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Everything posted by Atop

  1. I agree, this will top all other Marvel films thus far....thank you James Gunn, you are a supreme bad ass.... watch Slither and Super if you have not yet...love them movies.
  2. fuck this show, TRUE DETECTIVE Robbie! It's about to get all secret society homicidal cultastic!
  3. I kind of enjoyed last week's ep but this week's????? This show has shot itself in the face like an over used trope. I loved the fake out with Maggie in the bus. I mean I hated that stupid shit. The Airing Dead.
  4. Atop

    Now Reading

    there's an interview with joshi about weird fiction where he says this about lovecraft: http://formerpeople.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/a-literary-history-of-weird-fiction-an-interview-with-s-t-joshi/ So he was a massive racist for life? Oh well, at least he wasn't a ped. What is your favorite Lovecraft story zaphod? Mine is either The Colour Out of Space or The Shadow Over Innsmouth. I still have not read The Dunwich Horror or The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. At The Mountains of Madness is long winded, and The Call of Chtulhu is a bit cheesey but the ideas he came up with make those stories and his career. A perfect example of the content being greater than the writing. Do you know the story of how the Necronomicon came about being written and by whom? The real story. A fictionalized version about the Lovecraft circle creating it would be good if written well.
  5. Atop

    Now Reading

    I have a Henry Kuttner collection but have yet to read all of it. Man yeah, I have none of the others. Put our powers together and it would make one hell of a reading list. I will get to collecting what you have mentioned. thanks for the list again! I still haven't seen "a field in England" yet, hope to at some point. re: Arcturus, one thing that always struck me was the casual sexism - he's always screwing some alien then killing her - but somehow in the context of a psychedelic vision quest that involves stripping away the veil of lies of the world, it didn't bother me too much. Which makes me wonder, there have been some decent female sci fi writers, but can you think of any female whacked-out-on-opiates-visionaries? Back in the day you had things like the Oracle at Delphi, but I can't think of any more recent examples. That kind of role seems more the province of men, in the current era. Mary Shelley is the only one I can think of. Not sure if she was all opiated out or not but she hung with peeps that rolled that way. And I love Frankenstein. Need to reread that one as well. Yeah check out A Field In England, really loved it even more the second time around. I guess I felt like the attitude Maskull has toward women just felt like a part of the character and didn't make me think Lindsay was a sexist himself. In his other books that I have read the protagonists are female, strong willed and intelligent. From what I can remember. Lovecraft's racism seemed more like a hatred of all people he didn't know, "the other" as you put it zaphod. I want to read S T Joshi's book 'I am Providence' to really understand him more and to see if there is any info on the writing of the Necronomicon, I want to turn that into a story by itself. Devious nerds trying to combat Christianity's and Judaism's grip on society. Sounds like a fun time to me. Those covers are hilarious, most of them are awful but the Bison Books release has to be the best cover.
  6. Atop

    Now Reading

    just watched a field in england for the second time and I feel like it could be a catalyst for period sci-fi/fantasy/old school horror adaptations. I need to read all of those zaphod. I have an M R James anthology that I need to get to. I am going to reread Arcturus again soon Lumpster, we should have another chat about it. Books on that lost list would be: Tales of Wonder by Lord Dunsany, A Crock of Gold by James Stephens, The Wonder by J D Beresford, The Haunted Woman by Lindsay, The Devil's Tor by Lindsay, The Moon Pool by A Merritt, The Stars my Destination by Bester, More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon, The Purple Cloud by M P Shiel, Lilith by MacDonald, The Great God Pan by Machen, When Worlds Collide by Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer, Dr Adder by K W Jeter, Jurgen by James Branch Cabell How many of those have you read zaphod? I am betting most of them. Those would be my top choices in picking what should be made into faithful adaptations, along with Lovecraft and Poe and H G Wells. I think a lot of people would really love for that to happen, a lot that don't know they are wanting it. When they see it, it would be mind blowing. If you guys can help get this started, we should. I will be doing work on my end.
  7. Atop

