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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Silent Member

  1. Yeah, didn't get round to watching it yet. Here, if anyone wants the whole thing:
  2. Yeah, I'd like to see someone release an analog desktop unit with 60 voice polyphony in that price range ???
  3. It looks like a pretty nice device if you just want to bang out some classic sounding electronic tunes without a computer.
  4. I don't understand any of that. Omega man is pretty cool though.
  5. It's pretty good, but a bit too full of itself. Sorry about that drunk nonsense back there, only found out I posted it just now
  6. Most boring male. I wish everyone a happy whatever they identify as.
  7. Heyo I'm very drunk and the with cer blood origins or whatever it's called is destilled piss. I feel very bad for everyone starring in it, they deserve much better. Feels sn lodoks like they threw this shit toughethrt in a weekend Suck my dick netflix!
  8. Played a bit of Atomic Heart. Not really feeling it. I guess they tried to do a bioshock, but everything feels very unsatisfying and straight up dumb. Nice aesthetics but I wouldn't bother. edit: oh yeah I forgot, the player character is a duke nukem type "cool" guy, just what you wanted amirite? I'm guessing whoever wrote this isn't too bright. edit edit: oh shit these guys have some icky russians backing them. glad I only checked it out on game pass, apologies to any Ukranians out there, won't happen again.
  9. Yeah, I was kind of expecting that after Too old to die young. This was a bit easier to get through than that though. I kind of liked CC, but I guess his style works better in a condensed 2 hour sitting than 8+ hours of neon soaked violent dudes staring off into the distance. On the other hand I fucking love Cunk on Earth, love it.
  10. You know what I'm sure he's a good guy that can make a decent banger, but he'll always be an intolerable little twat in my brain. I can't flip that switch off. Sorry skilex Edit: in my defense he single-handedly ruined an entire subgenre.
  11. It's real?! That must mean the rest of the movie is real too. Wowsers!
  12. I'm into the last of us, much better than any of the other attempts at serialised zombie drama I've seen. Heavy on the drama, but it's well written and acted, and mostly interesting, unlike the walking dead, which just dragged whenever zombies weren't around. If you just want to see some zombie shooting and running in a tighter format Black Summer on netflix is pretty underrated.
  13. This channel has one upload, but it's a pretty good one. Probably posted in here at some point in time
  14. Yeah, that reboot was pretty shite. Didn't fill me with violent rage though, just bored.
  15. That's what you get for trying to contact the USA. edit: and Canada? I guess maybe go somewhere less weaponized.
  16. I need more info on these three UFOs they've shot down. Come on now. Better shut up and try to cover it up than say we shot down some weird flying object, carry on.
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