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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Gah, tell me about it! The pedal in our array was a compressor pedal to bring out every miniscule scrape off my collaborator's musical saw, but instead it just maximized that hum to its full obtrusive potential. Her saw is quiet, so it didn't stand a chance. New FWP: despite being holed up in my studio with the intention of working I have gotten fuck all done today. Not sure what happened (other than nothing).
  2. A client sent me some backing vocals to mix into her track, and so far in every take she has sung the entire line 1 semitone flat. I don't really understand how... like it's really hard to sing a melody one key above or below the actual key of a song due to how dissonant that sounds. "So just pitch shift the entire thing up 1 semitone, Zeph." A good suggestion, and maybe I'd consider if the backing track weren't audible in the background of each take. Oi... nice girl though.
  3. My noise show was marred by unintended noise (sounded like something wasn't grounded, and the hum overtook everything... of course everybody thought it was deliberate, but it wasn't right at all. I wanted to stop, but the show must go on).
  4. Can you give a link? Too many artists and bands named 'Faker' come up when doing a search. https://fakerr.bandcamp.com/album/tender-victims https://fakerr.bandcamp.com/album/spasm-death
  5. I recently played a short radio friendly noise jam on the local campus station a few weeks back, alongside Lily Fawn (who's playing saw), as Noise from the Black Lodge: Wish we'd known about that David Lynch tribute in time!
  6. My girlfriend can't stand Of Montreal, so there you go. Although I think she can recognize it's good... just can't get passed the singer's voice. She also doesn't enjoy Bjork, but appreciates her talent and originality. Hmmm. I'm trying to come up with something she hates that I love and coming up empty. I think her taste was a huge part of my initial attraction. FWP: watmm is distracting me from finishing up this guitar part I was in the middle of recording. FWP2 I have to pee but don't want to get out of my chair.
  7. BC has never sounded so appealing. Cost of living there is insane. :( Are you actually in Victoria? I love the island. Cost of living there is better than Vancouver, but that's because work is hard to find. (Correct me if wrong!) I wish I could live either on the island or in Vancouver, I just can't afford it! I scoped out some work similar to what I'm doing, and it paid appr much less than Calgary unfortunately. I will move out there one day though. =) Even if the cost of living is higher, the quality of life is worth it. Aye, it's my home turf. It's a little too nice here, which makes it hard to leave. But for anyone hoping to make a name for themselves in music or anything to do with the arts (which I am) it's usually necessary to get the fuck away from here. I just so happened to recently stumble into a really good musical collab that seems like it might actually go somewhere... so I guess for now I shall stay put, but see where the road takes me. Cost of living here is way too expensive though, like you said, 'specially for a broke-ass like me.
  8. BC has never sounded so appealing. Cost of living there is insane. :(
  9. Nah, Bjork hatred's a deal breaker. There's no hope for someone like that. Haha, awesome.
  10. I recently released an EP of Twin Peaks covers with my friend (there's also one original in there that just fit the vibe). Aesthetically the production's not too far off from my Zephyr Nova stuff, but there's also guitar, vocals, trumpet, and singing --these are all Julee Cruise covers, composed by Lynch and Badalamenti. Apparently she's heard it and likes it. Thought some of you peeps might be interested. It's free. https://songsfromtheblacklodge.bandcamp.com/releases
  11. lol all good suggestions. Will remember for next time.
  12. I ended up going with "he looks happy, thanks for the share!"
  13. My aunt sent me videos of my baby cousin a week ago and I still haven't responded... babies creep me out. Enough time has gone by that she's probably offended. But to be fair, my brother only just replied this morning, so at least we both seem terrible and t's not just me. He already covered "cute" so I've got to come up with some other nice comment typically associated with babies. I'm really bad at doing insincere replies to things, so I put it off. Maybe I'll go with the "you must be so excited!" route. That's pleasant without giving any real feedback. I'll be interested in him when he can actually talk and walk around. But the shitting blob stage really isn't my thing. lol this makes me sound like a horrible person. Ah well. I am actually happy for them....
  14. well that's an easy question to answer, are they were you wanted to paste them? if you cut and paste things on the same drive btw it doesn't take any time to move them, just changes the pointers to them so they belong to the new parent folder, they stay in the same physical location on the disk. It would have been an easy question to answer if I were certain which songs the folders were for. Basically I thought there were 11 folders, two of which I was attempting to paste over. 9 were in that folder, therefore I thought the two I cut were not successfully transferred. That bit above that I bolded occured to me as a possibility after my last reply. it was on the same drive, so I guess the transfers were instant (i usually transfer from one drive to another, so I'm used to the long transfer times). In conclusion, there were less folders than I thought, and the transfer was instant for the reason you pointed out. Yay!
  15. No, it's not in recycle. It's possible I'm just mistaken about how many folders are in this one directory, and the files miraculously did paste where they were supposed to in that split second before the computer shutdown without warning. That just seems hard to believe considering how large the files are and how slow my computer is. But I guess crazier things have happened.
  16. Also, RIP Ninja! That is super sad. I had a cat pass away recently as well. Well... December. But it still feels pretty fresh.
  17. are you using windows? because that's impossible on windows, 'cut' just puts them in the clipboard with an intention to move them later. Yes, I'm using Windows. Where is this mysterious clipboard? (I've been searching to no avail.) *I've downloaded a program called clipbook viewer. The folders I cut are not viewable there. Today is turning into bullshit.
  18. My lap top ran out of batteries unexpectedly and shut down right after I had cut two project folders with the intention of moving them to another folder. Now the files are gone!! WTF?? i didn't know that could happen. Also, the battery was showing "full" right before this happened. I'm now downloading file recovery software in the hopes that I won't have to explain to my client that I need them to resend the files due to some ridiculous computer situation on my end.... this is so dumb.
  19. No, So Far, So Good... So What is the album that sucks. Rust in Peace is the one I'm looking forward to most (fourth album), as I remember that one being awesome. But I haven't heard it since I was in grade 6 or so. Megadeth are solid, but I don't know how many back to back Megadeth albums I can handle. That's a lot of Dave Mustaine to endure.
  20. I've committed to going through Megadeth's discography, and their third album sucked. I might bow out after Countdown to Extinction --I used to rock that one when I was 10. Mustaine is so goddamn whiny.
  21. For a while 4:20 was a recurring time for recorded versions of my songs. If only I were playing reggae. FWP: no FWP to report. Oh shit I just did, rendering my FWP false. FWP: false FWP reporting.
  22. That particular brand of potato salad I had too much of earlier just got recalled from the shelves! Goodbye watmm.
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