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Everything posted by Atop

  1. Was alright i guess :D Needed more blue aliens, sam worthington. up until the flute playing i was sorta into it, then it just became more absurd than Mission to Mars I walked the fuck out of MTM, still have yet to see that last scene everyone tells me was worth sitting through the most boring space flight film that I can remember. It took them forever to get to Mars. So I left. The flute playing is what ruined it for you? Come on man. You have read enough about Ancient Egyptians to know that sound and chanting was a very important part of the priests and priestesses lives. I felt that it drew from that historical knowledge therefore making it a great detail. Gave me the good chills. The map looked incredible in 3D.
  2. the Engineer ship control room, when David starts up the holographic playback, didn't look bad ass in 3D to you? One of the most idm things I have ever experienced on film. Truly idm as fuk!!!!
  3. this is the best 3D i have experienced thus far. Worth seeing in IMAX, if you have the time, money and want to do it Mirezzi. Otherwise I am waiting for the Blu-ray as well.
  4. Wait, what ?! I was only half serious and half fucking joking! Edits provide holes everywhere throughout an entire film, defying time constantly, defying reality. Take it easy mod! I knew what you meant, Cody. Tension and release, the 'unreliable narrator', withholding information; all of the classic tools of effective storytelling are built around holes in our perception of narrative events. thanks Benji, I figured most people would get the joke. I haven't read that article yet but I think as far as the film goes, it depends on if you are more of detail oriented person or a bigger picture viewer of art. I feel like you are more of a detail type guy Robbie. The potential ideas within the film and a potential sequel, an extended Lovecraftian-like mythos gives me excitement in my mind. and what the fuck is this????
  5. Wait, what ?! I was only half serious and half fucking joking! Edits provide holes everywhere throughout an entire film, defying time constantly, defying reality. Take it easy mod!
  6. honestly, i feel like the script probably suffered from too many rewrites. the movie does a lot of things correctly in terms of philosophy and symbolism, but the actual storytelling is done poorly. in my mind, one of the few things that could explain that is someone working on the film for so long that they become "blind" to what they are actually creating. they craft these little plots that are brilliant but can't weave them together correctly to make a quality final product. i don't hate the film. i can't hate a film. i'm disappointed with the film. Hoodz! I completely agree with all of the plot buggery that you noticed and I am sure there is more to the confusion than you listed. I hated the Holloway character as well and there was no character development on anyone cept for Dr Shaw's character and David, coincidence? The scientists were crazy silly and stupidly written. The two fellows who were left behind totally got lost and were just asking to be attacked by creatures. Dumbest scientists I have seen in any film in a long time. There should have been more explanation of the mission before hand. The dust storm scene was confusing and not very clearly sequenced. I thought Shaw got knocked inside of Prometheus and not the outside. I do however think David contaminated Holloway because Weyland was telling him to be more extreme in his experiments. *the scene with David and Vickers arguing* Contamination protocols were severely ignored, cept by Vickers. Yes this was annoying. Holloway was a machismo dick though, so he might be dumb enough to see a worm coming out of his eyeball and still be dumb enough to man-up and go into the ship with his bros and his girl and rescue the dumbest scientists ever. lol The last Engineer should not have had a personal vendetta against Shaw. It did seem silly except that it leads to the last scene, which I enjoyed a lot more the second time seeing. SO my point is that I do agree with all of your gripes and some of Robbie's, the exception with Robbie's beef being the whole design of the film. It is my favourite aspect besides Fassbender being amazing as David. The reason I enjoy this film more than most of you is because I have a flaw or a gift for seeing the bigger picture and while I was watching this film, both times, my imagination would take over in some parts. I was and am still thinking about all of the exploits of the engineers, who could have made them and why they would want to wipe us out. This intrigues me beyond most myth as it ties in with Gnostic beliefs, ancient myths, and the fact that perhaps the human race has fucked up our planet royally and need a reboot. So with all of its flaws, the over arcing storyline and the look of the film fascinate me enough to look past plot holes. The only thing I can think of as to why they left so many plot holes in, besides being written by several writers, was that Ridley wanted to make the team of scientists seem stupid and unworthy of being in the presence of the Engineers. If that was the point, he and the writers succeeded. A film with this much dough spent on it should have had a scoured script assuring continuity and believability. I think I could have just seen the opening sequence and been satisfied with that as a short film. David made the rest of the film for me.
