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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. People on my facebook feed are freaking out about something terrible happening but no one has given any info regarding what it actually is.
  2. There's an ice cream truck somewhere nearby, and it's making the rooster VERY ANGRY! Also it's teasing me. I'd definitely buy an ice cream from an ice cream truck if it were visible to me, but I'm nowhere near motivated enough to go for a wander around the neighborhood in the hopes we may cross paths. Now I want to know the name of the famous old timey song it's playing on loop, but it has no lyrics so how am I supposed to look it up?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtvcAzXlHtw
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HvrySwhZrQ
  5. I've thought about starting a thread for thread ideas from people who are too chickenshit to actually start threads. I'm one of those people. So many great threads in my head that I just can't bring myself to bring to gen ban. And by "great" I mean "mostly idiotic". Those tend to be the best threads tho tbqh.
  6. Was on my delivery shift, sitting idle in a parking lot with Aphex Twin cranked up full blast (because I'm one of those douchebags) and this homeless guy approached my van giving the thumbs up and looking generally excited. He motioned indicating he wanted to know what I was listening to, so I pressed the album cover up to my windshield. Felt kind of bad because it was "Remixes For Cash", like he really needed a reminder of what he was without. His face seemed to darken somewhat. But anyway, he wandered off giving more gestures of approval and then lay down in a somewhat hidden corner of the parking lot to sleep.
  7. Jesus I watched 25 minutes of that. Spellbound. The only flat Earther i ever met was a magician. Kind of made sense how someone who'd built their life around deceiving other peoples' perception could entertain that notion.
  8. lol "no regard for human life -amirite?" Best obnoxious guy 2018.
  9. I had no idea Aretha Franklin was still alive for the last 20+ years. What other legends are still living that I always assumed were long dead? When Prince died, I discovered Stevie Wonder is still with us. This thread's been interesting for stuff like that.
  10. Thanks for the support watmm. I would like to apologize on behalf of the chickens though, because it turns out they've been there forever - it's the addition of the rooster that has caused all the ruckus. That thing won't shutup. I never noticed the chickens once before, but now it sounds like a regular chicken orgy... and it's all rooster. Also, that ceramic plate that survived the stove element miraculously unscathed has developed a long thin crack days after the incident. When it rains it pours.
  11. D'awwwwwwwww. Intended for the other vid two posts above, but still applies.
  12. Neighbors got motherfucking chickens plus rooster. 5am wake-up calls from now on. It used to be so peaceful!
  13. I never noticed this thread until just now lol Fuck yeah. Gave all my O'Rourke CDs another listen to 2 just last month. Everything about his delivery is so understated, while the music itself is deceptively complex. I also like the sweet sound/disturbing lyric combo he tends to gravitate towards. All those things together create something pretty unique. Also a big fan of his very dry but well balanced production. Everything just sounds like it actually sounds. I think that worked really well especially for the stuff he did with Sonic Youth (even though everyone hates NYC Ghosts and Flowers for some odd reason). Just got into Fu Manchu. Man, their second album Daredevil is killer. Fuzzed out to hell sabbath riffs, drums constantly on the verge of falling apart, and practically every song is about how awesome and fast his car is. Gave it one listen before bed, and another with my coffee. No disappointment whatsoever. I could listen to those fuzz tones forever. Makes me want to have a project soley devoted to riffs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-hQmO7Syic
  14. Lame. FWP: left a stove element on overnight on the lowest heat AND set a ceramic(??) plate down on it which was sitting there the entire time. FWS: I did not die in a fire, that plate is miraculously unscathed, and the fingers on my left hand are so callused they gave no fucks when I touched it (how I discovered the element was in fact on). I am left with questions though. Are ceramic plates supposed to be invincible? And how is there no appalling odour of any sort?
  15. I was just looking for a basic audio sample rather than a vst instrument. Gauging from what I've read of Omnisphere, I'm sure it would be great for creating hurdy gurdy drones. I eventually stumbled upon a folk song that starts with a sufficiently long hurdy gurdy drone which worked out great. Production complete.
  16. Why is it so fucking hard to find a decent hurdy gurdy drone sample?!?!
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