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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by joshuatxuk

  1. Agree, it's my big pet peeve among a lot of media in general. So much of reddit seems like a consumerist circlejerk. Lot of retro stuff is just endless recycling and not forging new content with older existing aesthetics. That Dreadful things figure is from an IG account that does more parody and homage oriented homemade stuff though, it's an exception.
  2. wife works at the TX state capitol and they've closed for today and tomorrow, I think every state legislature building has
  3. he swore by mono but his hair is stereo AF in that picture
  4. I watched The Last Waltz last night. Filmed in 1976 it's a mixed bag of dead and alive. I looked up poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti who has a short appearance and to my shock he's still kicking at 101.
  5. Another interesting note, those NG soldiers are with the 29th ID as seen on their shoulder badges. That division was the main one at Omaha Beach at Normandy. It's emblem symbolizes the unification of past militias and regiments from both the North and South.
  6. ^ I thought nothing would top him self-owning by revealing that his "doctor wife" told him wet pussies were a concerning medical issue. This is a contender.
  7. Yeah though I must stress Jello Biafra was the core of the band's ethos and views and they kicked him out via a lawsuit. The other guys were essentially a really talented session and touring band for him.
  8. multi angles synched: - nsfw/nsfl obviously While I still can't deny basic empathy toward people died yesterday, particularly since these woman was a deluded zealot, but when I think how these same people were salivating over Trump opponents and protestors being shot and killed I can't sustain it either. They've excused murders by cops of citizens in the wrong place at the wrong time. They've called for blood when people took their anger out on empty corporate stores. This mob literally tried to tear apart the heart of our country's civil venue because they want to deny the peaceful democratic exit of a fucking authoritarian thug. The sheer restraint and lack of consequence is staggering. This could have easily been a lopsided but deserved bloodbath. I was struck yesterday about how 4 TX GOP legislators, including one or two who voted against the electoral college vote, nonetheless expressed sincere angry and disgust at the mob. They literally held back a door and barricaded it so other staff and legislators could escape. Let's be real, if this mob got to any Democrat they would have violently assaulted them. Kidnappings and executions could have easily happened. Some mob members literally had zip cuffs on them. This was literally an attack on everyone because they were destroying our capitol and the elected officials WE voted in democratically. That woman killed yesterday keeps having her military record touted. Fuck that. She literally broke her oath to the constitution and was justified in being shot for trying to attack elected officials.
  9. Also maus isn't an idiot but seemingly up his own ass as an artist, there's also his political science and philosophy teaching background and his "left of left of left of left" (which is a circle? lol) which might have pointed him into the murky area where someone can start justifying and masking right-wing beliefs. An example - noted accelerationist Nick Land has been credited for inspiring marxist leaning figures like the late Mark Fisher (who I recommend heavily) as well as various alt-right pundits. That accelerationist stuff lends to a lot of shitty big brain ideology that seems very much suited to Ariel Pink and Jon Maus both. Unfortunately talented musicians with substantive catalogs, especially those who stray in experimental, avant-garde, outsider and "art school grad" territory can indeed be quite daft. Grimes is another example.
  10. also to follow up on the Jon Maus / Ariel Pink thing, the "cop killer" thing aligns with ancaps and boogaloos who hate law enforcement but are def right-wing and complicit to if not part of the MAGA movement
  11. Very true though interestingly enough he (although he denies it now) first came out as an anti-Islamist, anti-globalist and anti-leftist which is why he targeted political youth. I don't say this as an "acshully" point but a remember that there's far-right wing in-fighting as well. I remember Varg / Burzum writing about how this guy was Christian traitor and a slew of other anti-Semitic bullshit and wrong for targeting white Norwegians and how he (Varg) - a misanthropic violent piece of shit himself - was appalled he'd kill children. The shitty thing about fascist in-fighting is it often doesn't split groups. Nazis had both devout Christian conservatives and esoteric Pagans in their ranks.
  12. I got into this deep on reddit It's surreal but I'm not shocked. That's the one thing I trusted the Pentagon to pre-emptively prepare for the moment he was nominated. I never expected to them to intervene or help at all in a hypothetical civil war. Their priority has always been the most basic stability and protected nukes and essential military and infrastructure sites.
  13. There's going to be so much shit coming out, like SO much - hell offhand I remember that the white house archive team has spent their entire time taping documents he tears up after reading - you know they've archived plenty of shady memos and docs as well. Even if it results in little action the parade of shame will follow him from now on and he can't deflect like he could as POTUS. His presidential library will be split between a gift shop in Mar-a-Lago and various judicial archive basements around the country.
  14. Yeah offhand there's been a lot of formally untainted and apolitical pagan symbols that have been appropriated in the last 5-10s years and perhaps more broadly since the 1990s in the iffier parts of neofolk or black metal communities (just look up Death In June's various outfits, album covers, etc) and those kind of groups in general. It's accelerated so much that there are def people out there with pagan, celtic, viking, etc. tattoos who are totally not right-wing and perhaps even leftists who now have symbols on their body affiliated with alt right goons. That said from the late 1800s through the Third Reich era a fuckload of pagan and/or traditional symbols in Europe were incorporated into their emblems and symbols. It had a start even earlier than that among Prussians and other armies. Not just the swatizka nor the totenkopf but the black sun, ss runes, wolfsangel (which is rampant in Ukraine nationalist circles), etc. Considering the far right has appropriated Pepe and the ok symbol they likely have tainted just about any Western ancient symbol in some way. I have paperweight with the Basque Lauburu on it at my desk and I feel kind of iffy about keeping it. It's fine but it's just too goddamn close. I received it and a shirt as a gift and the person who gave it to me was too tone-deaf to think that it in black and white would look way too sketchy. I wore a couple times but haven't since 2016.
  15. Not sure if this has been posted yet. The fucked up reality in a nutshell.
  16. Fascism and white supremacy deal heavily in pagan and ancient symbol appropriation which overlaps heavily with conspiracy theories like ancient aliens and lost civilizations and pseudoscience. these are the kind of things crystal and alternative medicine people and big brain alex jones and [insert other YT dipshit here] fans stumble into. On top of all of this is 4chan and 8chan and QAnon and it's a perfect goddamn storm of both disturbingly dangerous and absurdly hilarious. The former needs to be stressed though: I'm sure so many other clusterfuck cults and fringe movements that killed innocent people and/or naive followers where understandably dismissed and derided. It was only really after the fact that they went from weird to notorious. Aum Shinrikyo, Peoples Temple, Heaven's Gate. Plenty of white supremacist and far-right ones to list.
  17. another overlap - there's always been a strain of this in new age / eastern spiritualism, all the way back to 1800s era Theosophy founded by Helena_Blavatsky https://gen.medium.com/nazi-hippies-when-the-new-age-and-far-right-overlap-d1a6ddcd7be4 https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-41757047
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