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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. RhombusShover Triphex Triplets Naughtechre King Parallelogram
  2. Fuck it, Dude. Let's Go Bowling Green Massacre KrillyAnne Prawnway Dijon Spicer Skeeve Cannon
  3. You haven't lived until you've eaten with an elephant seal crushing your kitchen table while you slurp lobster.
  4. Brizzly Gear Cannibal Collective Hottest House Interhole Glans Ferdinand Hot Pot Meat Edwin Shark and the Pragmatic Heroes
  5. lol Now obviously we shout the truth at them condescendingly And when they (somehow) don't take our word for it We call them idiots for not seeing the truth And then we create memes about how stupid they are And rant on social media about how stupid they are Because hey, I tried to shame them into agreeing with me And they didn't take my word for it (Because they're idiots obviously) What more can I possibly do? Convincing creationists that evolution is demonstrably true isn't easy. They have to be willing to see the flaws in their own thought process. When people are still riding the high of "winning" they are less likely to do so. Unfortunately it will probably take something tragic to get everyone on the same page, but when Steve Bannon and co. are encouraging another large scale terrorist attack... well that's not really the best case scenario.
  6. Bap'n Brunch Count Cockula Drank n' Berry Joo Berry Patootie Pebbles Porn Pops
  7. Half & Half (Cream cover band) The Village Sheeple CK and the Bunshine Sand Bungle Joogie
  8. It's not the "liberal ends", that were the reasons for doing so. It's western democracy in general, which has never been more clear than it is now.
  9. Nobody said he was perfect, but if anything it's obvious why we need the NSA now more than ever. Things like that are good for catching Flynn accept 19.5% of the stake in Rosneft... He also actually gave a shit about his job. We could make false equivalencies all day and it still doesn't make voting for Trump a good idea, does it?
  10. I wish we didn't have to wait for Trump to do something SO irredeemable, that they could just finally figure it out themselves, but then there's the risk of them still making excuses for him after that. I think people know that if they voted for him and shit really hits the fan, they have no one to blame but themselves. So they blame this caricature of "liberals" to make themselves not feel responsible. They reach the bargaining phase of grief and stop there. 1) people in general are like thatIt's not some character defect only found on the Right e.g. Your post is exactly how my father talks about the Left (Basically: "eventually they'll see the error of their ways, and I'll be nearby smirking knowingly at their foolishness, though I won't say 'I told you so' to their face because I'm classy like that") 2) you can't just *tell* someone they're wrong And then call them dumb when they don't take your word for it (Has that approach ever changed *your* mind?) Wow, big surprise things are so shitty "I mean, we keep *telling* them they're fucking idiots But they're fucking idiots so they don't listen" How about we try another approach Maybe start with the assumption that these people are like us And that even *we* don't tend to change our minds when someone from the other side is calling us fucking idiots for not seeing the light 3) I'm gonna just keep posting my favorite Jack Handy joke: Bill is a real jerk But if he were here, he'd say I was the jerk No Bill, you're the jerk But if he were here... The thing is, they can't defend the choice they made and refuse to own up to it no matter what the facts are. It's not like this is a new thing, it's just gotten more intense. Have you tried? Calm reasonable discussion leads nowhere. Sometimes you just have to let a kid touch the stove so they know it's hot. I would be more than happy to see them snap out of it. There were a lot of articles after the election saying more or less what you're saying, but that ship sailed, and then sank.
  11. I wish we didn't have to wait for Trump to do something SO irredeemable, that they could just finally figure it out themselves, but then there's the risk of them still making excuses for him after that. I think people know that if they voted for him and shit really hits the fan, they have no one to blame but themselves. So they blame this caricature of "liberals" to make themselves not feel responsible. They reach the bargaining phase of grief and stop there.
  12. If you drink de-ionized water, it will kill your digestive flora and you'll have to get a poop injection to get back up to speed. If Morgan Freeman knew to get his hands on some when he was in Shawshank, he could have busted outta there the same time as Tim Robbins if he played his cards right.
  13. Teaching kids that supernatural shit is real in 2017.
  14. Agnostic Cunt a b0i named $ue Swordfish Brando Alpaca Chinos
  15. Yes, definitely that mark at 06:00 hits the spot: the left relentlessly mock those at the other side of the spectrum for their 'stupidity', since they, the left liberal progressive mind is the only mind that this world deserves and needs to make this world habitable for everyone (except if you don't agree with it.. then you can fuck right off). Ultimately, the left/right progressive/conservative dichotomy is a divide and conquer strategy, aimed at keeping the pleb quarelling amongst themselves. Choose both, choose neither. That brings you one step closer to freedom .. and bondage. Just telling it like it is, though. A little fraternal rough housing and people shit the bed. Sheesh. Kids gloves back on.
  16. This is totally what I meant. You are very smart.
  17. Try not to be lead to the slaughter so easily, kid. It's not a good look.
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/28/lobbying-ban-trump-executive-order-isis-strategy
  19. i tried not to feel like this and have empathy for the opposing view but literally every trump supporter i've met irl is either a meme spouting edgelord or from west virginia so i can no longer mask my utter disdain for all of them. All of this right here. I love being told I'm living in an echo chamber by people that have never left their own back yard, though. Those are the ones that really have their finger on the pulse. Or that NC is more progressive than MA because there are more black people down there. I might miss that if I just steer clear of Trump supporters altogether.
  20. I was arguing errr... heh, "debating" with a Trump supporting friend from NC on facebook. I got him to admit that voting for Trump was a mistake, but he actually said "it's y'alls mistake" because the Democrats don't try. Yes, it was my mistake Trump won by voting against him. When someone commented before me that Trump won because of how uninformed the electorate was, he said it was arrogant to think that. He also likes Russia and Putin because "they get shit done". I told him about some of the reasons their interests don't align with much of Western Democracy and he said he doesn't care what they do. He also brought up Hillary accepting money from Saudi Arabia. He posted a meme about how taxation is theft a day before Trump says how that stupid wall is going to be paid for. I realize that if none of this shit ever happened, I wouldn't be looking at him sideways and I'd have some respect for him. It's like watching people you know get bitten by zombies or become addicted to hard drugs. They're just gone.
  21. Imagine being a black guy in the military who voted for Trump. Like your life goal is to die in vain as the ultimate Uncle Tom.
  22. I don't blame that Buzzfeed guy at all to be honest. Sam definitely considers himself a "race realist".
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