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Everything posted by Atop

  1. Is chaos fun? Why do we need all of this to enjoy RDJ's music? Can get some new new music? Anyways, excited to hear this but the hype on this is weird.
  2. really wanted to love it, I need more magic in my Marvel films, excited for Doctor Strange!
  3. Captain Murcah: The Vinter Soldier - 6.5/10 - I enjoyed all of the main components, Nick Fury, The Cap and Bucky but the film was way too polished, looking a lot like the tv show, which is a polished turd. The story reminded me of Die Hard 4, which I thought had better writing in it, yep I said it. Political intrigue in a comic book film feels false to me. It is not what I want to experience in a world full of superheroes. The action sequences were pretty awesome, especially the Cap vs Bucky scenes. Robert Redford felt out of place like an old withered Owen Wilson. Scarlett Johansson had some awful make up goin on and is a terrible actress, so she was disappointing and sexy. Falcon felt like one of the second rate superheroes on display in the tv series. All in all I could give a fuck about this film, the glowing reviews are really surprising to me. This was better than many of the other Marvel films but that isn't saying much. A polished turd through and through. Whatever. Have fun. The second to last epilogue was fun, the last one is stupid! Yay! Poor Noah is going to be destroyed by this film, sorry Aronofsky!
  4. the candle room with writing on the walls makes me think cult.....eating people as a sacrifice or a ritual to protect them from "God's" punishment of humanity, i.e. the zombie apocalypse, could be why the cult formed....and Rick/Michonne/Darryl/Carl were being herded, like cattle.
  5. I think that is the last line of the Noah story. God sends a rainbow to let Noah realize that there will be no more widespread earth catastrophes. Yes it is cheesey, and so is the bible.
  6. we gots hipster cannibals! I did enjoy the convo between Michonne and Carl....some good writing there. The scene with Rick ripping home doods jugular was the shocking scene I suppose.... Glen Mazaaraa said this was going to be the most shocking episode ever, no it was not.... The next season begins with, Beth steaks cooking on the grill and Carol/Tyreese/Judith saving the day? yep
  7. my only complaints were Emma's acting, the acting from all of the Noah kids tpwrads the end, the facial close ups were too often, and the end of Tubul-cain. Did not care for that plot line. The rest with the mythological aspects made the film for me. Loved the stars in the day sky. Loved the parallels between contemporary society and a society from long ago that got completed destroyed by a "natural" event. Anyways, I will most likely never watch Black Swan, The Wrestler or Requiem ever again but I will be seeing this one again.
  8. I enjoyed your comparison as well Squee, and Tideland does not deserve that amazing of a rating Hoggy. Just got back from Noah and I really enjoyed it, the heavy handedness of it was a little annoying but the re imagining of the bible tales made the film for me. So much division will be caused by this film, just like most of his other films. BIG UP WATCHERS! 8/10
  9. fuckin Snowpiercer is terrible, and the Weinstein are trying to cut it for an American audience??? Good luck with that, the only cool part of the film is when they are looking out the window at all of the frozen land. Otherwise this is one of the worst films I have seen in a long time. 12 Monkeys on a Train and there is even a character named Gilliam in it, unfortunately played by John Hurt, for shame for shame......at least this makes Tideland look like an achievement in cinema. 4/10
  10. says the guy who is complaining about people complaining. You're reviewing the people in this thread. shit is meta, yo exactly, stop hatin on me man, if I want to hate on a show that should be good because the post apocalypse can be interesting, then I will as an AMERICAN FREEDOM RANGER, I WILL WATCH IT AND HATE IT! METAWATCH See, Squee watches it to hate on it as well. AND HE AINT EVEN AN AMERICAN FREEDOM RANGER! Have not seen Dead Set, will be checken!
  11. the walking dead on its feet, another crap ass shit fest episode. Bill hicks scientist needs to die horrible death. Dude's red hair is so nicely combed and his handle mustache is so perfect. This show should have a train wreck in it because that is what we are watching and why I am watching.... Ah I think I see the train wreck coming and it ends at Terminus... Hippie Cannibal Cult, eat them before they change???? It can only be that or else it will be another notch in the shark jump belt, sized39 at this point. COME ON HIPPIE CANNIBALS!
  12. Stalker THX 1138 Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared Syn Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone Slither The Hidden
  13. pretty nasty episode, but pointless for the most part..... Carol and Tyreese for life dawg! This episode should have happened like three ago. And the last three should have never happened. Is anyone running this show?
  14. The last episode killed all hope for this piece of shit show. I hope they are ashamed of themselves. They should have just stayed in the trunk for the rest of the episode, it would have been more interesting.
  15. @jules: you love zombies? They are the only reason I keep watching. I hope the "scientist" really does have the cure and the show becomes an attempt at curing humanity of its massive problem. The fourth season is silly enough to go this direction.
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