  7. RIdley splains himself, will make you hate it more or perhaps not as much. http://www.movies.com/movie-news/ridley-scott-prometheus-interview/8232
  8. The whole entire scene with David in the control/sleep chamber room is amazingly beautiful. One of the coolest things I have ever seen on film. In IMAX 3D, I felt like I was inside the coolest navigation system room that has been conceived to date. I also loved the flute. Why shouldn't sound be a component in high tech? I am now thinking that the last scene was indeed the queen from Aliens. I also love the Space Jockeys. So much Gnosticism. I love me some demiurge action. PKD would have loved this film. And the idea of them using that black goo on the entire earth is fucking nuts to think about! Most animals would become xenomorphic. AHHHH!
  9. You all need to stop having such high expectations and relax. Your highest hopes will never be met unless you are the one creating. Just saw this a second time and I enjoyed it even more this time. Every film has plot holes. They are called edits. David is an amazing character and amazingly portrayed. THIS THREAD IS ENRAGING! last post
  10. Didn't mean to sound like I was telling Robbie to be better than Ridley Scott, or need 100 million dollars to be able to make a film. I was thinking purely. If the story or ideas are sound enough, a great film can be made for not that much money. Some of my favourite films were made on a limited budget, yours being some of them Mirezzi. I hope to someday make a film that I can be proud of. and the first scene?
  11. hey check it, this guy nitpicks it with a positive spin, WTF??? How strange of him to not hate this film? http://cavalorn.livejournal.com/584135.html#cutid1
  12. He is not a troll Mirezzi. One of ,my friends from way back on here. His opinions are real not just antagonizing. SQUEE, this statement is fucking bullshit. Prometheus looked so much better than the thing prequel, there is no comparison. The script was at least three times better as well. Yeah I am with Compson. Saying anything negative before seeing a film, unless the trailer is completely atrocious, which none of the Prometheus trailers are, is a bit wacky. Whith the Phantom Menace, I just remember the trailers being very ambiguous. Not like the UK Prometheus trailers where they give away plot points. No, not at all. I'm not sure, gonna have to watch the film to gauge something like that Exactly, no one should be able to review or speculate on an entire film based on trailers. That is the point of most trailers, to get you to come see the film. It is not the film itself. So by reviewing trailers as the film, people are being ridiculous. Did you read the fake scrpt. Because I think the one that leaked wasn't real. Best worst review ever. Indeed. I haven't read Hoodie's nitpicking but I will eventually. All of you are picking this film apart to death. I have problems with it as well but I can safely say that I have never seen this story on film and that I enjoyed a lot of it. The closest piece of writing I can compare the ideas to is At The Mountains of Madness by Lovecraft and the Chariot of the Gods by Von Dänikenwho ripped off this book http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Morning_of_the_Magicians in which the show Ancient Aliens rips off every time it is on. This film is not nearly as bad as you all are making it out to be and with further watchings I am pretty sure I will enjoy it more, simply for David's character and all of the buck wild nasty horror sequences on the planet. I saw it IMAX 3D, so the sound was amazing. The visuals are amazing. The first shot of the film was beautiful, in a Lovecraftian, Olaf Stapledon, Arthur C Clarke kind of way. Maybe you all just need to stop expecting films to be as good as you want them to be. I know you are writing scripts Robbie. Make better films instead of getting upset over the ones being made. Lots of mythical ideas here that I enjoyed. The part I did not enjoy really was the fact that I think the whole film was a set up for a sequel. And I think it is safe to say that Guillermo del Toro can still make At The Mountains of Madness and not have it look or being anything like Prometheus. The only thing in common is speculation on who or what might have created us. This film is not perfect. Nothing is. Get over it. It is a lot better than the Phantom Menace. Prometheus 7.5/10
  13. Atop

    Now Reading

    the square root of negative one causes everything to be uncertain. D-503 is profoundly disturbed by the concept of the square root of −1 — which is the basis for imaginary numbers (imagination being deprecated by the One State).
  14. Atop

    Now Reading

    And what dost thou thinketh? Hope you have the a decent translation and not the one that is all in Bible speak. Destroy laws, make your own way, the spirit of gravity binding you to this world is misleading.
  15. my friend Collin Shook makes amazing music!!!! http://soundcloud.com/collinshookmusic/mantra-single-from-derivatives
  16. Atop

    Now Reading

    yeah I didn't even attempt to finish 'Nausea', I still own it but I have thought about throwing it away. Over-analytical, thought spirals meant to drive a person mad. Fuck you and your depressed emotional state Sartre. Give me Roald Dahl any day over that pretentious shit. although Sartre did say, "Terrorism is the atomic weapon of the masses." I like that quote.
  17. they loves them some magick Frater Achad's star. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Stansfeld_Jones BOOM! Knowledge...
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