    Now Reading

    damn! Yeah that is a lot for it. I love it, but I don't remember any Thule like shit. Just his worship of a mother goddess and a race that comes from her. I want to read it again, it was definitely an extreme fantasy immersion. I got it for 40 bucks back in 2002. I bought The Violet Apple for 100 bucks at the same time. I am glad people are reading his work. 'The Haunted Woman' really effected me as well. I am thinking this is the genre that you are focusing on. Do you own all of the Bison Books reprints? What they were putting out for public consumption is exactly what I want to be reading, and one day adapting into films, or tv series.
  8. Atop

    Now Reading

    Been looking for that, not sure I can find it at a reasonable price unless it gets reprinted. Hope it does. Did you ever read "The Devil's Tor" by Lindsay?
  9. Atop

    Now Reading

    Yeah I have read 'The Great God Pan' zaphod and really enjoyed that, I have 'the White People', which you recommended and still need to read it.
  10. Atop

    Now Reading

    Pretty nuts so far, hopefully the first story isn't the best, it would make an awesome short film.
  11. vermilion sands is probably the place to start. or just buy the big collected stories that got issued stateside a few years back. his novels are definitely a mixed bag, but i think crash is a work of art. i recently read palmer eldritch. i want to love it. i really do. the ideas are surreal and crazy and amazing but he takes so long to get anywhere. ubik was similar. the first sixty pages are horrible. i don't mind outdated modes of thinking about feminism, jive talk (a scanner darkly is full of this) or whatever else you can throw at pkd politically. i can't really excuse his method. as far as i can tell, he would sit down and just pound out a book in a trance. sometimes it turned into something good, sometimes the whole thing was terrible. i admire his ability to put out so much work, but so much of it is garbage. there are very few examples of "good writing" in his novels. man in high castle is probably his best written work, although parts of martian time slip are very well written. maybe that's what's disappointing to me about him; there's one or two classic novels in there but he never took the time to fully realize his talent and the strength of his ideas. pynchon is a much better writer of paranoid fiction, although i think pkd is a better idea man. combine them and you'd have a monster of a writer. yeah that would be interesting....and I agree about PKD pounding them out, I think I might be done with him for the time being, still have not read UBIK or Man in the High Castle. Will check out the mentioned Ballard. I watched part of the documentary on Salinger, named the same, and I could not get past how much of a prick I think he was. He was an intelligence officer who fought on the beach at Normandy, by choice, came from a wealthy back ground and did not want to speak to his fans, unless they were already famous. I do not care. I want to see a doc on Pynchon. Probably would be more interesting since he is more prolific, talented and more reclusive.
  12. indeed excited about that zaphod, I am thinking Wheatley is going to get better as his filmography grows. As far as PKD, I think you should try out The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Robbie, if you have not. Pretty brilliant stuff there. Ideas versus writing style, I see how it can influence opinions of an author but I guess I am forgiving when the ideas are creative and original. Haven't read any Ballard though. What should I start with zaphod?
  13. god I love that film.... he needs to direct 'The Satanist' by Dennis Wheatley... it would confuse the shit out of everyone and delight them at the same time.... pretty sure they are not related
  14. I have watched it twice now. It has haunted me. So much is implied, intentionally I believe. Many different levels at play in this film. It makes it hard for most people to be able to grasp what they are watching. I love when screenwriters and filmmakers successfully do this with cinema.
  15. love that fucked up film....pain leads to enlightenment The Hunt is an amazing film. Beautifully shot, acted, written, one of the best performances from a young actor in all film history. 9/10 12 Years a Slave traumatized me, worse than Martyrs or A Serbian Film. Amazing acting though. Difficult to sit through. 7.5/10 The Wolf of Wall Street also traumatized me, due to the horrid nature of all of the individuals portrayed in the film. 8/10 American Hustle feels like it is conning you while you watch it, an acting piece with no depth. 7/10
  16. a screen shot from a video, tis myself playing a the Aurora Art fest in Dallas this year, doing my best Jean Michel Jarre impersonation. This is the most pretentious post I have ever made. from the same show:
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