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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. lol will check Faker out, heard about it but not gotten into it.. edit: yeah, I was refering to Masonna's "Inner Mind Mystique" when I wrote that, insane album. Haha Inner Mind Mystique is the one!! I had that in mind when I mentioned Masonna. I'm afraid to listen to that album again. Faker's released so much stuff, and not all of it is super intense. There's some weird guitar/keyboard jams, music concrete... you never know what you're going to get. But when he enters the harsh noise end of the spectrum it's fucking vicious. In headphones it doesn't show any mercy.
  2. I think there are a few Masonna tracks that could kill someone. Also, Faker has produced some stuff that I swear was trying to cut me into pieces. I'm not sure I have the stomache to listen back to some of that stuff now, though at the time it was virtually all I was listening to (when I first started this thread).
  3. That consumer electronics track IS excellent. I played another noise set in December, first in a while. It's sort of melodic noise this time, which delves into harsh chaos towards the end... similar concept to that CE track actually, but extended over 11 minutes (the first minute is the end of soundcheck, but I decide to just play into the set rather than start clean):
  4. Ah fuck. Someone just got back to me about viewing a suite, made it very obvious that it's a scam, and now I feel some moral responsibility to inform craigslist of the bullshit... but I really don't feel like being hassled with that right now. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. ? Yeah, well, he was supposed to do the showings. So really we didn't need to be there. We were just having a lazy day and figured people could check things out while we sat on the couch. The waking-up earlier than I would have otherwise was annoying, as is the lack of either competance or consideration on our landlord's behalf. But much like the suite-scam thing, I don't want to be bothered with another little hassle (it's so much easier to just ignore it and move on). YES! I'm constantly getting annoyed by drivers doing this, and then I feel like like a dick every time because "hey, they're just trying to be considerate," but really it isn't helping anyone, just holding shit up! The exchange between them stopping and me crossing takes longer than it would for them to just speed on by in the first place. So impractical and awkward.
  5. And no shows at 11:00, or 1pm. I have a feeling our landlord found new tenants and didn't tell us.
  6. My alarm goes off at 10:30am, but I never make it to the double digits anymore, largely thanks to my cat and exhaustion (exhaustion makes me crash sooner than I would naturally, then my body's like "get up" at a time I would normally still be up...ie 4am). On the bright side, my schedule's more in tune with my girlfriend's. But I'm constantly yawning. And today I was woken up because we were expecting people to look at our suite at 10am, but no one showed.
  7. Fell asleep before midnight, so now I'm wide awake at 4:30am. Everything is bullshit.
  8. Hmmmmmm, is that the Aphexian method? (Acutally as I recall someone bought him a pro account, so NM!) I will perhaps try that next time I'm soundclouding. Thanks for the suggestion.
  9. Soundcloud still doesn't allow artists to change their track order...? Really? Someone tell me there's a way and I'm just too stupid to figure it out. (I know making a playlist is an option, but I just want the tracks to appear in the intended order automatically when someone goes to the page. This seems to basic!)
  10. This one actually came to me in a dream last night: Unbreadable
  11. I can't believe I never opened this thread until now. So good. Forest Dump
  12. lols indeed. Well done man. I hope the momentum keeps up, booking gigs, social media, etc. Thanks man! It helps that the other half of this duo has all the business sense, charisma and connections that I lack.... not to mention a seemingly endless supply of energy and enthusiasm. I've really been missing this in past collaborations! Cheers! I'm sure I will be watmming til my dying day, or the abolishment of watmm, whichever comes first.
  13. Haha no no. This is like the antiEDM project, save for the fact that it will have an audience. I mean, that was a thing before EDM so it's cool.
  14. I debuted a new project with a new collaborator live last night for this Twin Peaks themed show, and it went over extremely well. Felt really good about the performance, played to a full house, people seemed to love it. After more than 5 years of struggling to get my band any following whatsoever, it's pretty nice to have another project get so much positive attention right out of the gate. We've already been accepted into a festival that pays a NICE chunk of money (like double anything I've ever made before performing music), we've got a mini-tour booked, and there seems to be a lot more on the horizon. Also, I'm finally taking Zephyr Nova to the stage next month, something that's long overdue. Vancouver watmmers, I'm coming for you.
  15. Amen. I only got 3 hours sleep a couple nights ago. I slept pretty well last night (maybe 6.5 hours), but it's not even noon and I'm feeling super drowsy. I hope I can zap my brain back into alertness for tonight, as I have a show to play at 11pm. And not just any show, but the live debut of a new project. Come on brain... be more responsive!!
  16. 5am. Can't sleep, despite being exhausted since well before midnight.
  17. I just contributed to two rolling lols back to back. lol
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