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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. You could be a dishwasher who secretly collects the leftover sauce to use in some weird attention grabbing art project.... make sauce sculptures or something.
  2. I often take more ketchup/salsa/plum/___ sauce than I need, and usually there's enough food bits in it that I can't put it back in its container in good conscience. I'm sure I've wasted enough sauce in my life to fill a medium sized swimming pool.
  3. I'm branching out a little with this one. Apologies to fans of my usual work here in this thread.
  4. I think the Matt Gaetz clip was in there to setup the next segment perfectly, but yeah it is a good indication that these are not scripted. It is pretty hard to understand how anyone could meet SBC's character and believe he is anything but a character created for the purpose of comedy... but he is always able to find those idiots somehow. I'm curious how many interviews he has to do before one actually works. Surely even in the gun nut realm that level of obliviousness has to be a 1 in 50 kind of thing.
  5. Man, Danny Carey's hi hat work in this is something else.
  6. Yeah, I see videos like that and wonder which people where I live would become those people within the right context. I have to assume they are around me at least some of the time, but the types of crazy that are even remotely socially acceptable where I live are... less ludicrous.
  7. Oh man, Masaokis is my all time favourite. Also those retro foreign adverts should almost have their own thread.
  8. Wowowow! I want their beverage god damn it.
  9. I'll miss his hair. 1. power electronics 2. minimal techno 3. downtempo 4. uk garage 5. idm 6. witch house 7. ambient glitch 8. microsound I believe this fulfills the entire thread's intended purpose. Mission complete.
  10. FWP2: I swear every time Ministry releases an album it's like a year after they broke up for the nth time. They must have broken up and gotten back together more than any other band in the last 30 years. And when I actually bother to check said new album out, it's always kind of like Psalm 69 but with waaaay worse production. I think he must have suffered some horrible rapid hearing loss after that point because yikes. I can't think of another producer whose abilities deteriorated so suddenly like that. Many examples of producers whose later work got less interesting, but generally mixing competency is a constant for most. Possibly he is just deaf to a wide range of high frequencies that the rest of us take for granted. Anyway... FWP3 some kind outside has been screaming bloody murder for a good half hour. Why aren't they dead yet?
  11. Are you sure you didn't either take a shit or remove some clothes between weighings? 7 lbs of sweat in one night seems pretty much impossible imho. But I'm no scientist. FWS: wrote and demo'd 6 songs in the last couple weeks for one of my bands, all based off parts that caught my ear at jams. And I really like all of it. At this rate we will have a new album written before the current one is even released.
  12. My friend's dad keeps sending me random vids or inspirational blogposts at ever increasing frequency, despite my only responding to about one third of them. They're not wall posts or group messages, they're directed at me specifically. It's getting kind of weird...
  13. how the fuck did you come across this Searching for something entirely unrelated, there was a more popular video on his channel that popped up in the results, and I ended up looking at a bunch of his videos...the whole channel is pretty funny. Proper conspiracy nut (who I think has a small child who was talking in the background of a video...the fact that he's a father is, I'm sorry, terrifying) His voice is hypnotic though. Highly samplable.
  14. Ahahahahaha oh good lord I think that's my favourite mash-up yet.
  15. Cheers. Always good to keep up to speed on viral youtube racists.
  16. I just logged into my friend's email account, which immediately prompts an email regarding "suspicious activity on (her) account". So all I, as an email hacking intruder, have to do is respond to the email verifying that I am the person they're trying to protect. Ha! (I'm using it at her request while she's in the wilderness for a week.)
  17. Yikes. I'm not even sure I've experienced 40c before. I think the hottest weather I've endured was in England of all places... maybe summer of '92? They were in the middle of some crazy heatwave, I was there on a choir trip, other singers were fainting at rehearsals, the bus air conditioner was broken. Good times.
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