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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I want to trim my unruly beard but I cannot find my electric razor.
  2. slept for about 3 hours last night before lying awake conscious from dawn 'til noon. Tonight i slept for 3 hours and am lying awake at the crack of dawn yet again. Got a 10am ferry to catch this time. Also, my guts are gurgling like a motherfucker. Shiiiiiiiiit. Lastly, Macbook keyboards having no equivalent to the del key ("delete" is backspace) is annoying. Edits were easier on PC.
  3. I'm onto the horrible dry cough phase of my cold. Got a show in 5 days where I need to sing real smooth. Not sure how easily that's going to happen.
  4. I usually just pay someone to clean the place when I've moved out. Less effort and cheaper than your estate agent/landlord charging you because you forgot to hoover some skirtboards. Nah, my landlord was pretty cool, and I could tell he had lax standards (way lower than my girlfriends' when it comes to things being clean). So we're getting our damage deposit back, despite there being a lot of peeled paint and pulled up carpet courtesy of our cat...which he probably didn't notice. The rent on our room has gone up over $300/month for the next tenants lol My apologies for posting a FWS in the FWP thread. The reply required it, and that is my most recent FWP.
  5. Gotta deep clean the apartment and move everything outta here today. Gross.
  6. I've entered a fucked up congestion phase of my cold. I was blowing orange snot for 15 minutes straight. Orange snot. I didn't even know that was a thing.
  7. Played my first official live show as Zephyr Nova last night in Vancouver, and it kicked ass!
  8. This cold is kicking my ass. Not the weather, the sickness. Sore throats are the worst.
  9. I have more to do in the next 5 days than I can possibly get done.
  10. Anonymous vs Trump (again) http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/mar/15/anonymous-declares-total-war-on-donald-trump-again
  11. I woke up so early and barely got anything done. Included in the things I did get done is nothing I had hoped to get done.
  12. I keep waking up early, which is cool because I'm going to sleep at hours more conducive to that. But I always feel a little bit sick for about 3 hours until my body has adjusted. Never had this problem when I woke up at a more reasonable hour (10 or 11am).
  13. Day old coffee aftertaste is grossing my mouth out.
  14. I was about to have my shower, but then two ambulances pulled up outside my apartment, and medics entered my building with a stretcher. Now I'm waiting to see who the unfortunate tenant is. I really hope it isn't the nice elderly lady that always chats with me in the elevator.
  15. Thanks for the recommendation! I shall keep my eyes peeled.
  16. This is the first cup of coffee I've actually found to be delicious in... months. It's a goddamn miracle! I drink a lot of coffee, because I need the extra kick, and I get headaches if I go without it. But for a long time I haven't really enjoyed any of it the way I used to. But finally I've found a brand that's better than mediocre! Here I thought my taste buds had just become cantankerous old men.
  17. The above has been updated for current FWP... although technically it's 4:10 now. The wake-up itself was 3:30. I really need to just keep myself up until at least 2am to prevent this from happening.
  18. Yes! I have always thought of it as a palate cleanser, and a pretty satisfying one at that. Only track I could do without is that aisatsana one everyone's in love with. Like, Cmaj7 is great chord and all, but does it really need an entire track devoted to it? It also doesn't fit with the rest at all. Would've made more sense on CCAI. Palate cleanser? On a record? You posh cunts! Pffft, philistine...
  19. Yes! I have always thought of it as a palate cleanser, and a pretty satisfying one at that. Only track I could do without is that aisatsana one everyone's in love with. Like, Cmaj7 is great chord and all, but does it really need an entire track devoted to it? It also doesn't fit with the rest at all. Would've made more sense on CCAI.
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