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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Horrible. Definitely a contender for watmm most grim personal(ish) anecdote 2018. Is the pond literally in your front yard?
  2. That is Michael Jackson! If only he were here to clear this whole thing up.
  3. I've been on an endless quest to find the perfect blend of low end between 80-150Hz. The sweet spot for mids and highs has always been somewhat easy to grasp, but bass remains a tricky bastard.
  4. I was about to move my van 15 feet back into my usual spot, since it was taken up earlier in the day. This would have been my only time driving while tipsy. Right before unlocking the door I thought "but what if a cop happened to drive by and decided to breathalyze me within those 30 seconds?" At which point a fucking cop car drove past me. So I didn't do it and my van is still parked in the wrong spot. The universe and its messages are dumb. Fuck ur pseudoscience. Maybe I'll go back out there and tempt the fates.
  5. Thread title always makes me think of this: https://youtu.be/N5mJw6gQGm8?t=4m19s
  6. Could these be samples of new lyrics he's preparing for us? Classic MJK.
  7. And with a large age gap. I mean, 36 and 17 is bad enough, but 46 and 2? Yikes.
  8. Nice DVD collection you got there. Pooty Wang Forest Hump Spurt Hobain: Montage of Dick
  9. I'm drinking my morning coffee right now. It's pretty good.
  10. Here's a little something to tickle yer funny bone. Funny to the power of infinity.
  11. He's a weirdo. What the hell is he doing here?
  12. AND what if his only super power was creating the conditions necessary for the universe to exist, and now he's just sitting there outside the physical realm just bored out of his skull. Shiiiiiiit.
  13. I use one of these, mostly. But if I want a big pot that'll last me for several hours I just do pour over. Oh hey, you're Canadian too! Have you been to Salt Spring? I used to stay at a cabin there about once a summer, but I'm not sure I ever tried the coffee. I do see it in the stores, but this is my goto coffee jam: Fuck yeah. Pretty much any roast I've had from them is good, though I'm not much into dark roasts generally... too burnt + too much poo aftertaste. But they make even that semi-appealing. The one thing that makes the biggest difference in any cup of coffee however (if you don't drink it black) is this: Milk or cream in even the best coffee is usually gross. If you like cream in your coffee and haven't tried evaporated milk yet, you owe it to yourself to try it. Plus you only need to use about half as much. Oddly it is fucking disgusting in tea. So tea drinkers stay the fuck away.
  14. I've been going through the Pantera discog since Vinnie's death, and man... the shift from Power Metal to Cowboys From Hell has got to be one of the biggest leaps in musical evolution that any band has ever pulled off. Ridiculous. Point A (Power Metal): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-0d_1U_GgE Point B {CFH): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsVs6sPYfaY Only two years and one album later.
  15. It seemed like they were awkwardly poking fun of whatever the hell that group is, but then every comment is shitting on them like it was some serious thing and... I think I'm done trying to keep up with stupid internet movements. Watched one other proud boys themed video that was idiotic on every level, and for some reason that one seemed to get general respect from yt commentators. It's a good thing the people I encounter in my day to day life don't reflect the sort of people I'd expect to meet if the youtube comment section were in anyway representative of the general populous.
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