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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Ferris Bueller's Day On. Ferris grows up to be an insurance salesman, gets caught cheating on his pregnant wife, and meets up with Cameron, who is a far more successful private investigator who leaks mad intel to a scorned Mrs. Bueller. 45 minutes into the film, she takes out his knees with a golf club and Cameron slays that pussy in the wreckage of his father's 1982 Alfa Romeo Alfetta. Ferris has to get a new job to pay child support and alimony. Rooney is his new boss. The moral of the story is you don't ever take a fucking day off ever. Teenage rebellion isn't worth the price to be paid and you can't just crash a parade or pretend to be Abe Frohman, the "sausage king of Chicago" without paying a severe penalty. Ferris was playing with fire, that glib little shit.
  2. I went to Malmö, Sweden last year and heard someone else refer to it as the "rape capital of Sweden". I didn't get any rapey vibes and it was lush and consensual. There are areas called "no go zones" where the police won't go if they are called, but everything I saw was posh as fuck. I don't think this Trump guy is reliable IMO
  3. I don't think he'll live that long tbh. He's going to assassinate himself with KFC.
  4. Samurai sword to the dick. Bada bing bada boom.
  5. Those damn Republican members of congress in their damn liberal bubbles.
  6. https://www.democracynow.org/2017/2/16/greenwald_empowering_the_deep_state_to Okay, but Trump and his homies are testing the limits of our democratic controls and dismantling the government from the inside out. Should people just let this happen? Sounds like praying cancer away. Greenwald is also being a bit disingenuous about the Russian connection. Like it's not true but Trump goes out of his way to make it seem quite possible and also leaves bread crumbs along the way just in case you were doubting it.
  7. Yeah the ideal would be that he loses all respect and credibility (already well under way) and gets removed from office for his gross incompetence. Those who put him in office should be embarrassed and ashamed but violence will just make them thirst for revenge. Humiliation is the only way. If only there was footage of him doing something really really humiliating... Pee pee
  8. Narc of the Covenant Kangarhubard Pepperoni Visa
  9. Donald Trump, live on national television from the White House
  10. https://mobile.twitter.com/Night_0f_Fire/status/831862783876661248 He's also retweeting Richard Spencer these days.
  11. I think the GOP is in a more delicate situation than people think. This Russian connection isn't going away, and is likely to escalate even more. If they impeach trump, they lose the cult of personality and all of their shit policies are laid bare with no one to sell them. If they keep him around longer, they get his stink on them even more and risk even longer term damage to the party. When it become clear they sold out the country to a foreign power and tried to do as little as possible to stop it... heh, well... They spent decades creating a monster that is currently biting them in the ass. Getting this much power isn't as fun as they hoped it would be I'm sure.
  12. https://nyti.ms/2kEdksZ And the Trump administration was warned about this whole thing by the Justice Department like three weeks ago... https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/justice-department-warned-white-house-that-flynn-could-be-vulnerable-to-russian-blackmail-officials-say/2017/02/13/fc5dab88-f228-11e6-8d72-263470bf0401_story.html?utm_term=.4914ff14dea9 Notice how they give Pence, Spicer, etc. a chance to lie about Flynn not talking about sanctions in those calls. A very clever slow drip of information for anyone culpable to trip over. This is going to build like a symphony into some severely fantastical shit.
  13. Thotlight Ah Ah Land Man Chests By The Sea Poonlight
  14. I cracked an egg the other day for breakfast and a human embryo came out.
  15. I saw a video of a Trump supporting Swede with a man bun.
  16. March faster, with guac. If you mix it they will come.
  17. Liam Memeson Dank Capra Comfy Bogart Splice Girls
  18. Flynn was caught lying about taking about lifting sanctions with Russia. Then... http://edition.cnn.com/2017/02/10/politics/russia-dossier-update/ Sssshhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt.
  19. The best case scenario is if Trump does something so indifensively impeachable, so damaging to the Republican Party that they actually go through with it, he'll refuse to step down. Won't all of his cabinet appointees go with him? I hop Pence is found guilty of treason too. Fuck all of this.
  20. PunksÜtawney Phil Keister Bunny Santa Gnaws Truth Fairy
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