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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Surely this has already been posted, in which case here it is again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=779fMc8ubOo
  2. It involves not doing something for an extended period of time, so provided you do one day get around to checking that thyroid, it's pretty much the same. At least in my sense it is. Driven by the lack of drive and all that.
  3. I have a procrastination problem that I think goes well beyond the norm.
  4. I tried! The page break occurred seconds before I got here with the image (damn you, StephenG! *shakes fist*). But at least it earned me an FWP to contribute.
  5. FWP: no one acknowledged page 606 of the FWP thread with one of these while it was still relevant:
  6. nice Yeah, those are all awesome problems to have. You're an in demand sound designer!
  7. It will be their second album to be titled AEnima.
  8. Agreed. Aenima's a really fascinating album from a production standpoint. There are a lot of very unconventional ideas in there that create a vibe that's totally unique, both for the time and ever since. Last year I listened to it for the first time in years, and was quite blown away. It was my favorite album when I was 15, and somehow it's even better when I'm 32... unimaginably good by the time I reach 46 & 2, I'm sure.
  9. It was a pretty flat sounding album. Might've been good if Adam Jones expanded his musical vocabulary a bit. Judging from the recent live clips I am not optimistic. APC reunion plz!
  10. Did they tell you that (RE gloominess) or is that just your take on how things went? (or are those two separate fwp lol) Oh two very much separate FWPs! I wouldn't be sharing song lyrics for a studio engineer job. Might introduce them to some of my music at some point if I did end up working there though. This is the go-to thread for things on your mind that are troubling you. No need to feel shame in it. It's human nature to vent. I probably spend too much time on the internet on account of having no social life IRL. Facebook doesn't really count as a social life, since most people ignore you... Cheers man. Yeah, this thread is actually my main venting place, though I try to keep it more on the stupid as opposed to the serious side. That perhaps accounts for my dark lyrics (gotta vent the dark side somewhere!). Oh yeah, one more FWP while I'm at it --gotta kick out my band's guitarist on account of him being to busy to commit to gigs, rehearsal, recording etc. It's a bummer because he's otherwise perfect for the part. Just has the right brain for it. I'm not sure I'll be able to find someone who is able to understand the music quite as well as he does. Also he's a cool guy, and he's the only one of us who currently owns a vehicle! Haha. Ah well, it has to happen, and I think he knows it too. It should be an easy breakup as far as the personal side of things go. But it's going to be hard if not impossible to find a worthy replacement. Boo. I've never had to fire someone before.
  11. All good ideas. The high end studio I emailed for prospective employment doesn't need me. The 6 songs i've written lyrics for recently are all good on their own, but together they amount to way too much gloominess. I need to write from some other perspectives, or add a more pointed element of dark humor. My HDMI cable glitches out the screen of my TV with green digital nastiness and blasts me with static when I plug it in/turns the TV on and off several times before finally settling on the contents my lap top is attempting to transfer upon it. The replacement cable I got is too short for my needs. I can't stop complaining to watmm.
  12. I bought a box of the blandest sausage rolls imaginable from Costco. So many sausage rolls. So bland.
  13. It's to emphasize the T in idioT so that it sounds like you're spitting in disgust when you say it aloud.
  14. It's okay, I'm sure the cat had done something else that warranted a yelling. Cats are always up to no good.
  15. I'm glad watmm has enjoyed my earthquake handyman. My hope is that the Big One will double as my chiropractor. Today's FWS is that I'm not hungover, and I can finally cross "limo ride" off the bucket list. (j/k I never had that item on my list.)
  16. I bought the Shure 440's headphones, a model down from what I've been using (840') as an extra pair of studio headphones. I thought they'd be quieter, or less comfortable, or something. But as far as I can tell they are fucking indistinguishable. Look the same, sound the same, feel the same, but are half the price. I'm pretty SHURE they just manufactured the same model twice and put a different number after it. FWP is that I could have bought this model in the first place, saved a bunch of money, and my mixes would have all turned out the exact same. Hindsight. What a thing.
  17. Apparently it was just 80km from my mom. Their friends all felt it, pictures crooked on the wall etc. She slept right through it. lol, and SHE slept through it. cray cray we need a bunch of small earthquakes to lessen the impact of the one (neo, jk) It was the first earthquake I've ever felt. it made my bones vibrate, whole room trembled. It even fixed the "burnt out" light in my bedroom... guess there was just a wire that needed jostling. I'm wondering if I should jump ship to somewhere else before the big one hits. We are right on a fault line after all.
  18. For the first time in my life I actually felt the tremor of an earthquake, and it turned on the light in my bedroom, which I thought had been burnt out for over a year (yes, I am that lazy). The FWS in there is that an earthquake fixed my light bulb, and now I have the option of light in my bedroom.
  19. Just checked my junk mail folder, and it is full of messages written in Chinese characters, with the occasional "bicycle" or "500ml" thrown in. Pretty sure this is a problem that should be mentioned here.
  20. I'm in the middle of a cello editing nightmare and I can't wake up.
  21. That first Nolan Batman movie really was awful, and it seemed the entire world went stupid over it. I couldn't stomach another of those, so I never saw the next one(s?).
  22. I was looking forward to some cheap subway sandwich goodness, but they were closed. Losers. So I went to fucking Bigwheel Burger, got the "ho ho ho special" and it was overpriced garbage of the lowest order. 12 goddamn dollars and they don't even give you fries or a drink. Their burgers are like Wendy's, but twice as messy and triple the price. Never again. (PS I would not have ordered it had the price been listed... originally I got garlic fries with it, would've brought the total price to $17!!! Fucking 0 class criminals running that establishment... NEVER AGAIN! *burns down a christmas tree*)
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