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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I'm one of those people. Cases are too clunky, and the one time I did look none of the ones available left the headphone jack accessible. Since I always have my headphones plugged in when I go anywhere, they're kind of useless to me without that feature. So far my phone hasn't endured any damage, and I've had it for about 3 years now. Anyway, it's one of those things I just never think to do. If the perfect cell phone case stares me in the face one day, perhaps I will buy it.
  2. Man, that was like hearing an interview conducted by a little kid. No wonder he stopped doing them. What a wasted opportunity.
  3. That's your answer to everything! Usually works though, so I'll try it. I'll try this is the death fuck doesn't work.
  4. Moths. Pretty IDM problem I guess, but I'm afraid their going to eat through all my clothes/sheets. Isn't it the acidity of their urine that does that? There are currently 5 on the ceiling directly above me, and one that keeps trying to fuck me as I lie in bed. *all the lights in my cabin are off, so these may well be moths that are attracted to dark.
  5. Well that settles it - I'm moving to Alaska when I hit 60.
  6. Damn. Imagine being so hot that you die. Hopefully they all passed out first. Were they all bedridden elderly folk/babies? It seems like there are so many ways that could be avoided unless you're completely immobile.
  7. I did set up an OKC profile about 4 years ago, using a plate of half eaten ginger beef as my profile pic. I wonder if I ever got any matches? Fucked if I can remember my username... damn I'm kind of curious now. What if I missed out on the love of my life?
  8. Ugh. luckily i now have some proper heavy cream also describing my music This was how I read that section initially, and I thought "huh, that's not bad." Anyway, next time someone asks about the kind of music you make, just be like "my music is some proper heavy cream." Though some may interpret that as Sunshine of Your Love with metal guitars.
  9. Someone wants a band bio. I hate band bios. I hate them when I write them, and I hate them when anyone else writes them. They always sound dumb. If Kurt Vonnegut wrote a band bio, it would probably be as cringeworthy as all the rest. There's just no way to write a good band bio goddamnit. Nevertheless, that is the assignment tasked to me this morning once again. (I have bios written for this project already, but I am horrified by all of them.)
  10. The one guy I know irl who's a Peterson fan never cleans his room.
  11. That sanding down the tinfoil scene was horrifying.
  12. I'm not that picky about what I eat, I'm just frequently disappointed by it. ...which leads me to think I should become a more picky eater.
  13. Torn about whether to buy CDs of the albums I want to listen to most in my van, or to just burn the mp3s onto CDs. Buying the CDs leaves me with less money... but I'm soooooo lazy, and I miss the ritual of buying physical artefacts.
  14. I dreamt about your new projector, which opened up into an intricate array of cameras and cogs, Brazil style... and it was about the size of a large dog... and it collapsed into this multicoloured ornate pig. I commented to my friend that it gave a much different impression in the photos posted at that electronic music forum I frequent.
  15. Case in point, I just found my Exai CD in an area that swear I quadruple checked several weeks ago when I was actually going through their discography. This may sound like an FWS, but it only serves to fill me with regret that I couldn't find it at that crucial time... even though I fucking looked there, repaetedly. Fucking unknown unknowns that I thought were known knowns. Damn you Rumsfeld.
  16. There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.
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