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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. A lot of the ones on reddit are actually paid Russians. I'm sure many of the youtube comments are too. His actual base at this point isn't all that big. Hence the low approval rating. It will be interesting to see how this develops - no more Hilary bashing because the election is over, the honeymoon period will end for the less enthusiastic supporters...as time goes one can only hope people wise up and realize he's not draining the swamp but filling it with more shit. I hope our intelligence agencies (along with those of our allies, because they are also involved) drop the fucking hammer sooner than that.
  2. A lot of the ones on reddit are actually paid Russians. I'm sure many of the youtube comments are too. His actual base at this point isn't all that big. Hence the low approval rating.
  3. It's 2017 and now I'm rooting for the CIA. That guy should have kept wailing on Richard Spencer. Either way, that video put a smile on my face. Edit: I got back from the protest in Boston a little while ago. It's kind of encouraging to be in a large group of people with functioning bullshit detectors. There was one heckler in the crowd early on, sheepishly saying things like, "your side lost", "move to mexico", etc. As soon as I heard this I positioned myself behind him and noticed his backpack was fully open. He got into a shitfit with a couple people and got boxed out of the crowd. I let him know his backpack was open and he refused to make eye contact. He just looked into it all forlorn and in a defeated voice said, "yeah... nice chants guys." Lol I'm pretty sure someone jacked his laptop or something while he was being a prick.
  4. Last time I did LSD I watched my friend's cat eat a leaf off of a fake plant and I thought it was unbelievably profound. I also listened to this track and thought it was an extension of the cat's soul. The cat represented in sound. And that when the song was playing, the cat was grateful for me meeting it halfway. Like, "thanks human, you get it, man. You understand my hopes and fears, watching people outside the window all day."
  5. One last shout out to Obama. I don't hold much against him and he was a level headed sane man in an insane world. It boggles my mind that people passionately hate him. I would be more than happy to talk to the guy, and I can't say the same for any other president I've seen in my lifetime.
  6. David Lynch's Toothbrush Gene Simmons' Lawnmower Jimmy Stewart's Shoepolish
  7. The Яepublican party is so patriotic, they sold us out to a foreign dictator and with their cuts on environmental regulations, probably make the American bald eagle go exctinct, just to be extra poetic about it.
  8. daddy's pissies Finally - a president that will leave no stone unturned. Stones the American people didn't even realize needed to be turned. Or that these stones were even around and needed to be looked at. He didn't actually tweet that did he? ...
  9. I wonder if Sam has realized that he's been duped and is unemployable now.
  10. Mack Pickleson Sprint Beastwood Juice Wingsteen Twink Boid
  11. Piss Pisstofferson Jack Jackofferson Smack Nicholson Jacked Nicholson Fisch
  12. Cuck Stuntin' Swampjizz Poppin' Platypus
  13. He usually drinks what looks like grape juice or wine from an Erlenmeyer flask.
  14. Papillon - Adventures of a resilient Steve McQueen in Devil's Island prison trying to escape. Dustin Hoffman's role as a well meaning dweeb is interesting. Personal 9/10 give it a watch get woke Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - I had low expectations because I heard it wasn't good, but yeah this didn't really hang together as a movie. I love the series and most Lynch flicks though.
  15. The scary thing is how few people think this is a big deal.
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