "i prolly i shntnde downoied thi coz im drunki m ena uploaded.."
  2. I want to use itunes to put some music on my goddamn iphone but I can't because my mbp is running sierra and my phone runs ios 13 and I have to upgrade to fucking catalina to be able to have my retarded computer recognize my shitfucking phone. All I wanna do is listen to the favphex soundcloud playlist I made. Seems there is also no easy way to export the playlist plus associated files and throw them into icloud or something. Really gets on my tits how some of the most basic shit is so complicated with apple if you don't upgrade to the latest os. Cuntwankers. I want to use itunes to put some music on my goddamn iphone but I can't because my mbp is running sierra and my phone runs ios 13 and I have to upgrade to fucking catalina to be able to have my retarded computer recognize my shitfucking phone. All I wanna do is listen to the favphex soundcloud playlist I made. Seems there is also no easy way to export the playlist plus associated files and throw them into icloud or something. Really gets on my tits how some of the most basic shit is so complicated with apple if you don't upgrade to the latest os. Cuntwankers.
  3. I have a bunch of Kallax and Eket around the house and some old Expedit that I still need to get out of storage. If I thought any of them were shit I wouldn't have bought them, but that's just me.
  4. Just read the news that some experts are hoping to start relaxing the lock-down around mid-May and my first reaction was: shit, already?
  5. Controversial opinion: The Simpsons were great right from the first season.
  6. Just leaving this here, it's included with the Bandcamp download too: ?
  7. Yeah, there are several of those around and none of them have been updated since tnodvood104 as far as I know. I am still updating my mega folder but I've been winging it with the recent tracks. I'm at 291 now by keeping the old 11 Donkey Rhubarb rdjchild Remix (4:25) as #51 and donkey rhubarb [remix[ALTmst2]] (4:22) as 291. https://mega.nz/folder/QNYggTZb#_SbdbZCVgM2lgwLjD8N9aw
  8. I think mine's the very next track actually! Oh and Twin Forests maybe. I'm also replaying the Facebook Live now, probably the best show of his I've seen/heard since that 2015 Munich Boiler Room.
  9. Bought this in February, lol. And haven't regretted it, he never disappoints. It does kind of have the techno album syndrome I mentioned earlier in that this doesn't have half the energy you'd get if you took 3 of his EPs and slapped together an album. And like Compro it was unfortunately released almost at the same time as 8 hours of Autechre and might suffer by comparison. But if you're going to make an hour of traditional 'album techno' this is the way to do it. Best example of its kind I've heard in a long long time. It has a bit of an early Warp vibe in places, or old Speedy J or Laurent Garnier for instance. It also made me put on 20.000 Leagues Under the Skin, by the great pussy eater Johannes Heil, for the first time in years. 10/10
  10. Dingus signifies, variously, a magician's prop, a typewriter, a short story, a novel, an elusive artifact in the shape of a black bird better known as the Maltese Falcon, and a PayPal transaction.
  11. My dingus has been processed securely.
  12. 11 seconds Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love Forgive Heal and have Fun:)
  13. BREAKING — Boris Johnson alive at 55 He is taking this corona hoax a bit far though.
  14. Brilliant. I'm getting flashbacks of the 2015 original dump at this point.
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