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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. lol sorry to crash the FWP thread guys... please continue. Here I'll start. I've noticed my body odour has been getting increasingly more mannish of late. Not sure if it's my nauseating pheromones trying extra hard since breaking up with my girlfriend a few months ago or what... but I've had a few people tell me I used to really stink before we started dating all those years ago, so this might actually be what's happening. I'm man stinking stupid hard unnngh.
  2. She's exhausted... occasionally gets hysterical, but for the most part she's staying strong and doing an amazing job taking care of my dad. But she's doing things she should never have to do. I think we need a nurse, or a home.... but it's expensive, and there are huge waiting lists for homes. I'm glad to hear your dad has something a bit more manageable, sounds super frustrating though. My first girlfriend's mom had an alcohol problem, and she could get pretty nasty some nights. Mostly she just liked to have anyone listen while she rambled on about her problems.
  3. omg that 11"8 vid. So much satisfaction. I could watch that all day. F U tall trucks.
  4. FWP I don't have permission to edit what I just wrote. PS TMI would undo if possible.
  5. Yeah, my grandmother is getting there. She tells the same old stories over and over but she can't remember things that just happened. The worst part is that she knows. At least my grandfather didn't really that he couldn't remember things. A couple of years my dad was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia which was fucking terrible. The worst 6 months or so of my life. Turned out his liver was just fucked from his alcohol abuse. Oops. Stupid fucking doctors. How's your dad doing now? I think mine is in a state of continual decline. I had to call 911 for the first time in my life last night. He got on the floor and couldn't get back up. Started talking about the lady in the light.... sounded like a light at the end of the tunnel death talk to me. He's still alive tonight though... just some run of the mill old confused guy delusions. There are no white blood cells in his urine, which is good, and extremely rare for someone his age. So on the bright side my dad's in good condition physically. Mentally he's totally fucked. He's still alive but in in a sense he is gone. I don't think we will ever have what can be considered an actual conversation from this point forward. I don't think I have fully processed this yet.
  6. The EP is super murky. Many bassy layers with his voice just barely poking through. It's got kind of a cool vibe, but nothing about it is really rekindling my interest in where NIN's headed. Old NIN on the other hand... I really need to hear those Fragile leftovers.
  7. Ugh... Christmas is always the longest day of the year. How is it only 6:30? Feels like 10.
  8. Thanks guys. I believe he is 77, Squee... or 76. Sorry about the serious-ness of that one, I guess it's more of a serious problem rather than an FWP. It was just the first thing that popped into my head after my gross noro anecdote. FWP: fucked up a lyric on this Santa Baby cover, because almost every lyric site has a very bizarre interpretation of the "'54 convertible" line... somewhere down the line the internet decided that was an "auto space convertible" which isn't even a thing. I pointed out how weird that lyric was when we were recording it, but figured it was just some archaic 50's thing. It's okay though, Shakira got trolled by the internet too. The real FWP here is that we are now just as stupid as Shakira.
  9. When my ex was working on a cruise ship there was a Noro outbreak, and she witnessed one morbidly obese passenger shit and puke all over himself in the gift shop. Grim. FWP: my dad officially no longer knows his favorite local pub. My mom took him there and he was all like "what is this place? Why are we here?" F U dementia. On the bright side, his most frequent utterances are "this is wonderful" and "that's beautiful!" He's probably the happiest person I know right now.
  10. I really want to go for a walk with the new NIN EP but it's raining buckets, and that will annoy me the whole time... the new NIN EP may achieve that effect all on its own, but I want to give it the benefit of the doubt.
  11. I think he just meant murky. Actually, listening to the song now, I haven't yet noticed which part is supposed to be the chorus. That's an impenetrability of sorts. I heard "break through the surface" repeat a few times. Is that the chorus? I like that this doesn't sound a lot like several other things he's done (which tends to be the case for anything since Fragile). Could see it being pretty cool in the context of an EP, and with successive listens. Seems like a bit of a filler song (ie if you took the production away it wouldn't have much to stand on), but I'm still interested.
  12. If this new EP actually is the "unfriendly, fairly unimpenetrable" release he suggests, I am very interested. But I don't believe him. The unreleased Fragile stuff however is pretty exciting!
  13. Damn! Well it would be way too obvious if I tried to copy much about this song in another, so I don't think there's any risk of that happening.
  14. I think I may have just written my best song, but I'm also weary that I might just be manic and experiencing delusions of grandeur. If I'm not... what if I can never write another as good again? Either way I've got some kind of FWP on my hands.
  15. Whoa, the Doobie brothers singer sounds exactly like the "never gonna give you up... never gonna, etc." Rick Roll guy. *mind blown* FWP: my mind just got blown.
  16. I've managed to not get any colds at all this year, though I have the occasional morning where I've got sniffles, or I might cough a bit at night. But somehow it never goes beyond that... which makes me suspicious, because I'm one of those people who has a cold for like two months straight. My fear is that my immune system's saving up for the big one. You know, one of those colds that actually kills you. FWP: I need to refigure out some song I wrote over a year ago and then do a super tight guitar double. I sense great frustration and irritation on my horizon.
  17. lol how big was the hail Are you asking in a round about way how big his penis is ? /well a seven inch long cock with this circumference inflated should be able to take this amount of force per square inch. ... Also zeph .. do you have a soundeecloud with new noodlings ? The hail seemed tiny vs. the ludicrous girth of my manhood, but was reasonably big as far as hail goes. Small pea sized. delet..., thanks for the interest! Not too much new stuff posted, but there's a new-ish soundcloud for a band I started earlier this year... psychadelic/electronic/dream pop? Not sure if the vocals will be your thing: https://soundcloud.com/songsfromtheblacklodge The Zephyr Nova page hasn't been updated in a while, but there is a track from the as-of-yet unreleased new album at the top: https://soundcloud.com/zephyr-nova
  18. Need another band name for a duo, but despite having very similar taste in most things, my bandmate and I seem to share no taste in names. And we have pressure to come up with one for promotional purposes (from a promoter who's setting up a US tour for us next summer). It's so much harder than it should be. Any time there is a name we both like, it's already taken by someone else on bandcamp.
  19. Got this lovely song pretty much finished in Ableton, but these random little audio hiccups occur on almost every audio track for one measure... the measure that's basically the climax of the whole song. It's not a glitch I've encountered before, and I don't know how the hell I'm going to get around it. It's 3:30am and I just want to go to bed, but I won't until I resolve this. Fucking hell, Ableton. Fuck u.
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