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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by colunga

  1. nah i think both of those tweets were written by someone else. the one before is: "FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony..." "In That" really sticks out to me as not trump-like but i dunno.
  2. colunga


    found a DL with the separated tracks and now its brand new again.
  3. I'm feeling like Guest_drukqs_ was Law Enforcement attempting to infiltrate the obvious international dank operation that is watmm. only to find the dank was memes and the MM doesnt stand for "marijuana makers"
  4. what is the point of this?? isnt NK broke as fuck? there's nothing to retaliate against and there aren't resources to grab. just feels like doing it just to do it
  5. he just cannot stop killing ppl
  6. well it just came out a few hrs ago and im sure interscope is all over any postings of it
  7. *FBI gathers your fiber/hair/skin samples and places tracking device on u during hug*
  8. I've been imagining Bannon organizing a hit on Trump to further his own agenda.The problem is that in his circles it may be hard to get someone with the right "look" to do something like that. I can just see Bannon on the phone "I DIDNT MEAN DARK LIKE EVIL I MEANT DARK LIKE MUSLIM!!" But that wouldnt happen because with Trump gone, im sure everyone else in the WH wants Bannon the fuck out of there. Sidenote: I sat next to Seth Meyers on a plane in 2015. Nothing noteworthy to say. I didnt think it was him at first. Had to get up to use the bathroom just so i could get a front view of his face without seeming obvious.
  9. colunga

    elseq 1-5

    lol yeah that makes me think of the AMA when sean said some guy came by his place to fix something and heard what he was working on and asked something like "do ppl just get high in their rooms and listen to this?" lol tried searching for the proper quote but couldnt find
  10. "quite a lot of people asking me if 'song in song' is mine, no it isn't." "not sure if its Luke but it isnt me."
  11. dude in the upper left of that pic knew about all of it
  12. LOL!! The "why are they doing this" tweet above it is a funny clip as well. with "fake news" CNN playing in the background flol these guys are the best @ashleyfeinberg/status/829852617039835137/photo/1 GUYZ JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HOW DO I POST A VID TWEET LIKE ABOVE? Copy code from embed tweet??? paste the username and ststus number into box using the special BBCODE???? none of that works.
  13. Holy shit guys i thought we at least had another year before advertising gobbled up memes but here we are at literal "TOP TEXT BOTTOM TEXT" Meme Advert
  14. does anyone have a link to the fake news story that they removed the bust? I've only heard of this story from the mouths of Preibus and Trump EDIT: lol okay i guess it was this + the tweets? http://www.snopes.com/mlk-bust-oval-office/
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