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Everything posted by acid1

  1. Well done modey! I'm thinking about getting a stand for my MD as well. No way in hell could I construct something like that on my own.
  2. I think an odd design decision of HLD is that the more upgrades you get the more overpowered you become, which unfortunately also discourages new players early on. It is a mini dark souls in the sense that some upgrades completely trivialize certain bosses. Some pro players can rip thru the game without any upgrades obviously, much like dark souls speed runners running around naked. Some of the challenges I had to overcome rival that of Dark Souls also. One experience I had is my game decided to save once I was through a locked one way door, only had 1 health point, right before a boss. Took me like 20 tries but holy shit did that feel good afterwards.
  3. I think its actually my game of the year. I love games that don't hold your hand. I thought the graphics + sound were amazing, and the combat was tighter than Dark Souls.
  4. I don't know why, but I actually enjoy the process of stuffing those 2.5 mb of sample space slowly but surely from the C6 app. Being old school and careful about your approach is refreshing.
  5. No i tend to make kits from scratch. But often times I don't really know ahead of time if i want to use the FM kick or the TX kick etc, and I feel creatively it would be better if I didn't really know what I was going to get. Like if I want a hip hop groove I think my brain naturally reaches for the sp12 machines, and I'd like to avoid that sort of thinking if possible. I started looking into building some software to do this for me before I went out of town and seems like I can backwards engineer this a tad: https://github.com/adsr/inkfish/blob/master/src-plugin/ElektronMachinedrumObject.java
  6. Sometimes I just don't know what type of kit I want to use, and making kits from scratch seems like a fiddly process. Maybe I'll have a go at writing something like this.
  7. Is there a way to generate a random kit? As a software developer and musician, I feel like this would be a no brainer.
  8. Edit: I actually got it to work by setting the delay ticks to 5 whatever the hell that does beyond making it go even slower. Works now at least, cheers!
  9. Yeah I can't get the C6 software to do anything for me. Everytime I try to send a wav regardless of what parameters I have I get an unhandled checksum error and sometimes to spice things up it gives me a wrong packet error.
  10. Hey guys, I bought one of these guys years ago, used it for one album in 2009 (most likely the wrong way), then basically put it on storage. The other week I decided to bust it out again. I can't for the life of me find the TM-1 that goes with it. The first thing I did was decide to upgrade the OS. I downloaded the C6 software and tried to update the firmware with a 1x speed but i couldn't get it to do anything. After flailing about for 20 min, I download Sysex Librarian on OSX and was able to update the firmware VERY FUCKING SLOWLY. I'm having a great time with the MD, learning new things I didn't know about before, but I hate the shit factory samples they give you in the rom slots. I'd like to load it up some breaks and some synth tones for musical stuff. AFAIK I can't load samples onto the thing through Sysex Librarian, so am I stuck repurchasing a TM-1? TL;DR - I lost my TM-1, how do I get samples onto this thing?
  11. I beat Bloodborne, tried playing some other games, didn't work, playing Bloodborne again. Fuck you From Software for making all other games feel like shit.
  12. I beat Saints Row 4 and it seriously might have been the funnest game I've played in years! Brand new to the series, signed on for life now.
  13. I played 2 hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition this morning before work and fucking loved every second of it. I wish it was Saturday morning and I could play for 16 hours straight.
  14. I'm never going to link another anthony fanto review again. This guy has used the following negatives against it: His style sounds like Aphex which is vintage apparently Too many notes, and didn't feel the need to understand it Minipops isn't as good as the other songs His DnB isn't Come To Daddy His album might make other artists release music who haven't in a while Well done. I agree its not good.
  15. I'm sorry but there would be nothing better than ANOTHER aphex album.
  16. I think all of that Dark Souls dlc was created before it was released, which slightly pisses me off. I think Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls was perfect when it came out. My bet is Bloodborne will have tons of paid for DLC :/
  17. i love ass and titties but that was lame
  18. As an Aphex fan for like 20 years now... fuck i'm old, also I love this album! Thanks, Rich.
  19. I find myself half way through some of these songs thinking "i don't even..." in a valley girl accent.
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