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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I'm back from a 10 day tour and I don't know what to do with myself. I just want to be back on the road for another 20.
  2. Line 6 D4 delay pedal fucked itself. Again. This time right before tour. Last time it was an hour before a show. I wonder how much they are to rent for 10 days.... fuck it, I think I need to buy a new one. They're so unreliable yet so indispensable.... and expensive ($300-$040). Goddamnit. Last time it was just a matter of taking it apart and putting it back together. This time there was smoke pouring out of it, so I fear the fix will not be so simple (or possible). Hopefully there's something else comparable on the market I can grab that's less suicidal. it's the sort of pedal that requires a backup for live shows -I'm less likely to break a string than to have this thing die on me.
  3. A friend of a friend just died of a Fentanyl OD earlier this week. Fucked up.
  4. I have a friend who has been obsessed with killing moths since she had an infestation of them. She's really good at it too. AND she used to be a vegan.
  5. Holy shit! Glad you guys are okay. That's quite the morning crime spree.
  6. I swear I posted an FWP last night while drunk on bourbon, but it's not here today. Maybe this is a FWS in disguise.
  7. That was possibly the most successful rolling lol I've seen on watmm to date. Doesn't get much more FWS than that.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo44kA8cpRw
  9. dude at least play some good games if you're drinking alone I mean sheesh I have an addiction. Good games usually demand some commitment. Like: I'm going to set aside an hour to play X. C Crush doesn't... it's just that 1 game always turns into 20 for me. Before CC it was 2048, then before that it was Tretis, before that Tetris, before that Scrabble (which is still ongoing, I just don't do it in real time anymore).
  10. Playing Candy Crush while drinking alone. Rock bottom. AND there's this goddamn fly that keeps landing on the mouth of my bottle right as I'm about to drink. WTF. Fuck you, fly.
  11. Writing simple pop lyrics is way more difficult than writing more evocative/poetic ones, but they always sound as though they were tossed off in 5 minutes. I swear more careful deliberation went into this one than anything else I've ever written. Writing like a 5th grader is fucking hard! But hey, if the goal is to have people singing along after one listen, that's what needs to happen.
  12. Oh man, tonight my friend was telling me about "the core" and how vital it is. Anyone who's not a miserable wreck in their middle age has their core to thank. I'm fucked. FWP: spent hours trying to get my vocals on a new recording sounding right. For whatever reason I couldn't sing any line in one breath when I got up to the mic. If I sung it to myself in the room I could get it in one breath with no effort. So frustrating. These were not difficult vocal parts. Luckily I don't have to pay for my own studio time, so i can suck hard and not have it hurt me financially. Too bad the bank account of my fragile ego is now empty.
  13. ... I can imagine that being pretty good actually.
  14. My joints are turning into a pile of shit because aging.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX3p1-fQqfE
  16. There used to be a convenience store where I lived called "Foodie Goodie". That's not quite as bad, but it still made me a little bit angry every time I saw the sign. I have a mild headache, which is weird because I was telling a friend earlier that I almost never get headaches, and when I do they're barely noticeable.
  17. Haha, yeah I totally get it. It's also a lot easier for some reason. More relaxing. I think when I impersonate a female singer I automatically use my diaphram properly just to make the right sound. I can do much longer phrases in one breath.
  18. I've been recording demo vocals of my voice doing melodies for certain songs intended for a female singer... and I think I enjoy singing like a chick better than singing in my actual voice. Just did a scratch for Gloomy Sunday (based on the Billie Holiday version), and performing and listening back to it is way to satisfying. I think I may have been born into the wrong gender. My avatar knows what's up.
  19. He only uses it for pee. Poo goes on floor. Or on my face as the case may be.
  20. Woke up with my face on a cat turd. Knew immediately from the cool, smooth shape and texture what it was. Jolted upright with an "ugh!!" Saw that it was accompanied by two more little brown buddies resting peacefully on my pillow. WTF Charlie??? Why and how?? I promptly got into the shower and scrubbed up my face something fierce, but I know deep down there are still turd particles lurking in my beard. I can't find the cat-taking-a-shit emoticon, so I'm gonna roll with this one:
  21. I'd do anything for a bowl of cereal right now, but there is no cereal.
  22. Drama! My most vague fwp to date. FWP2: too lazy to explain my FWPs but alluding to them anyway. This is just my way of putting off actually dealing with them. I'm psyching myself up with the power of watmm.
  23. Is she tone-deaf? I mean if you can hear the backing track audibly and she's not even tracking to it properly that makes no sense. However, if it is in fact played slower I wonder if her vocals were actually recorded at 48kHz and you're trying to load them as a 44.1kHz recording. Or maybe this is an obsolete problem that people only had 10 years ago when DAWs were dumber. Like I said, I can hear the backing track on the soloed tracks. It is a semitone higher. I wonder if she had the song going through her head all day a semitone lower, and then when it was time to sing to the track it was just hardwired into her brain like that. I don't know, it's fucked. Every take is like that.
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